Chapter 24

She turned to see Elena in a very horrible condition. "Mum, are you okay?" she kept asking as she ran to her, trying to help her stand. Her mum was staggering as she got into the room, and all Lizzy could do was shout. It was the first time she saw her in that kind of condition.


As she called Mia and asked her to come over, describing the place to her and having assurance that she would be there very soon, she tried to carry her to the car, seeing her bleeding from her mouth and getting more scared. The funniest part of the whole saga was how the woman who said she was her mother saw her struggle but did not do anything about it.

"Please, help me!" she pleaded with her countless times when she was still in the room, but she never shook, she just stared into space, like she was not talking to her, and just then, she realized one thing: she had wasted her time listening to the wicked woman, and that was one of the times she called herself a fool.