Chapter 7: New misssion

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Avengers Compound


"So, anyone know what this meeting is about?" Sam asked his teammates as he, Barry, Wanda, Rhodey, and Vision sat in the conference room.

"Nope." Rhodey said.

"No one said anything to me." Barry shrugged.

"I am unaware of the purpose of this meeting." Vision confirmed, to which Wanda nodded her agreement as well, seemingly unaware of Vision's eyes watching her.

But Barry noticed. And he didn't like it, not one bit. And it was not because he was jealous. Nope, not one bit jealous. Zero percent Jealousy over here. At all.

(A voice in the back of his head that sounded suspiciously like Cisco sang 'Denial's not just a river in Egypt!' Barry chose to ignore that voice.)

No, it was because the way Vision would constantly watch Wanda was creepy. I mean, Barry got that Vision was into her. He couldn't blame him, Wanda was great. But come on, the guy was almost stalking Wanda. Something the girl didn't need, given she was just starting to deal with Pietro being in a coma.

"Settle down kiddies." Natasha said as she and Steve walked in.

"We have a mission." Steve announced and everyone straightened up.

Steve walked over to a monitor and turned it on. The screen showed some security footage of some people working on some machinery.

"Stark Industries is working on a new product: A brace that will allow wounded Veterans with wounds that impair their movement in the limbs to move their arms and legs more better." Steve explained.

"And this is a bad thing?" Barry said, coming out more of a question than an answer.

"Tony heard rumors of a group of Mercenaries inside his organization," Natasha picked up where Steve left off, "when he looked into why, he realized what this brace could be used for."

"With the right modifications, rather than helping wounded Veterans, this brace could increase the strength of someone to well beyond that of an ordinary human." Steve said grimly as they all stared in horror at Steve and Natasha.

"With that kind of power in the wrong hands…" Rhodey trailed off but they all followed his train of thought.

"Why would mercenaries infiltrate Stark Industries to get this thing?" Barry asked, not being very familiar with this thing.

This had always been Oliver's area of expertise, whereas he stuck to Metas and science related villains.

"Mercenaries follow the money, they're hired hands. Someone hired them, most likely so they could get their hands on this, and then sell it on the black market. But to go to this length to get their hands on this thing…must be one hell of a client." Natasha mused.

"So what's the plan Cap?" Sam asked eager to know the battle plan.

"Well, we don't know when these mercenaries are going to make their move. Tony and his inner circle aren't sure who they trust anymore. So, Tony and I agreed to send one of us under deep cover inside Stark Industries to act as our eyes and ears on the inside." Steve explained.

"Okay, so who are we sending? I mean, Vision is obviously out. No offense man." Rhodey said as he looked over at Vision, who simply inclined his head.

"I was not offended, Colonel." Vision assured him calmly.

"Yeah, and you're out to, since people obviously know who you are," Sam noted and Rhodey nodded in agreement, "and Wanda's out to, since someone leaked who she is."

There were some grumbled around the table as Wanda looked down. Someone had leaked Wanda's identity to the press, as well as her involvement with Ultron, a few weeks after they had moved here into the Compound. Tony was working on finding out who with Clint doing his own digging. In the meantime, Tony and Steve were attempting to convince the public of the fact that Wanda and her brother had been manipulated due to their circumstances by Hydra.

However, all this had taken Wanda back to her place of self-loathing. Barry and Steve had tried to bring her out of it but had been met with limited success.

"Which leaves you two," Natasha said as she looked back and forth between Sam and Barry, "However, I think our best chance of success is if we send in the person least likely to be recognized.

Slowly, one by one, his teammates heads all turned to stare at Barry, who gave them an unimpressed look.

"On a scale of one to ten, how much am I going to hate this?" Barry complained and Natasha smirked.

"First, I am going to…prepare you for it." Natasha said, her eyes dancing and Barry suddenly had the mental image of her standing over him, laughing evilly as he cried for help.

"We're absolutely sure there's no way to get me home, right?" Barry complained and Sam and Steve chuckled.

"Relax Barry. We've got you covered." Steve assured him.

"It's her I'm worried about." Barry muttered as he eyed Natasha, who was looking at him like he was prey and she was a shark.


Another bonus chapter, enjoy!


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