I was a bit surprise when Arguis smiled at me and felt a lot ashamed of myself for refusing to accept the orb he presented at first sight.

It was only after I took the orb from the colossal Domino that I understand what he was trying to tell me.

Even though I was not sure of his agenda but I knew the orb had something to do with the resurrection of dead soul back to the land of the living.

“Take it and eat it now. Lord Hadon would hate it if you are trapped here and he would be forced to have us torture you for eternity.” Arguis said and I felt frightened.

The boldness and pride that I had the very first time I started talking with Arguis fell apart instantly at his words which barely entered my ears. The orb I took from him felt warm in my hands but hotter in a way that I knew the red orb somewhat alive.

It was true that I was captivated by the orb which appeared to me like a red hot ball of round fire spinning inside as it produces that radiant heat. It struck me right there at that moment it was exactly the same red core that was part of the life source of the Dominos which I had learned from Graymor, an Elvanian mage and one of the few mages I revered and fear back in Elvania.

“If I swallow this orb…” I said and paused as I salivated, “Will it be worth bringing me back to life?” I asked Arguis tearfully the very moment I realized that I had a lot ridding on my shoulders to carry out my vengeance. At that moment, I did not care to know if Arguis and his Dominos was using me to get back at the Elvanians. All I cared about was exerting my revenge on Zenyou and accepting this orb was a sign of my commitment in joining hands with the Dominos. To me, it was a perfect chance of getting back at the traitor responsible for the deaths of my men.

“I guarantee that it would be worth sacrificing your superiority to become a human for you to get your revenge in return for the leading the final battle which will come at the appointed time.” Arguis replied and moved closer.

My hand shook as I brought the orb closer to my mouth and did not realize it until I had swallowed it whole. The red orb became part of my soul instantly as it dissolve to be part of my being though I was still merely the soul of my original body which had been burnt to pieces.

Arguis felt pleased that I had obeyed him and did is best to do the next thing of resurrecting me back to the land of the humans but he had to tell me something important first before he conjured my soul back into the lifeless corpse of dead human.

“It feels great that you have accepted our offer and that you have shown no hatred for our cause. Now, I send you back to the realm of the mortals called humans.” Arguis said.

“Humans?” I asked in perplexity watching him evoke the same dark spell he had done prior to transfer my soul to possess the dead corpse who already appeared lifeless to the two strangers that had first thought that the corpse was moving.

“Yes. It’s Lord Hadon’s idea not mine. He believes you can get to the seals faster if you search the mortal realms which was most likely the places the guardians of Ataxia hid them.” Arguis said.

“Alright but why did you have me swallow the orb?” I asked curiously wanting to know if there was significant with him giving the orb to eat earlier even though the orb only engulfed my entire soul after it touched my invisible mouth.

“Because that would help strengthen your energy for you to keep your memories with superhuman abilities but weak as a human. Soon enough you would know the reason why we will make you a seal chaser.” Arguis answered and conjured the last dark spell which was engulfed me completely before I could even ask him the last question. Arguis dark spell engulf me completely before I could make a move and the last time I looked at his hideous monstrous beastly face, I saw him smiling at me as the spell issued my soul back to the land of the living and into the dead corpse of someone whose face transfigured into the exact shape of my facial appearance as a creature from Elvania.

What appeared to the two strangers who saw the face of the dead corpse transformed into someone’s else face after a red mist overshadowed them completely especially Tomaru who was frightened beyond words.

Like Tomaru, Ashtaroth was bewildered but did little to hide her surprise after shaking the red colored mist away from her eyes which had taken them by surprise. They were awestruck when they saw my eyelids open but held back to figure out if I would get up from the ground. But they were disappointed when my giddy eyelids was too weak to open. My time with Arguis had felt like a heavy misty dream and the sound of his last words kept ringing in my ears like bells tingling every sensation inside my head. I could hear them arguing amongst themselves as soon as they lost interest in peering at my peculiar visage.

“Ayden, though this strange occurrence has made this dead man more handsome than before, I fear a desert demon has possess this corpse.” Ashtaroth said to Ayden.

“You’re quite right.” Ayden replied and squatted before me as I faintly looked at his figure squatting next to me.

“Should we kill it or let exorcize it?” Ashtaroth asked out of fear.

“Most likely, Yes but I want to know what Tomaru had to say.” Ayden answered.

“I don’t get you. Our task was to kill every member of the trade guild and a demon lying vulnerable is no exception.” Ashtaroth said boldly and frowned at Ayden.

“I get what you want to say but it is the rule that Tomaru had to decide who gets to exorcize a demon when we come across anyone and no one else.” Ayden said but Ashtaroth was adamant. The next I heard was her insulting Ayden’s loyalty to whoever Tomaru is to them and then it was darkness as my weak eyelids shut against me before drifting into a deep slumber. The dark spell Arguis had used to possess the dead corpse with my soul was far too strong for the human body to endure and it was thanks to the orb that I was able to maintain my soul within the human body which was by far too fragile to house my Elvanian energy that had been mixed with that of the Dominos.