Chapter Five:Hephaestus Familia

Mia was a bit caught off guard by Shirou's answer.

"Ok, that's not a bad reason. So, which Familia are you planning on joining?"  

Familia—an organization centered around a god, whose member are adventurers and supporters who had receive the god's divine blessings. Orario is composed of many different Familias, engaging in all sort of different activities such as exploration, medic,and production.

"Uh, I'm not really familiar with any of them..." Shirou said a bit embarrassed.

"Seriously? Were you planning on becoming an adventurer without even knowing something so basic?" Mia said, sounding displeased. "Follow me."

She walked over to the counter and started rummaging through some junk. Soon, she pulled out a thick, slightly worn-out book—**Orario Familia Collection**.

Looking at the cover, Shirou realized that somehow, he had gained the ability to understand the language and words of this world.

"For starters, you can ignore any Familia that doesn't have a Level 4 adventurer. They're all basically trash and not worth wasting your time." 

Mia's casual remark immediately eliminated over ninety percent of the Familias as garbage, leaving only a few options remaining.

"The strongest Familia in Orario right now is the Freya Familia. How should I put it, I got some connection with them, so if you want I could help you get in."  

Mia open the book, revealing the first page, a Valkyrie emblem symbolizing the Freya Familia appeared.

Freya, the Norse goddess of beauty and love, her Familia stood on the top of Orario. They boasted several Level 5 and above adventurers, while also having the strongest adventurer in the city—the only Level 7, Ottar.

"However, I wouldn't recommend you join the Freya Familia." After contemplating for a long time, Mia came to this conclusion.

"Why?" Shirou asked, puzzled.

"You're not a good fit. The Freya Familia is filled with a bunch of lost and love-starved children's , but you—you're neither lost nor lacking in love." This was Mia's judgment.

"It's obvious you're a determined and serious person, not lacking in love, in fact, you're overflowing with love to the point of giving it away." Mia explained earnestly.

That way of putting it sounded a bit odd, it was almost as if she was describing a womanizer...

"That's why you wouldn't fit in with the Freya Familia. If you went there, the entire Familia might collapse." Mia concluded after giving it some deep thought. "At least, that's my opinion."  

"Huh? Is it really that dangerous?"

"No, I'm not talking about you collapsing, but the Freya Familia who would. Anyway, you're just not a good fit." Mia thought to herself, "Freya's standard for recruitment is based on the 'color of one's soul.' Thank god, her current interest is in 'purity,' and not on 'brilliance."

She turned to the next page, revealing the second emblem, that of a trickster.

**Loki Familia**, the second most powerful Familia in Orario, boasting three Level 6 adventurers and four Level 5. Their overall strength was second only to that of the Freya Familia, and they were even more active in dungeon exploration than the Freya Familia.

"If you want to become an adventurer, the Loki Familia is one of the best options. However..." Mia shrugged. "If you chose the Loki Familia, I won't be able to help you, but if you really are interested you can give it a shot.

Mia then went on to introduce various other Familias to Shirou.

The **Ishtar Familia** was immediately ruled out. Despite its formidable strength, it was the familia running the red-light district. If you didn't want to be squeezed dry, it would be wiser to stay away.  

Of course, Shirou had no interest in such a place, and if he showed any, he would most likely receive a harsh beating from Mia.

The **Ganesha Familia** had a total of  11 Level 5 adventurers, more than any other Familia, and their captain, Shakti Varma, was also one of the strongest Level 5 adventurer. Additionally, they have over a hundred Level 3 and Level 4 adventurer, they served as the vanguard against Evilus.  

In Orario, the Ganesha Familia act as the city's military police, being in charge of the city's security. Due to their close ties with the Guild, they were also responsible for maintaining order, defense, and patrols.

"The Ganesha Familia seems like a pretty good option. And then there's... the "Astraea Familia….," Shirou murmured to himself.

Astraea, the Goddess of Stars and Justice, for whatever reason, Shirou felt a particular interest in this Familia.

"That Familia is no longer around." Mia said in a remorseful voice. "They suffered an accident in the dungeon, and most of their members had perished. Their goddess had left Orario as well. This guidebook is from several years ago."

"I see..." Shirou Emiya quietly moved past the Astraea Familia, but he made a mental note of their crest—the wings of justice.

"Next up, is the Hephaestus Familia." Mia continued.

Their head goddess is Hephaestus, the Goddess of Fire, skilled in forging and craftsmanship. The Hephaestus Familia was a multi-faceted organization involved in production, commerce, and adventuring, primarily known for crafting weapons and armor. They were the largest producers and sellers of equipment in the city of Orario. Their captain was a Level 5 first class adventurer, the city's most skilled blacksmith, [Cyclops] Tsubaki Collbrande.

"I've decided, I want to join this Familia," Shirou said, making up his mind as soon as he learned about this Familia.

"Oh? Why's that?"

"I'm interested in the art of 'forging swords.'"

"I see, since you made up your mind, I'll write you a recommendation letter." Mia ask no further questions and gave him an envelope.

Shirou spoke in an apologetically manner "Sorry about it... even though I promised to help out here..."

"Don't worry about it. You can just pay me back once you start making some money. I can manage the tavern without a little kid's help." Mia said, patting his head. "If you ever get tired of adventuring, you can come back anytime. I can afford to feed one more mouth."


"No problem! Welcome to the Hephaestus Familia."

A red hair goddess, with an eye patch covering her right eye, dressed in a white shirt paired with black pants and black knee-high boots, took the recommendation letter from Shirou's hands, without even opening it, accepted him on the spot. 

She was breathtaking, her beauty unblemished despite her manly attire, which gave off a [leaderly] impression, almost like a [female boss]. Her red shirt and black pants, paired with gloves, gave her a striking yet refined look.

"Ahh? Is it really this easy? No test, nothing?" Shirou asked, surprised.

Hephaestus, the head of a top tier Familia that dominated close to half of Orario's equipment market, it was not only one of the wealthiest Familia in the city but also had incredible combat strength. Over ninety percent of people who sought to join her Familia were immediately turned away.

But Shirou, with just a recommendation letter, was not only granted an audience with the goddess but was also accepted into the Familia immediately.

"Of course! I trust in Mia's judgment, beside my Familia members love her cooking," Hephaestus shrugged casually.

A sizable chunk of Hephaestus Familia were Dwarves, Mia, who was also a dwarf, her large portion and high quality foods was especially beloved,by them.

"Besides." Hephaestus added, narrowing her left eye, "Even without Mia's recommendation, I would've taken you in. When I saw the look in your eyes, I have a feeling you'll become an outstanding blacksmith."

"My eyes?"

"They're filled with determination and unwavering resolve, eyes like these are very attractive." Hephaestus smiled. "And there's one more reason I want to take you in." She suddenly reached out and ruffled Shirou's hair.

"Both of us have red hair. What are the odds?" She said playfully. 

Shirou look at Hephaestus, who was ruffling his hair, even though her arcanum.(divine power)was sealed, just lookin at her made him realize the immense divine presence hidden behind her flawless appearance.—this was a being beyond human.

"First thing first, take off your shirt."

"Ok." Shirou removed his shirt, revealing his youthful body. He already learn that gods grant their blessing, Falna, to their Familia through their divine blood.

"Not bad." Hephaestus remarked, as she took out a small knife and cut her finger, dropping her divine blood onto Shirou's bare back.

A cold sensation spread over him as a glowing light emerged from his back, forming an emblem consisting of a pair of crossing hammer over an erupting volcano. Hieroglyphics, the language of the gods, floated behind his back, revealing his abilities for the first time.

Shirou Emiya


- Strength: i0  

- Endurance: i0  

- Dexterity: i0  

- Agility: i0  

- Magic: i0  

Development Ability


  - [Unlimited Blade Works]


- [Oath under the Snow]  

- [????? (Roadless Valhalla)]


Shirou Ultimate Noble Phantasm, able to charm three goddess at the same time.

Fate Kama

Fate Ishtar

Fate Astraea

Fate Ganesha

Fate Hephaestus

Danmachi Hephaestus