Chapter 5

I flinched as Aunt Sabel's palm struck my cheek. "So that's why you weren't at the convenience store, you were sprucing up!"

"A-Aunt, I—."

Another slap came from my cousin. "You have the nerve to flirt with Cace!"

I furrowed my brow upon hearing Melanie's words. I didn't know she knew him. But then, why would she slapped me? He's just being nice that's why he escorted me home.

I spent the night quietly crying in the small room beside the kitchen. I felt even more alone now without my parents. I wished they were here. I wished we were complete. I miss them so much.

The next day, I woke up early. Before five o'clock, I had already prepared breakfast. After cooking, I took a shower and got ready.

In a few moments, the people I lived with here at home were already having their breakfast, leaving nothing for me. If only I could leave this place, I would have done it already. But I couldn't. I needed to finish my studies first before I could achieve the comfortable life I was fighting for with Sir Cace last night.

I still pondered why he treated me that way. Last year, he was my teacher, but it was like nothing happened. The other day, everything seemed normal. Until he and Elliott showed up at my workplace. He clearly showed that he didn't like me being close to Elliott. Then yesterday, he changed again. He was too caring and considerate.

He's weird.

I entered school almost concealing my face from those I passed by. Not because I was afraid someone might have seen me with Sir Cace last night and recognize me. It was because of the cut on my cheek. It was caused by Aunt Sabel's strong slap. The ring she was wearing left a mark on my cheek. There was also a small cut on my lip. It still hurt as it hadn't dried yet. I just covered it with a band-aid to hide it. But I still felt embarrassed.

"Good morning, Dalha!" Georgia and Lois shouted at the same time when they saw me walk into the classroom.

"Morning..." I greeted shortly while keeping my head down.

"Why are you keeping your head down? Are you feeling sleepy again?" Lois asked, drawing the attention of our other classmates to us.

I couldn't stop Georgia and the others as they faced me. Surprise was evident on their faces as they noticed the band-aid on my cheek and the small cut on my lower lip.

I knew they wanted to ask, but they couldn't when Sir Cace entered. I quickly turned my face as he glanced at my seat. I busied myself, feigning interest in my notes, trying to hide the wounds I received.

"Sammy, Glen, please help me distribute the workbooks," Sir Cace called the President and Vice President of our class.

Again, I kept myself occupied with reading various things in my notes. I had a feeling that Sir Cace had my workbook. And I was right. He stopped in front of me and handed me my workbook.

"Thank you, Sir..." I whispered softly, keeping my head down.

"Are you feeling unwell, Miss Gregorio?" Sir Cace asked seriously.

I quickly shook my head while still looking down.

"Why have I noticed that you've been keeping your head down the entire class?"

"I was reading my notes, Sir," I reasoned.

The whole class suddenly fell silent. I still didn't lift my gaze because I could still see Sir Cace's black shoes in front of me.

"Miss Caliente, what's the problem with your friend?"

I heard Georgia and some of my classmates sharply inhale. I didn't hear anything from my friend, but it seemed like she signaled the answer to Sir Cace, as he suddenly held my chin without warning.

I saw a range of emotions in Sir Cace's eyes, but anger prevailed when he saw my face. He gazed at my face for a long time, focusing on my lips and cheek where the band-aid was.

My eyes widened as Sir Cace touched the area of my cheek where the band-aid was. Moments later, he slowly removed the band-aid. His lips tightened. Then, he pulled me out of the classroom.

I was shocked.

He dragged me until we reached his car. Without a word, he compelled me to sit in the passenger seat. I couldn't bring myself to ask. I felt Sir Cace's anger. Maybe he was just angry because I was his student.

I wasn't surprised when we arrived at our house. But I was fearful of what would happen next.


"I'm going to talk to your auntie. Don't you ever dare stop me, Dalha!"

I gulped as I watched Sir Cace enter the house.

I immediately followed. I didn't want him to face my aunt alone.

"I'm her teacher. I would like to know why Dalha has these wounds," Sir Cace said in a cold tone to my aunt, who was glaring at me.

"So you're her teacher, not her boyfriend. I saw you bringing Dalha here last night."

"I didn't want to hear that. Who did that to her?!" Sir Cace asked angrily.


"Why are you not answering me?" Sir Cace pressed Tiya Sabel. "Dalha, who did that to you?"

"Sir...that's enough, let's just go back to school. I'm okay." I whispered softly.

As much as I wanted to tell the truth, I couldn't. My education was at stake! Where would I end up if Aunt Sabel kicked me out?

"Dalha," Sir Cace warned.

"Sir, please..." I said, tears welling up, softening the expression on his face.

"I'll let this slide, Mrs. Gregorio. But if I find out this happens again, I'll file a case. Physical abuse, you slapped her not once, but twice!"

I felt reassured by Sir Cace's words. But I couldn't help but feel angry because his actions might prevent me from reaching college.

"Why do you have to interfere, Sir?!" I asked angrily, trying to hold back my tears. Why couldn't he understand me?

"I'm your teacher, Dalha, it's natural for me to intervene because you're my student!"

"Why can't you understand me, Sir?! My education is important to me!"

"You're overthinking again! I'm doing this because I'm—."

"That's not what I mean! I'm afraid Aunt Sabel will kick me out! If that happens, I'll have to use my savings for college!" I couldn't hold back my tears any longer.

"We're not the same. You can always have anything you want because you're wealthy! You won't have to worry about money. But I do! I need to work every night to support my education. I need to work for the comfortable life I want. Why can't you understand that?"

I didn't hear anything else from Sir Cace. I just cried inside his car.

"I'm sorry..." Sir Cace said softly after a few moments.

We only returned to school after I stopped crying. Upon arrival, I got out of his car without saying a word, quickly walking away. I didn't bother to thank him. I was upset about what happened.

"Dalha!" I heard a call from the college department I passed by.

It was Elliott. He was smiling at me. I gave him a slight smile back before focusing on walking.

I felt even more annoyed at the thought that there were still rumors circulating about me and Elliott. If they hadn't spread, I might not have caught Sir Cace's attention again.

"Dalha!" Lois called out with a big smile. "There's a camping trip next week. Join us."

"I don't have money—."

"Georgia and I will take care of it. Just come along with us because some college students will be there too!"

I couldn't help but grimace. I was sure Elliott and I would be the butt of their jokes again.