VEIL (18 years ago)
Two Veilians converse in hushed tones as they stroll along the forest path. Suddenly, one of them halts, remaining silent and attentive, leaving his companion perplexed.
"Did you hear that?" he inquires, but the other is utterly baffled.
"Hear what? I didn't hear anything." he responds.
"It sounds like an infant wailing. Follow me, this way." The man turns left, tracing the cry of the child, while his friend trails behind. Upon reaching the spot, they find a male child lying in a basket, swaddled in a white blanket. The man who heard the baby's voice earlier gently lifts him from the basket, soothing the child until he quiets.
"Who could have abandoned the child here? Where is his mother?" The other asks rhetorically. "I detect no signs of movement around here. It appears the child was abandoned. Poor thing, I wonder what his name is."
"His name is Malik." The other responds, revealing a paper with the child's name inscribed on it.
"What do we do now? We can't leave him here, can we?" The man holding the baby asks with a hint of trepidation in his voice. His friend sighs and says, "You know what we must do. This child cannot remain in your custody. You know where we must take him."
Galban joins Night Howler and Malik, where they have been waiting for him.
"And what's in that bag?" Both Night Howler and Malik ask in unison.
"Oh, this?" Galban inquires, pointing to the bag, and the boys nod. "This is just a gift for the king. So, buckle up, boys, let's go give some people the $hit they deserve." And then Galban opens a portal, and they all leap through.