Chapter 5: Arrival at Hogwarts

Chapter 5: Arrival at Hogwarts

Linaera and the Weasley twins stepped off the train, taking in the magnificent sight of Hogwarts. The towering castle loomed before them, bathed in the golden glow of lanterns. Its stone walls, adorned with creeping ivy, gave it an ancient and mysterious air. Towers spiraled into the sky, and the stained glass windows glittered with the soft light of the evening. It was breathtaking, even for someone like Linaera, who had grown up surrounded by castles. Hogwarts, however, had a kind of magic that resonated deeply within her.

"Blimey! That's Hogwarts for ya!" Fred exclaimed, nudging his brother. "Even better than I imagined!"

"Wait 'til we're inside!" George grinned. "Betcha it's a maze in there!"

Hagrid, the half-giant groundskeeper, greeted them with a booming voice, "First years! Over here! Boats waitin' for ya!" His large frame towered over the students, but his smile was kind. Linaera recognized him instantly, one of the many staff members she had made it a goal to know about. Hogwarts had always fascinated her, and every individual within its walls held significance.

As they boarded the boats, which would take them across the lake to the castle, Linaera sat quietly, observing. The calm waters reflected the night sky, and beneath the surface, she could feel the hum of magic, teeming with life. The depths were mysterious, but there was something more that caught her attention.

"A kraken that lost its way, far from home..." Linaera whispered to herself, sensing the powerful creature's presence. She made a mental note to explore the lake and speak to this kraken when the opportunity arose.

Fred and George's chatter pulled her from her thoughts. They were excitedly discussing the house-sorting ceremony, exaggerating every detail they had heard.

"Bet the hat sings a song first," Fred said.

"And then it eats someone," George added with a wicked grin, making the first-years around them shiver.

Linaera smiled slightly, amused by their antics. As their boat reached the shore, they were guided by Professor McGonagall, whose stern expression commanded silence as she addressed them.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," McGonagall began, her voice firm but welcoming. "In a few moments, you will be sorted into your houses. These houses will be like your family during your time here at Hogwarts. The four houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history, and your triumphs will earn points for your house, while any rule-breaking will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup."

The students hung on her every word as they approached the large doors leading into the Great Hall. When the doors opened, gasps echoed among the first-years, Linaera included.

The Great Hall was nothing short of extraordinary. Hundreds of floating candles lit the vast room, casting a warm glow over the long tables where students were seated. The enchanted ceiling above mirrored the night sky, sparkling with stars. As Linaera entered, the gazes of the professors at the high table lingered on her. Dumbledore, his eyes twinkling with curiosity, took special note of her arrival, while Professor Snape's gaze narrowed, assessing her quietly. Whispers rippled through the hall at the sight of Linaera, who carried herself with an aura of quiet nobility, unmistakably different.

One by one, students were called up to be sorted. Names echoed through the hall, followed by cheers as houses claimed new members. Fred and George were eventually called and predictably placed into Gryffindor, to the roaring applause of the table clad in red and gold.

Finally, it was Linaera's turn.

"Linaera Targaryen," McGonagall called.

The entire hall fell silent. Whispers spread like wildfire.

"Targaryen? Is she a pureblood?"

"Never heard of that family before."

The Sorting Hat was placed on Linaera's head, its voice murmuring in her mind. "Ah, a Targaryen… Interesting. You have the ambition, cunning, and a desire for power, which are core Slytherin traits. You are also skilled in politics and swordsmanship, definitely the ambition and leadership qualities prized in Slytherins. You have the willingness to take risks could align with Gryffindor's values of daring, nerve, and chivalry, but your intellectual curiosity and pursuit of excellence would align with the ravenclaw's values. Now where do I put you…?"

"I want to serve my family, my legacy," Linaera thought, not missing a beat. "I seek knowledge, but I also seek power—to do what is right."

The hat chuckled. "Indeed, a noble ambition. Well then, better be... SLYTHERIN!"

The Slytherin table erupted in applause, many of the students eyeing her with curiosity and admiration. Linaera gracefully made her way to the table, a small smile on her lips. As she sat, a few notable students introduced themselves, all eager to gain her favor.

"Marcus Flint," one of the older students said, extending his hand. "It's an honor to have you at our table, Targaryen."

Linaera nodded, acknowledging his gesture, and soon found herself surrounded by Slytherin students eager to talk to her. Though many of them didn't know much about the Targaryen family, her noble demeanor earned their respect instantly.

After the sorting, Dumbledore stood and gave his usual speech, filled with warmth and humor. "Welcome, students, to another year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our feast, I must remind you of a few rules—no magic in the corridors between classes, and the Forbidden Forest is, as the name suggests, forbidden. We also have a new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor this year, Professor Quirrell. Do make him feel welcome."

With that, the feast began, and the tables were soon filled with a grand array of food. Linaera was impressed by the variety and quality of the dishes, though she remained focused on making connections with her new housemates. The conversations were lively, and she quickly found herself surrounded by students eager to introduce themselves.

The night ended with the prefects leading the first-years to their dormitories. Linaera smirked as she caught the mischievous looks of the Weasley twins across the hall, no doubt plotting something for their first day.

The Slytherin common room was nestled in the dungeons, with its greenish glow casting shadows on the stone walls. Linaera settled into her room, which she shared with two other girls, Astoria and Daphne, who had quickly taken a liking to her. After unpacking her things, she wrote letters to her family, especially Dany and Jahaera, assuring them she was well. Using advanced magic that her parents taught her, she sent the letters to Dragonstone.

Satisfied, she changed into her nightclothes and, with the feeling of adventure in her heart, drifted off to sleep, ready to face whatever tomorrow would bring.