Chapter 6

"I'm leaving now," I bid farewell to Aunt Sabel.

She nodded in response before I finally exited the house. I didn't mention that I would be joining the camping trip. She would surely deplete my allowance. I had saved up for this, as it would be my first time joining a school camping trip.

I thought, was also a good idea to leave today. Tomorrow is a special day for me. It's my birthday, and I had no intention of sulking at home. I am sure Aunt Sabel had no plans to celebrate or at least cook something for me as a present.

It was five in the afternoon when I left the house. We were scheduled to depart at six. It was advised that we leave in the evening to start the activities early the next day. That's good for me as I can sleep at the bus, but I wish to sit in front and that they won't turn off the lights. I am claustrophobic.

Most of the students were already at school when I arrived. I hurriedly made my way to the bus that the senior high students would be riding.

"Dalha!" I was about to climb onto the bus when I heard my name being called out. I didn't want to turn around, but I had no choice as Elliott was already behind me. "Do you want to ride with me instead? It's cool in the car, and it's not crowded. You won't get bored," he offered with a smile.

I winced as I avoided eye contact. Before I could reply, my classmates who were peering out the bus windows interrupted. They had wide smiles plastered on their faces.

"Just agree, Dalha!"

"It's so romantic! This means Elliott really likes Dalha!"

"Well, Dalha is pretty! She's smart and hardworking. Who wouldn't like someone like her?" Georgia exclaimed loudly. It was clear she raised her voice to make sure Elliott heard.

I just wanted the ground to swallow me whole out of embarrassment. I could feel my cheeks burning. I was sure they were turning red.

"See, they all want you to go with me," Elliott said with a smile.

If I had a crush on him, I might have agreed earlier. But I don't, I don't like him. Those things weren't on my mind. I only wanted to focus on my studies.

"But Elliott—."

"C'mon, Dalha, I don't—."

"Is she your girlfriend, Elliott?" Sir Cace's cold voice interrupted. I can feel my body trembled as I heard his voice. I feel like there's something in it but I couldn't point it out.

"Not yet," Elliott casually replied.

I subtly observed the two in front of me. Elliott was wearing his expensive clothes, shoes, and his Rolex, while Sir Cace was dressed in simple black pants and a white t-shirt, paired with branded shoes that matched his shirt. His hair was neatly combed and styled with gel. He also had a black backpack on his back.

I quickly averted my gaze when I noticed Sir Cace looking at me. "I'll go ahead—."

"Dalha, you still haven't—."

"Are you courting Dalha?" A question that silenced everyone. Even the bus driver was waiting for Elliott's answer.

"Not yet, but I'm planning to—."

Elliott stopped speaking abruptly as Sir Cace lowered the bag he was carrying, creating a sound as it hit the bus stairs. "Then why are you asking her to go with you? Are you expecting her to say yes just because you like her? Elliott, you're not being a gentleman. Wait until she finally feels the same."

It was a firm whisper, but it didn't escape my hearing.

"Uh, sorry, Elliott," I interjected to defuse the tension between them. "My friends are here, and I want to be with them for the entire trip. Sorry about that."

Elliott let out a brief sigh before smiling. "Sure, no problem. See you later."

I hesitated to respond. But it seemed that Elliott wouldn't leave unless I answered. "Y-Yeah, sure."

I heard Sir Cace clear his throat. When I turned to him, he was just staring at the retreating figure of Elliott. His expression was dark when he turned his gaze towards me.

"Go and take your seat," he coolly instructed, earning a nod from me.

I immediately turned away. I was afraid he might say something again. His words to Elliott just proved that he really didn't want me for his brother. It didn't bother me, but it was wrong for him to humiliate Elliott like that. He politely asked me to go with him. So, I couldn't understand where Elliott was being ungentlemanly.

"Aren't you coming, Indigo?" I heard Sir Cace's question to our other teacher, Sir Indigo.

"Yeah, I have some things to attend in the office. Besides, I don't handle senior high students," Sir Indigo replied before leaving.

I finally boarded the bus. As I looked around, there were hardly any vacant seats left. I wanted to sit next to my two best friends, but they were seated together. Even the seats at the back were filled with belongings and other camping materials.

"Take your seat, Dalha," I almost jumped at the sound of Sir Cace's voice behind me. I'm about to turn to look at him but I noticed the bus starting to move.

"Uh, I don't know where—."

"Dalha, sit here! Let's sit together!" I flinched as I recognized the voice. Don't get me wrong, I love my classmates, but I was afraid to sit next to Mario. He once told me he liked me.

"No thank you, I can't handle crowded spaces," I made up an excuse about my fear of tight places. Mario was at the end, and the seat next to him was filled with camping gear.

"Yeah, Mario! Dalha doesn't like crowded spaces! Besides, you just want to take advantage!" Lois retorted sharply.

I bit my lower lip. If I didn't sit next to Mario, I wouldn't have a seat.

"Take a seat, Dalha," Sir Cace instructed as he handed me my bag.

"But Sir, there's no—."

"What is it, then?" Sir Cace asked, pointing to the empty seat in front.

"That's your seat, Sir Cace."

"I'm sharing it with you."

I hesitated for a moment. I glanced around, and all my classmates were avoiding my gaze. It seemed they didn't want to interact with me.

"Jimmy—." I stopped calling out to my male classmate when the bus suddenly lurched forward. I almost lost my balance, but I quickly grabbed onto the seat backrest and felt Sir Cace's hand on my waist, stabilizing me.

I quickly moved away and looked back at my classmates. It was irritating how they were all acting oblivious.

"Are you gonna sit here with me or are you going to stand for the whole journey?" Sir Cace asked irritably.

I had no choice as Sir Cace took my bag again and placed it in the overhead compartment. He gestured for me to sit down.

"You sit next to the window so you won't feel claustrophobic," I recalled him saying as he had me sit by the window.

Minutes later, we were traveling in silence. I awkwardly rested my back against the seat backrest. Occasionally, our elbows would accidentally bump into each other.

The wind was strong, blowing my hair, so I tried to close the window. Only the window on our side with Sir Cace was open. It was embarrassing because it seemed like the driver was planning to turn on the air conditioning.

"Shit," I muttered softly but intensely as I couldn't close the window.

"Let me..." I almost froze as I found myself trapped between Sir Cace's arms. My heart raced as his chest touched my back. I could feel his breath on my neck.


My eyes widened. "Sir?"

"I can't close the window unless you move over there," he said seriously, making me gasp.

My quick movement resulted in me swiftly standing up, accidentally hitting my head on Sir Cace's chin. This caused him to wince in pain.

When I glanced back at my classmates, I noticed some of them had leering expressions. Others seemed like they were about to laugh, but I shot them a look.

"I'm sorry, Sir," I winced as I apologized.

"Oh no, Dalha, you ruined Sir Cace's handsome face!" Lois teased me with a laugh.

I quickly looked at Sir Cace. His lower lip was red and there was blood on it. It seemed like he accidentally bit it when my head hit his chin.

I immediately grabbed my small bag. As I looked for tissues, Sir Cace closed the window and slowly sat down, prompting me to do the same.

After finding the tissues, I quickly turned to Sir Cace. He was staring at his hand that he had pressed against his bleeding lip.

"Sir..." I called out to him as I handed him the tissue.

"It's okay—."

"But, Sir..." I couldn't finish my sentence as he leaned closer to me. Thankfully, the lights in the bus suddenly went out. Otherwise, our colleagues might get the wrong idea!