Few days later it was the weekend, Skye was excited to see Prince again, he had packed a backpack full of clothes and toiletries and now he was waiting for Prince to come and get him.

"Are you sure he's coming, he might be busy with you know....princey stuff" his friend Martha said, Martha was the girl who replaced Prince as his partner, they became friends on the third day of being partners,

"I'm sure he'll come, trust me" said Skye smiling, his excitement was over the roof as he waited for the red mustang to appear throught the parking lot gates,

An hour soon passed, then two, three, four, five hours passed and Skye was sitting there on a bench face covered with tears,

"Skye, let's just go" Martha said, she knew something like this would happen, no prince could settle for a commoner like Skye especially one who's to be king in a few months.

Skye nodded as he wiped his tears, he carried his backpack on his back and they went to his room, Skye has been living alone in the room, the dorm manager said they'll have a replacement in a month or so.

Skye was heartbroken, although he knew him and Prince having something would be impossible, he just kept up his hope, they arrived at their room and Martha made him some food,

"I hate him" said Skye, Martha sighed as she heard this, it was clear for her to see that Skye really cared for the Prince, however Skye had to face reality him and Prince were from different parts of the world, they just don't mix.

"Honey....he must've been busy" she tried to lift up his morale.

"Then he could've called, i sat there for hours smiling like an idiot Martha, he made a fool out of me" he spat, tears flowed down his cheeks as he remembered the way he was excited this morning, how could someone do that to him, he thought Prince cared about him but he was right at the end of the day....he was an experience nothing more.

"Give him time okay, I'm sure he'll come around" Martha said, Skye nodded eventhough he knew Martha was wrong, he sighed and picked a movie to watch, they watched movies all day.


"Pant size 32" the tailor as he measured his waist, currently Prince was taking measurements for his coronation attire, his mother had ambushed him since morning, he couldn't even have the chance to call Skye that he wouldn't be able to make it, he felt bad, Skye must've been waiting for him all day.

"Alright we're done you're majesty" the tailor told him, Prince sighed as he removed the measuring tapes and cloths from his waist.

He went to his room and picked up the phone, he dailed Syke's number.


"Skye, hey, listen i-"

The phone beeped as he listen to it, his heartbroke as he thought of Skye, he dialed again.

'The number you've dailed is not available at the moment please try again later'

He sighed as he placed the phone down, he blamed himself, he wants to hug Skye and tell him he was sorry but that can't be possible because of his royal duties, he vowed to make it up to Skye.

Edward entred his room, he saw his brother's gloomy mood,

"Are you okay?"

"Eddy, is it possible to fall for someone after a day" Prince asked, Edward was shocked, how is that even possible, he heard of love at first sight but this was ridiculous.

"I don't think so....but it can be possible, i mean look at uncle Harry and aunt Meghan"

"Yeah i guess you're right, i messed up though Edward"

"What did you do"

"I promised Skye that he'll be here today and i was busy the whole day, i broke the first promise i made to him, imagine"

Edward sighed, why was his brother so focused on this boy, he must be so special to have the Prince act like this.

"Okay I'll see what to do okay, stay here" he told his elder brother, he left his room and went to the gardens, he pulled out his phone aand dialed a number.

"Hey its me....listen i need you to do a favor for me"


Martha opened the door to her room it was Skye,

"Hey, what's up" she asked.

"Can i stay here for a bit, I'm lonely" said Skye. Martha nodded and opened the door for him, they sat on the couch.

Martha's roommate came out and sat next to them,

"Umm, Martha i didn't know you have a boyfriend" Del said teasingly.

"He's not my boyfriend, just a friend" Martha said her face getting red from embarrassment.

Skye snickered as he looked at Martha's roommate, she had blue hair and a nose ring, she was giving him goth vibes.

"I'm Skye, Martha's friend" he extened his hand, Del shook it.

"The name is Del, roommate" she smiled, to her Skye had that motherly smile, if he was a girl he'd have the boys whipped.

"Okay imma leave you guys, my boyfriend is coming in a few gonna get myself some dzick" she said as she stood up to leave, Skye giggled at her words.

"Urgh, such a ho" Martha teased her.

"You know it eooowww" she said shutting the room door close. Martha sighed and picked up the tv remote,

"What should we watch" she asked Skye.

"Ouu lets watch Tall girl i love that movie" Skye clapped his hands in excitement, Martha laughed at him and started the movie.

2hours passed and Skye had fallen asleep on Martha's couch, she sighed and covered him with a blanket.

She was about go to the kitchen when Skye's phone rang, she looked at the caller id and it was his mom, she picked it up incase it was an emergency.


"Skye sweetie, wait, who's this?"

"I'm Martha, Syke's friend"

"Are you sure, i thought he was gay"

"No no...I'm really his friend, he was watching a movie and fell asleep, the prince thing must've taken a toll on him"

"Oh okay wait...Prince thing? Who's Prince?"

"Ummm....i gotta go....bye"


Martha quickly hanged up the phone and ran to the kitchen, that's the last time she answers a person's phone without permission.