The next minute I woke up in a dark room. I could hardly realize the time Ayden and Ashtaroth took me to their hideout in the outskirts of the only town in the desert nearby. I tried looking around but there was nothing to see except the sound of humans chattering between themselves.

Before long, it came to my awareness that I was lying down on flat platform which felt could the very moment I regain my sense of touch.

The little thing I could remember about my last meeting with Arguis was a vague memory of me being issued into a dead body in the mortal realm.

For the countless years I had spent learning about the realms especially the mortal realm in the capitol library of Elvania, they were known to be the weakest species having complicated emotional traits that possesses a kind of fragile flesh that could easily get torn to pieces by anything sharp to cut through it.

At that moment, I realize it was true. I felt the sinews of my entire body, likewise the ligaments on my joints connected differently compared to my Elvanian body which had already turned to dust and extremely frailish soft to touch.

The reflexes I felt was different and I could hardly adjust to the cool air brewed into the space around me though every was dark. I tried using my sharp Elvanian senses to detect where the wind was coming from but found it impossible to pinpoint the actual location.

My new senses were dull and limited compared to my old senses as an Elvanian. Though Elvanians like myself in the past had two legs just like the way mortals do, we could issue out a third limb if we want to and we could stand on our toes without difficulty when we walk thanks to a projected ligament behind each two legs which often made it easier for us to walk backwards without having to turn around.

Maybe that’s why it did not occur to me that my feet felt cold under the moment I stepped on the floor when I got out of the flat bed which turned out to be a raised platform carved out to be a bed made of flat wood and stood on the smooth floor beside it.

Lucky for me, Arguis made it possible for me to retain the memories of my former identity as an Elvanian warrior. Thanks to him, I was able to be aware of my identity but as for everything we had discussed in the realm of the Dominos as well as my revenge on my nemesis, was completely gone. I felt like a stranger with new body and a new mind under a peculiar kind of shelter which was too dark for my eyes to decipher. Elvanians could see through the darkness as bright as day but mortal beings like the human I had become were blind to the darkness and required something which was lacking in the room to see through.

To be stuck in weak body of a human was the last thing I had expected Arguis one of the colossal Domino would do under Lord Hadon’s orders. At first, it came to me that my mind about what I had experienced in the realm of the Dominos had vanished without a trace of getting it back. The encounter with Arguis had completely washed off from my mind to the point that I figured that my mind was as bleak as the darkness in the room.

I tried to move but I could hardly adjust to my right foot. As a result, I stumbled and fell down on my knees before I could even reach out to what seemed to me like the door. Momentarily, my ears started adjusting to voices outside the cell as I panted thrice to keep my soft wheezing firm in the dark room. Little did I know that outside the door, a group of ten armed bandits were waiting peacefully with their weapons sheathed and all kept on stand by in case they were attacked by nomadic desert tribes roaming around the area. I knelt a few meters away from the door panting softly to respire freely with the hot air and the armed men outside especially Ashtaroth who stood with back turned facing the door from the other side, were likewise barely away from been seen by the other strangers.

The first voice that I heard was peculiarly different in its accents and tone from the voices of Ayden and Ashtaroth, the two bandits who had sheltered me in the dark room when I was unconscious after rescuing me from the hot sun under the dry desert. What it said to whoever was listening the first time I heard the voice was something I could have forgotten since the time of rebirth in the world of mortal humans.

“You know clearly that I am in charge here whenever Tomaru’s not with us.” The male voice spoke to his listener.

“Yes, we all aware but the decision to deal with the possessed human rest on Tomaru alone.” The listener retorted and there was bit of loud murmuring arousing from others who apparently were watching the two speakers who were the ones I could pinpoint were only speaking in the midst of other humans.

“But Ayden, things will surely go wrong if the collector finds out there’s a man still alive once he comes to pay us our deaneries for our exploits and it’s better if we judge this quickly before he comes” A third speaker in the group addressed Ayden who apparently had been the second speaker who responded to the first.

“He won’t be finding out as long as anyone of us in this room tells him that we are holding a reincarnated demon hostage in a dark room.” Ayden replied and glared at those who were up against him. Surprisingly, Ashtaroth had gone silent when they started arguing and did little to come to Ayden’s defense despite being an accomplice in bringing a half dead body back to their bandit hideout which was surrounded by the massive desert.

“And you believe these lads would keep quiet?” the first antagonizing voice questioned in disbelief.

“They should if they ought to know what’s bestfor them.” Ayden said boldly.

“And what’ll that be?” the third speaker asked.

“Todu, waiting until Tomaru gets here to deal with the possessed demon is our best option at this point.”