Skye looked at the prince with wide eyes.

"You must be my roommate, welcome" the prince smiled at him, the fucking prince was infront of Skye and he just stood there with wide eyes,

"Uh...yeah..I'm Skye, Skye Davidson" he said as he extended his hand for a shake, Prince looked at the hand and he slowly shook it,

"I'm Prince, Prince Quimby" he said and Skye laughed a bit at his name,

"Prince Prince?" He said giggling, what a weird name.Prince smiled as he always got this reaction from people.

"I was going to buy food, what do you want?" Prince asked as he let Skye inside their room.

"Umm let me go with you, i want to buy something...personal" he said. Prince nodded as he waited for Skye to explore the room.

Skye took in his bedroom, it was larger than his one at home but he liked it, he placed his luggage and put his wallet and phone in his pocket. He returned to the living room where the prince was waiting for him patiently.

"Did i take so long, im sorry" he apologized, he feels like he was wasting the royal's time by making him to wait.

"Please, im here as a normal person no need to feel like I'll exile you" chuckled Prince as he stood up. Skye nodded as they both headed out. On the way to the parking lot Skye had asked Prince what he was doing here which he responded with wanting to experience a 'normal life'.

"Which course did you apply for" he asked Prince.

Prince paused, a course? He had to study and all that?

"Uh...philosophy" he lied, Skye looked at him, it was like he was looking at Prince's soul. "Okay okay, i forgot to apply for one" he confessed,

"I figured as much, lets head to the admin office first before they close" said Skye. Prince face palmed, how could he forget such a thing but in his defense he's been homeschooled all his life so...yeah.

They arrived at the admin office where a woman was sitting on her chair typing in her computer.

"How may i help you" she said without looking from the screen, rude.

"My friend here forgot his application forms so we were hoping to fill them here" said Skye. Prince smiled, Skye called him his friend, hopefully he meant that,

"The box there has the forms fill them out and hand them to me after" said the lady, still looking at the screen, double rude!

Skye filled up Prince's form since Prince didnt know which course he wanted to apply for, he applied for the same course as him. Public health.

After the whole course thing was solved, Skye and Prince headed to the parking lot to head to the grocery store.

"Shall we go in my car or yours?" Asked Prince. Skye laughed.

"I don't have a car silly" he said. Prince led them to his car and they got in.

"Buckle up buckaroo" he smiled at Skye.

Skye buckled up, in his mind he was wondering why on earth someone like Prince wanted to experience a 'normal life' but that was a conversation for another day. He sighed and the car suddenly sped of.


They arrived at the mall and Skye's knees were shaking, never had he experienced such a thing. Prince laughed at his roommate who was shooting glares at him.

"Come on, lead the way i don't know such places" said Prince grinning, Skye face palmed.

"Then how were you going to go food shopping when you didn't know the place" he asked. This Prince was like a toddler.

"I'on know, come on its getting late" he said. Skye sighed as he led them to the grocery store, they bought lots of food and toiletries.

"I'll be back" said Skye as he left Prince in the queue. Prince nodded as he watched Skye go to the toiletry aisle.

"Next!" Said the cash registerer.

Prince placed his items on the counter as the register scanned them, Skye returned minutes later with a white plastic.

"What did you buy?" Asked Prince.

"Oh uh...just some stuff" said skye as he tied up the plastic, he had used the self check out till to buy his items while Prince was in the queue.

"That'll be $457.64" said the registerer.

Prince handed her his card, it was a customized card with a picture of him...well it was a mini royal potrait. The register looked at the card then at Prince.

"Oh my gosh, its Prince Prince" she squealed, attracting the attention of people arround him, Skye face palmed again.

"Can he pay or not" he asked, the registerer swiped the card quickly and returned it to him.

"Have a nice day your majesty" she smiled, Prince nodded and headed outside the store.

"Well that was an experience huh" said Skye, his life will not ne peaceful anymore he figure out. They headed to the parking lot but it was swamped with paparazzi,

"How the hell did this happen" said prince. Skye elbowed him on his side,

"You were just in public buying food in a local store what did you think will happen, take this" said Skye as he handed him his cap, Prince put it on and he kept his head low, the paparazzi didn't know it was them as they waited for Prince to come out the mall.

"Is that him?" One of them asked as Skye and Prince passed them,

"Look its the prince!" Shouted Skye pointing at the wrong person, the paparazzi guys snapped the pictures of the random man while Skye and Prince ran to car.

"Remind me to wear a disguse next time" said Prince panting.

"Gladly" smiled Skye.