After spending the rest of his day at Martha's room, Skye had to return to his own room, he had to pack a bag since he was visiting his mother,

Arriving at his room he saw a bouquet of flowers at the door, yellow roses, he was wondering who they were from but he thought of the prince and he smiled, he picked them up and read the note attached.

'Sorry i couldn't make it, you have every right to be mad but you're still special to me, hope this can make it up to you'

He smiled as he smelt them, he opened the door and put the flowers in a vase and sat down starring at them, he thought Prince had used him but now he's glad he gave him his virginity, eventhough its been days they've known each other, Skye can't help but slowly fall in love with the royal prince.


Edward watched as Skye picked up the flowers and smiling, the boy was truly beautiful, he had girlish features about him, if he were a girl, his hips would be considered good for child bearing, Satisfied with the outcome he went back to the parking lot where his bodyguards were waiting for him by the royal car,he got in and they drove off.

Arriving at the palace, Edward noticed Prince being all quiet, which was not normal, he smiled as he thought of the short boy that had the Prince's heart. He walked up to his brother.

"I saw him, Skye i mean"

Hearing Skye's name, Prince's attention snapped to his brother who was smiling.

"How? When?why?" He asked, he was hoping that his brother would give him some good news about Skye.

"I sent him flowers with a note from you, he was totally smitten" said Edward as he sat down on the couch, the maid came with orange juice and left them there.

"Really? Was he happy to get them?"

"Duh he's falling, really fast, i cant believe you have fallen for someone just after a day of knowing them" Edward chuckled it was quite unbelievable.

"Shut up, i just hope i get to meet him soon"

"We'll make a plan"

"A plan for what?" They both turned their heads to the voice that interrupted their conversation, it was their father, Luke.

Luke sat down as he watched his sons, one was to be king and one was a spare heir, if it were up to him he'd hand the crown to the youngest but since its tradition he couldn't.

"Oh know a plan for the coronation seating arrangements" Edward said, luke sighed, Edward was not a great liar.

"Stop lying and tell me, Prince? What plan?"

"Uh....what he said"

"Are you going to tell me or not?"

"Not" they both replied, Luke sighed, he's too tired for all this bull.

"Whatever, listen, Prince you have to choose a queen and since you're so reluctant i made a decision for you" he informed him.


"There will be a gala hosted in the palace, all single females AND males since you swing both ways now will be here, they are from upper echelon families and when the gala has ended you'll have to announce who interested you, after that, those that caught your eye will remain here in the palace for training, you'll get to know them by going on dates and stuff"

"So technically you're saying, we'll be copying the show the bachelor?" Asked Edward. Luke nodded.

Prince sat there thinking, if he could invite Skye to the gala then he'll choose him at the end, sounds like a plan, he smiled as he looked at his father.

"Lets do it"


The following morning, Skye was waiting for his uber at the school parking lot, today he was going to spend the day at home with his mother, hopefully his brother's would be there too.

The uber had arrived and Skye was watching the passing cars as he listened to his music, his phone rang, it was an unknown number, he hesitantly answered.


"Hello? Skye?"


"This is Edward, umm I'm Prince's brother"


"I was wondering if you could stop by the palace today, i can send a car to pick you up"

"I wish i could but i have plans with my mother today, you can send a car to our address though"

"Really? Sounds great, this is my number, send the address to this number"

"Alright, no problem"

"Thanks, good day"

He hanged up the phone and he smiled, Prince wanted him at the palace, the car stopped at the given address and Skye got out and headed to the door, his home was a modern home, three room, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen, a basement, a living room and a garage. The door opened and there stood his brother Benedict. He smiled when he saw Skye.

"Broo, whats up, come in come in" said Benedict as he took Skye's backpack. Benedict was the middle child, he was a little taller than Skye and a little chubbier, he had dyed his hair blue making his green eyes pop.

"Benny, where is mom" he asked as he looked around.

"Oh, mom went to buy some icecream" Benedict said as he sat on the couch, Skye sat next to him as he cuddled up to his brother, they always did this when one was far from each other for some time, their mother always called them wolves since they acted like they were scent marking each other.

The door opened and Sarah came in with plastics full with food.

"Hey mom"

"Skye honey, miss us already" Sarah smiled as she hugged Skye.

"Something like that" said Skye as he helped her with the plastics, they went to the kitchen to catch up.

"So a little birdy told me that you were with a guy named Prince?" Sarah began as she packed the spices.

"Oh, imma kill Martha, yeah i guess you could say that" he said.

"Oh when can we meet him" she asked in hope, this would be the first time Skye brought someone to meet her.

"Mom...there's something you should know about Prince" Skye said nervously.

"Oh ghad does he have an std"

"What no ew, mom, Prince is a prince"

Sarah laughed when she heard that, but when he saw her son's serious face her laughter turned to a gasp.

"Skye...Prince as in...Prince the Prince?" She asked quietly, Skye nodded.

"Oh my ghad"

"What happened" asked Benedict as he came in the kitchen.

"Skye here is dating the prince" said Sarah with excitement and disbelief, Benedict starred at his brother with wide eyes.

"You're gay?"

Sarah and Skye face palmed.