They arrived at their room in the evening as they had waited for the paparazzi to give up and leave the parking lot.

Skye opened the door and he laid on the couch.

"Is this how you deal with the paparazzi" he asked, feeling tired.

"Yeah, but you get used to it, sorry ey" said Prince as he put Syke's legs on his lap, Skye nodded.

Until he came to his senses, he was laying his legs on another man and that man was the prince.

"What're you doing?" He asked quietly.


"Why did you put my legs on your lap?"

"Oh i...i wanted to sit down"

"Well you could've said lets share"

"I....didn't want to bother you, im sorry"

Skye sighed as he placed his feet on the floor, what an awkward moment, he stood up to unpack the things they bought. He went into the kitchen and started sorting everything out, Prince picked up the tied up white plastic as he wondered what was inside, he was about to untie it when his phone rang. He groaned and picked it up.


"PRINCE EDWIN QUIMBY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" yelled his mother on the phone, they had seen the trending topic about Prince in the grocery store buying food they were baffled.

"I'm on vacation mother, didn't Edward tell you?"

"Oh....well be careful next time wear sunglasses or anything"

"I's the tour"

"Tiring, i can't wait to hand over the crown to our future queen I'm so tired"

"Hahahaha, hopefully the future queen will be found quickly"

"Of course she will, i trust you Prince, enjoy your vacation"

"Thank you, you too"

The call ended and he placed the phone on the table.

"Vacation huh" said a smirking Skye.

"Yes...well i lied"

"Oh my the Prince can lie?" said Skye as he faked gasped. Prince rolled his eyes and went to his room,

"I'm going to unpack, see you before dinner" he said and closed the door.

Skye sighed, guess he's the one making dinner, he pulled out his phone and he dialed his mother's number.

"Hey mom"

"Hey sweetie, guess what"

"You won the lottery?"

"No silly, i got a raise today, I'll be able to buy you a car"

"Really, that's great...about the car about a cheaper one"

"Skye...we agreed on this, you wanted the BMW X7 and you're getting it"

"'s mittens is she behaving?"

"She scratched me and broke my wine glass she's in your room sulking"

"Hahahaha, i found my room and my roommate, everything is so nice here"

"Well I'm glad, we paid too much money for that room"

"Anyways....i better go make dinner, enjoy your night"

"You too sweetie, bye, love you!!"

"Love you too mom"

He ended the call and placed his phone in his pocket and went to start dinner. Prince was inside his room, listening to the phone call, he smiled at the way Skye talked with his mother, he found something he had in common with his roommate, they both loved and respected their mothers.

After unpacking his clothes, the smell of delicious food filled up the room, he opened the door to find Skye placing a plate of rice with fried shrimp and a side of green salad on the table, he smiled.

"Wow this is nice" he said as he sat down.

"Thanks, tomorrow its your turn" said Skye as he smiled, there was no way he'll be cooking the entire university period, Prince's smiled dropped as he heard that,

"But i don't know how to cook" said Prince.

"You'll learn, you said i should treat you like a normal human being so there, tomorrow its your turn to cook, since i cooked today you'll do the dishes we'll keep alternating" said Skye as he placed shrimp in his mouth.

Prince sighed, he did tell Skye that but he never thought it involved chores oh well.

"Okay deal" he said in defeat, Skye smiled.

"Go on eat"


After dinner, Prince was in the kitchen doing the dishes, Skye came in with a glass he had just used, he placed the glass inside the sink and snickered.

"Who would've thought that the king will be here doing the dishes"

"I know right"

They both laughed, after the dishes were done, Skye was mopping the kitchen floors since Prince was splashing water everywhere. Prince came in to help,

"Watch where you're going its slippery" Skye warned, Prince nodded as he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, he was about to leave when he slipped and he used Skye as his balance, they both fell to the ground, Prince on the floor and Skye on top of him, their eyes wide because...

Their lips were connected.