Chapter Four:Today’s Menu For Emiya Family

Ryuu realized that she might have been brought to a very extraordinary place. 

Reluctantly, she followed Syr to the dining area on the first floor. The place was quiet, with only Ryuu and the others present.

Shirou's request to cook was granted by Mama Mia, after a while, he and Mia emerged from the kitchen with steaming plates of foods in hand.

"Everyone, please have a taste. This is me repaying the favor for all the care I have received these past few days."

"Meat, meow! It's Anya's favorite meat!" 

The dish was a chicken and egg rice bowl, a simple yet flavorful meal made with various spices, tender boiled chicken, stir-fried eggs, and assorted vegetables—a homey dish that Shirou frequently prepared in his past life, second only to curry.

"This kid's cooking skill…" Mia, who had kept an eye on Shirou while he cook, was visibly stunned. She glanced at Ryuu, who was still in a daze. "Chop, chop, what are you waiting for, the food about to go cold."

Realizing she can't fight back, Ryuu unwillingly picked up her spoon, since Shirou had made a lot of food, Anya, Syr, and the others also got a share, with the catgirl eagerly waiting to dig in.

"Wow, this is delicious! Way better than Mama Mia's cooking, meow!" 

Ryuu heard the sound of fist clenching, ignoring it, she scooped up a small spoonful of rice and brought it to her mouth.

First, the savory taste of the chicken broth, combined with the softness of the eggs, filled her mouth with flavor. The fragrant rice melted in her mouth, and the sweetness of the vegetables followed, gently flowing across her taste buds. 

It was nothing like the hearty, oil-laden, and salty dwarven cuisine, which were more suited for laborers and adventurers after a long day, nor was it like the overly refined and bland elven dishes. This meal was delicate and comforting, with a balance flavor and nutrition. 

Like something a caring mother would cook at home.

"This dish brings warmth to those that consume it. It's very delicious." Even though Ryuu was usually quite  reserved, she couldn't help but compliment such great food.

Mia laughed and leisurely spoke.

"This is food made with care—whether it's gratitude or admiration, it's the boy's way of thanking you." She also added, "Being able to enjoy such a heartfelt and delicious meal is already more than enough reason to live on, isn't it?"

Ryuu fell silent, she suddenly realized what she meant to this boy.

Although she believed she had long since tainted her sense of justice and no longer deserved to speak of it, Shirou's presence reminded her that she could still do something right. 

At the very least, she managed to saved someone.

But from now on what is the right thing to do…..

Staying quiet, Ryuu picked up her spoon again and continued eating. Spoonful after spoonful, despite having a small mouth, she ate quickly, and in no time, her plate was empty.

"Hehe, you finished it all." 

"Thank you for the meal. It was delicious."

Ryuu felt conflicted, as she looked at Shirou, she found herself unconsciously wondering: could someone like her, become like Alise, someone who can save and guide others…..

"Now—that you're done eating," Mia interrupted her thoughts by speaking.

The mood in the room suddenly shifted, becoming tense.

Ryuu silently raised her guard.

"I'll cut to the chase, it's customary to pay if you eat at a restaurant, right?"

Ryuu's face stiffened as Mia's smile widened.

"That'll be five million valis in total, thank you for your patronage."

Shirou: "What?"

"That...that's outrageous!"  

The elven girl slammed the table and stood up. "Your price is straight up fraud!"

"This is a perfectly reasonable price," Mia replied calmly. "After all, the dish contains some very rare ingredients, like... uh, dragon meat, phoenix eggs, and fruits from the elven holy tree…five million valis is a cheap price too pay."

Shirou Emiya,"No, those were just some regular chicken meat, eggs, and potatoes.* But due to, Mia's threatening glare, he kept quiet.

"Well, judging by your reaction, it seems like you can't pay. In that case, there's no other options—you'll have to work here until you pay off your debt."  


Ryuu was momentarily too stunned to speak.

"That, that's just completely barbaric! No, this is clearly a scam! You're being deceptive and unreasonable!"  

If it had been just an hour ago, Ryuu might had responded with her fists, but now she couldn't, the dwarf standing in front of her was far too powerful. For the first time, the elven girl found herself completely overwhelmed with panic, with ears trembling in anger.

"This is the Labyrinth City. No matter where you are, in the dungeon or in the city, who knows what you might encounter."  

Mia's formidable pressure crash into Ryuu like a tsunami, crushing her resolve.

She hastily glanced at the others for help.

"In this tavern, we must all follow whatever Mama Mia says... sniff sniff~"  

Syr said with a pitiful look, the sly girl even covered her face with her hand and shed crocodile tears.

"Miss Ryuu, I will also be working here to pay off the debt."

Shirou, added trying to comfort her.

"Anya is asleep, meow. Anya don't know nothing, meow."Anya pretended to be oblivious as to what going on.

Mia, grinning like a villain, said, "As Syr say, I make the rules here. If I say something is white, even if it's black, everyone here must treat it as white."

Everyone present here understood that this whole show was merely a ploy. Both Syr and Mia knew that if Ryuu, a stubborn elf, was left unsupervised, she will just dig her own grave and die, similar to this time, when she nearly died.

They've orchestrated this skit trying to motivate her, and at the bare minimum, encourage her to keep on living.

However, at this moment, Ryuu hasn't realized that yet.

"All of you set me up!"

"Alright, it's settled then," Mia declared victoriously.

Thus, Ryuu was forced to work as a waitress at the "Hostess of Fertility".

"Thank you, Mama Mia."  

Syr and Anya dragged Ryuu off to try on her waitress uniform, leaving only Shirou and Mia in the dining area.

"We've been short-staffed for a while now, so I just took advantage of the opportunity," Mia chuckled. "When dealing with elves, especially stubborn one, you have to be uncompromising.""Besides... she's someone worth saving." Her tone softened as she remember old memories.

It was clear that Mia knew Ryuu's past, and wasn't bothered by the trouble of having a first class criminal working in her tavern might cause.

"What about you, kid? Do you want to be the tavern's head chef? Normally, I only hire women, but with your skills, I can make an exception." A mischievous smile appeared on her face. "So how about it kid, working together with a bunch of beautiful girls—doesn't that just sound so amazing?"

Shirou wasn't moved. His expression, tone, and gaze remained unfazed.

"I want to become an adventurer."

Mia turned around, crossing her stout arms in front of her chest. "Reason?"

"Why do you want to be an adventurer? 'Adventuring' is no laughing matter."

Mia's voice was calm as she continued, "Is it for money, fame, to become a hero, or simply the pursuit of strength?"

The boy took a deep breath and firmly replied with a determined expression , "I want to protect those dear to me, I don't want to be helpless when someone close to me is in danger, I don't want to feel like that ever again."


Ryuu Waitresses Outfit

Shirou determined expression