Chapter 6: A night out

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Avengers compound


Barry grunted in pain as he was thrown on his back painfully.

"Sorry." Steve said apologetically, offering a hand to help Barry up, which he accepted.

"Man, you don't things easy, do you?" Barry asked as Steve helped him to his feet and Steve smiled.

"Can't afford that. We take things easy, the enemy could possibly get the drop on us. And The Avengers have a lot of enemies." Steve said and Barry nodded in understanding.

"Still, don't you ever take a break or anything? I mean, this guy I know on my earth, he's the most stubborn, strict person I know, but even he took a break now and then." Barry argued and Steve paused, thinking.

"You know, you have a point," Steve said after several moments of thought, "why don't you, Sam, Rhodey, and Wanda take the night off. Go out on the town, see a movie. Just relax for a bit."

"What about you and Natasha?" Barry asked confused.

"A night on the town isn't really Nat's thing and I'm waiting for a call from Clint. But you guys go out, have some fun, you guys deserve it." Steve insisted.

Almost reluctantly, Barry nodded and walked out of the training room. He found his way into the living area and found Wanda, Sam, and Rhodey on the couch, laughing and joking. At least Sam and Rhodey were, Wanda wasn't speaking much. However, at least she was sitting with them. Progress, Barry decided.

"Hey," Barry called out and his fellow Avengers looked over at him, "Cap told us to take the night off, go out for a night on the town."

"Yes!" Rhodey cheered as he got to his feet. "About time, let's get out of this place for a night."

"Yeah, we've been cooped up in this compound for too long." Sam agreed.

"Wanda?" Barry said as he looked over at his friend.

"I have been...restless. A night on the town would perhaps help, yes?" Wanda said uncertainly and Barry smiled at his friend.

"So, either of you know any place we could to hang out at around here?" Barry joked as he looked over at Sam and Rhodey.



The foursome had decided to see a movie. It was some action thriller that Barry didn't recall seeing on his earth. It was alright, Barry decided, just not something he'd like to see again. Afterwards, they had gone to a restaurant Sam had found on the internet. As they ate dinner, they laughed as they shared stories.

"And the Cisco looks over and says 'whoops.'" Barry finished and Sam and Rhodey laughed out loud as Wanda smiled in amusement.

"This Cisco guy sounds great." Rhodey said and they all noticed the faraway look in Barry's eyes.

"You must miss him." Sam began, being able to relate.

"I miss all of them," Barry admitted, "But I have to believe that they would want me to move forward, so that's what I'm trying to do."

"Can I ask you a question?" Rhodey asked after a moment.

"Shoot." Barry said, taking a drink of wine.

"How is it you became so fast?" Rhodey asked and Barry nearly choked on his wine. "I'm sorry if I'm prying, you don't need to answer."

"No, it's fine," Barry said, swallowing and putting his glass down, "we're a team, we need to trust each other. It's's complicated. When I was mom was murdered."

"I'm sorry man." Sam said as Rhodey began to regret asking.

"It's okay, you guys didn't know," Barry said, looking over at Rhodey as Wanda took his hand in an attempt to show support, "I woke up in the middle of the night because I heard a noise. I ran downstairs, I saw her surrounded in a ball of lightning, I saw a man inside it. I tried to stop him, but I ended up ten blocks away. The police all thought I was covering for my dad, he went to prison for her murder. But I knew what I saw. It was only a few years ago that I found out what happened."

"And what did happen?" Rhodey asked, all three of Barry's teammates becoming enticed by the story.

"The man who killed my mother was Eobard Thawne. He was a speedster like me, a time traveler from the future who hated me. He traveled back to kill me, but my future self followed him, got me to safety so he couldn't kill me. But when that happened...Thawne killed my mom," Barry sighed, remembering the pain of seeing his mother's dead body as Wanda tightened her grip on his hand, trying to show her support, "but Thawne lost his speed, so he couldn't get back to his own time. The only way to do that was The Flash, but he had come to a time without The Flash. So he used a device to kill a man called Harrison Wells, take on his appearance and memories, assuming the identity of Dr. Wells. Thirteen years later, Thawne created something called the particle accelerator, the device that would give me my powers. He set it off, I was struck by a lightning bolt produced by it, and the rest is history I guess you could say."

"I'm sorry man, that must have been hard." Sam said sympathetically and Barry nodded.

"It was, but I like to think that it made me the man I am today. Now, I think that's enough sad stuff, wouldn't you say." Barry said, more than ready to change the subject.

"I am sorry for your loss...but I am glad to have known you." Wanda said softly.

It was at that point that Barry and Wanda realized they were still holding hands. They snatched them back, both blushing, something their companions noticed but decided not to comment on.

"I agree. I'm sorry you're trapped here, but I'm glad I met you," Sam said as he raised his glass, "to friendship."

"To friendship." Barry, Wanda, And Rhodey raised their glassed in turn.

They all clicked glasses and took a drink. As they set them down, Barry looked over Sam's shoulder and froze, his blood running cold.

In the corner was a figure that appeared like it was hologram, or a ghost. It was barely visible and transparent, easily see through. Incredibly, Barry seemed to be the only one who could see the figure. Cisco opened and closed his mouth, as though he were talking to Barry, but if he was saying anything, Barry couldn't hear him.


Startled, Barry looked back at his companions, who looked at him worriedly.

"Are you alright?" Wanda asked him, worry shining in her eyes.

"Eh," Barry looked back at Cisco, only to find him gone, "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Guess I'm just tired."

Avenger's compound

Same time

Steve was doing some exercises when his cell phone rang. Steve stopped, going over to the bench where he had put his phone and towel. Steve picked it up and saw the name flashing across the screen before quickly answering it.

"Status report." Steve said quickly.

"It's worse than we thought Cap. We may need to bring in the team. Clint told him grimly.


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