I closed my eyes as I lay down on the couch in Sir Cace's office. I tried to sleep because I really felt lightheaded, possibly due to skipping breakfast.
I tossed and turned on the couch several times. I couldn't sleep as I kept thinking about the money Auntie took. It was a significant amount. I had worked overtime several times just to increase my income. Yet, it all ended up being for nothing. Someone else was now benefiting from the money I had worked hard for.
I let out a deep sigh of regret.
"So, what is your problem, babe?"
I jumped at the sound of Sir Cace's voice. He was standing and leaning against the doorframe of his office, staring at me intently, as if he didn't believe the words that would come out of my mouth unless they were true.
I sat properly on the couch, and Sir Cace sat beside me. He reached for my hand and gently squeezed it.
"Tell me your problem."