Chapter 4: The Dragon Takes Flight

Chapter 4: The Dragon Takes Flight

It was finally the day. Linaera stood at King's Cross Station, her heart heavy with the anticipation of leaving her family but also with the excitement of the unknown adventure ahead. As she looked around, her siblings crowded close, enchanted by the "Notice-Me-Not" spell Rhaenyra had cast on them to avoid drawing too much attention.

One Targaryen, with their striking silver hair and violet eyes, was enough to turn heads, but seven of them? That would cause absolute chaos. Linaera chuckled at the thought. They were all here: Rhaenyra and Laena with proud, loving expressions, Jacaerys and Jahaerys filled with energy, and then, of course, her two little sisters—Daenerys and Jahaera—who had refused to stay behind.

As they approached the infamous Platform 9 ¾, Jahaerys, always eager, was the first to volunteer to run through the barrier. He dashed forward, disappearing into the wall as his family followed closely behind.

Once on the platform, the Targaryens stood in a corner, watching the Hogwarts Express puffing smoke, waiting for the last of the students to board. The platform wasn't as crowded anymore, with most students already on the train, but the parents that were there couldn't help but glance at the striking Targaryen family, even if they didn't fully recognize them. Linaera turned to face her family, her gaze landing on Daenerys and Jahaera, who were desperately trying to keep their tears at bay. Jacaerys gave her a nod of acknowledgment, while Jahaerys, ever lively, grinned and waved.

Rhaenyra and Laena stood side by side, their eyes full of pride and love. Linaera took a deep breath, trying to steady herself.

"This is it, my sweet child," Laena said softly, stepping forward and cupping Linaera's face. "A new adventure awaits you. Keep yourself safe at all times, alright?"

Linaera nodded, her throat tight with emotion. "Yes, Mama. I will."

Rhaenyra's eyes softened, but her voice held a stern edge. "Don't hesitate to send a letter if any of your classmates are... less than respectful. If anyone behaves like a bully," she added with a touch of disdain, "I'll have a word with their parents."

Linaera couldn't help but laugh at her mother's protectiveness. "I'm sure I'll manage, Mother. But if the time comes, I'll let you know."

Rhaenyra kissed Linaera's cheek, followed by Laena, who did the same. With a heavy heart, Linaera moved toward her siblings, giving each of them a hug and a kiss. She lingered with Daenerys and Jahaera, both of whom clung to her.

"Be good, Dany," Linaera whispered, smoothing her youngest sister's hair. "I'll write to you often."

Daenerys nodded, her lip trembling as she tried to hold back her tears. "I don't want you to go."

"I know, but I'll be back before you know it," Linaera said, kissing her forehead.

Jahaera remained quiet, but the way she hugged Linaera spoke volumes. She squeezed her sister tightly, burying her face in Linaera's shoulder for a brief moment before stepping back.

With one last look at her family, Linaera boarded the Hogwarts Express. She waved to them from the window, their proud and loving faces slowly disappearing as the train began to pull away. A pang of homesickness hit her, but she quickly steeled herself. This was her time to forge her own path.


Once she found an empty compartment, Linaera settled in, letting the gentle hum of the train calm her nerves. She stared out the window, thinking back on the information she remembered about this time.

It was September 1st, 1989. The Weasley twins, Fred and George, were starting their first year at Hogwarts—two boys infamous for their pranks and mischief, as she recalled. Linaera's knowledge, both from her previous life and her Targaryen upbringing, filled her with a sense of preparedness, yet she still felt the weight of expectation. This was her moment to prove herself, not just as a witch but as a Targaryen—an heir to a legacy that had been hidden for too long.

She was deep in contemplation when the door to the compartment slid open. A pair of identical red-haired boys stood there, their mischievous grins instantly reminding her of Jahaerys.

"Mind if we join you?" one of them asked, his eyes bright with curiosity.

Linaera studied them for a moment before nodding. "Not at all."

"I'm Fred," the boy on the left said as they both plopped onto the seats opposite her.

"And I'm George," the other added.

"Weasley twins, at your service!" they said in unison, their grins widening.

Linaera chuckled softly. "Linaera Targaryen," she replied.

Both boys blinked in surprise at her last name. "Targaryen, huh?" George said, looking intrigued. "Never heard of that family before. But you—" he waved a hand at her—"you've got that noble aura about you."

Fred nodded. "Yeah, like some sort of royalty or something."

Linaera smiled, amused by their observations. "You could say that."

"Well, we like mysteries," Fred said, his eyes twinkling. "And you, Miss Targaryen, are quite the mystery."

The twins' lighthearted banter reminded Linaera so much of Jahaerys that she couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity with them. Instead of finding their energy overwhelming, she found it refreshing.

"You remind me of my little brother," Linaera said with a small smile. "Always full of energy and curiosity."

The twins beamed. "Well, then, we'll take that as a compliment!" George declared.

As the train started to move, the three continued chatting. Fred and George were fascinated by Linaera's clothes and her appearance, constantly making remarks about how she looked like she came from a different time—like a medieval queen or a warrior princess.

They asked countless questions about her family, but Linaera, well-versed in deflecting, gave only vague but acceptable replies. She maintained an air of mystery, much to their delight.

In turn, Linaera asked them about Hogwarts, and the twins eagerly filled her in on all the mischief they planned to cause, as well as stories about the professors and classes. Their excitement was contagious, and soon, Linaera found herself relaxing into the conversation, the nerves she had felt earlier slowly melting away.

As the Hogwarts Express raced toward its destination, Linaera couldn't help but smile. The journey had only just begun, and already, she was making connections. Just as she had planned.