The following morning, Skye woke up and headed to the bathroom for a shower, in there he thought about last night's incident. He had kissed Prince but what happened next baffled him the most.


Their lips were connected, Skye immediately stood up and apologized to Prince, he was about to leave to his room when Prince stopped him, he had grabbed him by the arm so that they could face each other.

"Don't apologize, i like it" said Prince. before he could process what Prince was saying, Prince crashed his lips into his, their kiss deepened immediately as Prince bit Skye's bottom lip making him gasp, Prince took advantage as he slipped his tongue inside Skye's mouth, Skye moaned as he felt Prince's hands on his butt, they disconnected their lips as they needed air,

"Goodnight" said Prince leaving a baffled Skye there.


Skye sighed, was the prince using him as experience of 'normal life'...but when he thinks of it, why did he kiss him back, does that mean he likes Prince? Or what? He was confused.

The bathroom door opened as Prince came inside to pee, Skye was still in the shower and he didnt not hear the door open.

Prince finished his business, he flushed and washed his hands when he heard Skye humming in the shower, he lost himself in his thoughts about last night, never had he thought that kissing another man would give him such pleasure, he admits that when they fell it took him by surprise but when he kissed Skye again he was just experimenting but when he left to his room, he wanted to return to Skye to kiss him again, the way Skye moaned just excited him.

"AHH WHAT THE FUCK!" yelled Skye as pulled the towel to his chest, Prince came back to reality as he watched Skye, he smirked.

"I was enjoying the view you know" he said, making Skye blush,

"Get out," said Skye as he pointed to the door, face red with embarrassment. Prince laughed as he went towards the door, he was about to close the door when Skye's towel dropped revealing his plump bubble butt, Prince quickly closed the door and went to his room, why did that arrouse him so much?!

Unaware that Prince saw him naked, Skye applied lotion to his body while he hummed, he opened the white plastic bag and he sighed, he pulled out sanitary pads and he placed them on his underwear, he quickly put them on and wrapped the towel around his waist. He opened the door and looked both ways before rushing to his room.

Prince was still thinking about Skye's butt when his phone rang, it was Edward.

"Hey bro"

"Hello, how are you"

"I'm not good man"

"Huh? What happened?"

"My roommate...i think I'm falling for him"


"I know right"

"Is he gay...are you gay?"

"I don't know if he is and i am not but last night, we fell and we kissed on accident but he apologized you see"

"Okay...then what?"

"Then i followed him and kissed him again, then this morning, his towel dropped and i got hard looking at his butt"


"Its not funny man, why did you call anyways?"

"Oh i wanted to wish you luck on your first day of class"

"Bleeh, thanks, talk later yeah? Bye"

He hung up the phone, grabbed a towel and went to the bathroom to shower.

After showering, he found Skye on his phone playing a game while sipping on coffee.

"Ready for class" he asked.

"Yeah, you?"

"Not really"

"Oh...thought you'd be excited to share a class with me" said Skye fake pouting, Prince hurriedly went to his room as he put clothes on, was Skye flirting with him?or was he misunderstanding.

He came out wearing a black turtleneck and a pair of black jeans and a pair of black sneakers. He sat next to Skye who was wearing an oversized sky blue sweater and a pair of blue jeans with sneakers.

"Skye...about last night" Prince said, Skye stopped what he was doing as he waited for Prince to say he was just using him as an experience.

"I know its weird but...i really want to do that again sometime" said Prince, he wanted to tell Skye he likes him but that will be weird because he had just known Skye for a day,

"Oh...i....okay" said Skye his face red as a tomato.

Prince smiled as he heard that, they grabbed their backpacks and headed outside their room, Prince locked the door when he heard someone talking with Skye. It was the man he bumped into yesterday when he was moving in, the man had that typical asshole face.

"I smelt the food last night i almost came in to ask for a plate" he said making Skye laugh, Prince felt his chest tighten, it was clear to him now, he likes Skye and he is being jealous, he approached the two of them and placed a hand on Skye's shoulder.

"Skye we're almost late for OUR class" he said. Skye looked at the time on his phone and Prince was right.

"SHIT! come on lets go" as he dragged Prince along with him, the man stood there speechless as he wondered about the look Prince just gave him, he sighed and went back to his room.

Arriving at class, Skye and Prince sat at the front row as they waited for the lecturer, Skye was shifting in his seat as the pad he was using felt foreign to him, he sighed in relief when the lecturer came in.

"Good morning first years, my name is Professor Garry and I'll be teaching you for the next semester, i see you're seated in pairs which is good because that person next to you is your partner for the semester" as he said that Prince smiled at Skye who immediately blushed.

After a 2hr lesson about first response teams, the class ended, Prince stood up as he waited for Skye to finish packing up his things, Skye stood up and they went to buy lunch.

They entered the hall where all eyes went to Prince, he was clearly recognized by all students in the school.

"You didnt wear a disguise you dummy" said Skye as he elbowed him, Prince sighed.

"Lets go to our room then" he offered, Skye nodded and they headed to their dorm building.

Prince had to take a phone call and Skye walked ahead of him, after his call he walked to catch up with Skye but his face paled as he saw the blood stain on Skye's jeans. He immediately ran up to Skye and scooped him bridal style.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" screamed Skye.

"'re bleeding are you okay, I'm taking you to the hospital"

Skye's face lost its color as he heard that, hospital? No..they'll keep on probing and examining him like an alien if they go there.

"NO!...t-take me to our room...please" his voice cracked at the end as tears welled up in his eyes, Prince nodded as he didnt know what to do, maybe it had happened before and Skye know how to handle it he thought.

They arrived at the room and Skye ran to the bathroom and locked the door. He quickly took of his clothes and turned on the shower water to boiling hot, he stepped in and hissed at the pain but he endured it, he scrubbed himself until his skin lost feeling, he stepped out and looked at the bloodstained undies and jeans, he sighed in defeat as he looked himself in the mirror,

"You're a freak, look at what you did" he scolded himself.