After telling his family about how he met the prince excluding the sex part, Sarah was shocked, how could they fall each other just like that, it was ridiculous!

"Oh and his brother is coming over" making Sarah and Benedict's eyes widen more.

"Skye...are you sure though, if you guys get married, you wouldn't get to be a nurse like you planned and you'll have paparazzi following around, is that the life you want" Benedict asked, hearing his brother talk about this prince was making him aware that his little brother was growing up right before his eyes.

"I know...i just want to give this a try and if it doesn't work out then...it'll be a lesson learned" he replied, he was telling the truth though.

"We just want you to be careful, if they dont treat you right, call me and I'll tear that palace up" Sarah said threateningly, skye and Benedict snickered as they heard their mother's words.

After dinner, Skye waited for Edward to arrive as he sat with Benedict watching tv,

"Skye, do you love him?" Benedict asked.

"I...it's too soon to tell but i like him though, i tried telling him the other day but he had to go somewhere" sighed Skye.

"Please be careful, you've seen how the royals handle their matters, i dont even think there's a gay royal couple and if there is why are they silent" he said, hearing this, Skye's morale went down the drain, he couldn't help but wonder if the royal family would accept him, would he be made fun of when he got there? Would he even be acknowledged?

His thoughts were interrupted as he heard the door bell, Benedict nodded at Skye,

Skye opened the door and there stood a boy and a man, the boy looked like he was in his late teens, he had brown curly hair, brown eyes and was wearing what looked like a soldier's uniform but it was more fancy, clearly a royal, the man standing behind him was wearing all black, clearly a bodyguard.

"Hello, you must be Skye" Edward said as he extened his hand, Skye shook it and he smiled.

"Please come in" Edward nodded at his bodyguard, a signal for him to remain outside.

They entered the house and Skye pointed to a one person sofa, Edward smiled as he looked all over the room and sat down.

"Is that him? He looks a bit young Skye" Benedict whispered to him, Skye elbowed his brother,

"That's his brother, i think, he said he wanted to talk" Benedict nodded as he watched the prince take in the room. Sarah came downstairs and sat down next to Skye.

"Hello" she smiled, Edward stood up and extended a hand to Sarah.

"Hello miss, my name is Edward I'm Prince's younger brother" Sarah nodded as they shook hands, the boy was clearly nervous.

"So...Edward, what brings you here" Skye asked.

"Well...Prince has been devastated since he couldn't come to get you, he sent me to give you flowers but you weren't at your room so i left them at the door" said Edward. Skye nodded in understanding.

"Today i come here bearing news, the king had decided that Prince would host a gala for his potential betrothed and my brother sent me to come get you"

"Wait hold up Royal boy...you want to tell us that, your brother wants Skye there? Why?" Benedict asked

"You see....Prince likes your brother and so he wants to choose him as a potential queen candidate"

"What about Syke's education? He just started university" Sarah asked.

"They palace will take care of that, so Skye...will i be coming to get you in the next three days or will i have to tell my brother that he'll have to find someone new"

Skye sat there thinking, if he agreed, he would spend time with Prince and possibly build a relationship but on the other hand, if it doesn't work out, he'll have to face a life without the prince and he'll go back to school as the defeated and humiliated queen wanna be, there were to much disadvantages than advantages, he frowned as he the answer hit him in the face, he looked at Edward.

"I've made a decision..."


The king and queen were in their room as they laid in bed.

"Prince will sneak in that boy trust me" Star said to her husband.

"I know, i just hope he makes a decision based on whats right for the kingdom than following his heart, what if the boy is going to wreck the kingdom" luke sighed. His son had to fall for a commoner who happened to be a man.

"Thats what the training is for, I'm sure once we meet him, we'll get a good look at his character if we dont like it then the boy packs up and go" "Sounds like a plan to me" luke smiled as he kissed his wife goodnight.

Star switched off the light on her side of the nightstand and they drifted off to sleep.