
The merchant leader's legs gave out, and he fell to his knees.

His gaze was blank, staring ahead in disbelief.

Before him, a massive crater had been cleaved into the ground by an overwhelming force. The scar extended several meters deep into the earth, forming a straight line that stretched a thousand meters into the forest. Everything within a radius of several dozen meters had been reduced to ashes by intense flames, leaving only charred, blackened remnants.

The sight was like a calamity sent by the gods.

This... this was not a power that humans should be able to control.

"My bad, seems like I used a bit too much force," Rod said, offering an apology that carried no sincerity.

His gaze shifted to the merchant leader, who still hadn't recovered from the shock.

"It's all over now, let's keep moving."

The merchant leader dumbly nodded, still dazed. He quickly ordered his men to bury the bodies of the fallen guards.

As Rod sat inside the carriage, he suddenly sensed someone approaching from outside. Lifting the curtain slightly, he saw the merchant leader walking toward him, accompanied by two women.

The two women looked strikingly similar. One was older, mature in appearance, while the other was younger, still somewhat shy and inexperienced.

Though neither could be called stunning, their round faces had a delicate, healthy glow. They wore finely made dresses, clearly of high quality, which set them apart from the malnourished, sallow-faced female slaves commonly seen in these parts.

Rod frowned as he quickly recognized their identities. Weren't these the merchant leader's wife and daughter?

What were they doing here?

"Brave warrior," the merchant leader began, rubbing his hands nervously, "you've worked hard on this journey. Let them help you relax."


Rod's face twisted into an odd expression.

Was this man seriously offering his wife and daughter to serve him?

It suddenly dawned on Rod that, in this world, people had an almost fanatical obsession with bloodlines and lineage. It bordered on a kind of madness.

Whether noble or commoner, everyone believed that powerful bloodlines and noble origins would result in exceptional offspring. This idea had been passed down through generations, becoming a deeply ingrained belief.

As a result, nobles typically only married within their own family circles or with other high-borns to preserve the purity and strength of their bloodlines.

Beyond the nobility, the only ones held in equal or even greater esteem were powerful warriors and mages. In fact, mages were often seen as even higher in status than ordinary nobles.

Mages, who could command elemental magic, had the power to level entire towns with a single gesture. Such immense power was almost divine in nature, making them highly sought after by the aristocracy.

Women who married mages would often bear children with enhanced intelligence and magical abilities, passing on their parents' talents. With proper training, these children could grow into powerful mages themselves, ensuring their family's glory for generations to come.

Rod's gaze became strange as he looked at the merchant leader.

If he wasn't mistaken, this man was likely interested in Rod's bloodline after witnessing the strength he had just displayed. He wanted to secure a powerful heir through his wife and daughter.

In the decadent world of high society, such things weren't uncommon.

In this world, many nobles and people of status maintained the custom of offering women to powerful guests. The goal was to leave behind a "seed," strengthening the family's lineage with superior blood.

Of course...


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