Chapter 4

When the door opened, it started me awake. I quickly sat up but immediately felt dizzy. I sat down on the couch and put my hands on my head.

"Are you okay?" Mr. Sarmiento asked upon seeing what happened.

I nodded, trying to get up again. The dizziness eased, and my drowsiness lessened, although hunger remained. I discreetly glanced at the paper bag on his desk, but he caught me. Retrieving what I was eyeing, he placed it in front of me.

"I didn't wake you up for lunch. Eat that so you can go home," Mr. Sarmiento said seriously before walking back to his desk.

"Thank you..."

I quietly ate the sandwich he provided, along with the orange juice he laid out. While eating, I couldn't help but look around his office. I only noticed the paintings inside now. I didn't see them yesterday.

"You like paintings?"

Sir Cace paused momentarily from his task. "I love arts."

"Do you enjoy drawing, Sir?"

"Yes," he responded, as if wanting to end the conversation.

I didn't say anything more. Maybe he didn't really want me here. Perhaps he felt sorry for what he heard earlier.

"How about you? Do you like arts?"

I looked up at Mr. Sarmiento assumes that he's looking at me, but he was preoccupied with his work. Occasionally, he would glance at my side.


"Uh, yes Sir. I also like arts. My dad loves to paint. He taught me, so I have some skill."


After finishing my meal, I quickly stood up. "Uh, Sir, I'll go ahead."

Mr. Sarmiento turned to me quickly. Nervously, I hastily folded the blanket he lent me and neatly placed it on the couch.

I didn't wait for his response. I immediately walked towards the door, hoping to catch up with the class. As I opened the door, the cool night breeze greeted me. It was dark outside, with only the lights on every post illuminating the area.

"It's night time?" I exclaimed loudly, facing my professor. I was in big trouble; I might lose my job.

"It's already eight in the evening. Just ride with me on my way home," Sir Cace said casually.

"I'll lose my job!" I cried, feeling overwhelmed. I couldn't afford to lose my job. I needed the money for my college studies and for upcoming graduation expenses.

"We can still go there and talk to your manager. Maybe they can give you a second chance. I'll help you explain."

I bit my lower lip. "Why didn't you wake me up? I'm dead if Aunt Sabel finds out about this."

I noticed Mr. Sarmiento clenching his jaw. "I'll take you home."

"But, Sir..." I hesitated as he looked at me. "'re my teacher. People might think something if they find out I slept here in your office and you're driving me home."


"So?" I raised an eyebrow, mirroring his tone. "You want me to get expelled? Do you also want to lose your license?"

"You're overreacting, Dalha," he said seriously before pulling me out of his office.

I knew there were no more people in the whole school except for us and the guards. I was still afraid someone might see us. It would surely spread throughout the school. So, I chose to walk slowly and made sure there was enough distance between Sir Cace and me.

"You're creeping me out, Dalha. Stop being paranoid. No one will see us. Besides, we're not doing anything wrong."

"But, Sir, you could have woken me up earlier to go home by myself. Not now, in the middle of the night, and we're together. What about your reputation?"

I couldn't stop myself from biting my lower lip again. That's how I am when I'm nervous or scared.

We were near the gate when Mr. Sarmiento stopped walking. I also halted, keeping a distance of about three steps from him.

"Sir Cace, you're still here. It's getting late..." I heard the guard at the gate say.

"I just finished some paperwork, June."

I was grateful that it was somewhat dark in my area. Otherwise, the guard might have seen me.

"Ricky's looking for you. I saw him earlier. He might be at gate 3 now." Mr. Sarmiento gestured for me to come closer to him. If June followed him, he would surely pass by where I was standing.

"Oh, right. We'll check the third floor of the college department. The ceiling apparently fell while he was doing rounds," June replied before heading back to the guardhouse. I seized the opportunity. I quickly approached Mr. Sarmiento and hid behind him. I tightly held onto his clothes. It was quite dark in his spot, and he blocked me with his tall stature. It was impossible for June to notice me.

"Alright, Sir Cace, I'll go see Ricky," June said before running towards where Ricky was.

I wasn't sure if Ricky was really looking for him, but it seemed like we were given a chance to leave the school ground without being seen by anyone.

Once June was out of sight, I breathed a sigh of relief. I lowered my head and unconsciously leaned it against my professor's back. I took a deep breath, the familiar scent of him enveloping me. I moved away from Mr. Sarmiento as he cleared his throat.

"Let's go."

"I'll go home alone, Sir. I'm used to going home late at night anyway."

The darkness in our position intensified as I noticed the expression in Mr. Sarmiento's eyes. It seemed like he was annoyed with something I said.

"You're in grade twelve, eighteen years old, and a minor. Do you think I'd allow you to go home alone at night?"

"But, Sir—"

"Let's go," Mr. Sarmiento firmly insisted, and it made me irritated. What was his problem?

"Sir, please!"

"What's wrong, Dalha? I'm your teacher, behave yourself."

"That's the point, you're my teacher. That's why I don't want to be escorted by you." I replied irritably.

"What's wrong with me escorting you? I'm just worried. You're my student, I wouldn't want anything to happen to you on the road if I let you go home alone." Mr. Sarmiento said with a furrowed brow.

I blew out a gust of air in frustration and took large steps as I exited the gate. Mr. Sarmiento didn't seem to understand what I was trying to say.


"No, Sir, I'm going home by myself."

"Dalha Mae!"

"Will you please—."

"You're going home with me! I'll explain to your aunt."

"I don't want you to escort me!" I shouted in anger.


"At least let me graduate first! Someone might see us! I don't want to be expelled from school. This is all I have to reach my dreams. You're not like me, Sir! I come from a humble background! And I need to strive for myself to have a comfortable life!"

After my long rant, there was only one reaction from Sir Cace. He smiled. I don't know why, but I felt like someone was proud of me.

"Still, I want to take you home. Let's go, Dalha. You won't be able to achieve your dreams if you go home alone. Something might happen to you. And I don't want that."

I had no choice but to comply. My earlier outburst seemed useless. In the end, Mr. Sarmiento still escorted me home.

I furrowed my brow when I saw his car. It looked familiar. But maybe it was just a coincidence. He might not be the only one who owned that type of car.

"Are you feeling hungry?"

"I'm already full, Sir, thank you."

"Full from just a sandwich?" He raised an eyebrow.

I lazily nodded. I wanted to stay silent if possible. I didn't want to get closer to Mr. Sarmiento. Many things were bound to hit me if I took advantage of his kindness.

"I'll talk to your manager so you can still work." Mr. Sarmiento said before I got out of his car.

I nodded before thanking him again. I waited for him to leave before entering the house.