Chapter 8: going undercover

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Avenger's Compound


Barry sped around his room, getting dressed for his undercover mission. However, he was currently struggling with the most difficult task. How is it that he could fight off Metahumans and homicidal robots, but a tie beat him, he wondered as he struggled to tie the offending piece of clothing.

"Are you alright?" Barry nearly jumped at the sound of Wanda's voice behind him.

"Wanda, don't scare me like that!" Barry said as he turned around to see her lingering in the door way. "I didn't hear you come in."

"The door was open," Wanda pointed out and Barry flushed as she took in his tie, "having difficulty?"

"Yeah, the fastest man alive, beaten by a tie." Barry cracked and Wanda smiled, amused.

"Allow me to help; I used to help my father and brother." Wanda said as she walked over and began to help Barry with his tie.

"Thanks." Barry flushed and felt his heart beat quicken once more, although he wasn't sure why.

He idly wondered if Wanda could hear how fast his heart was beating as she finished with his tie.

"All done." Wanda said softly as she finished and Barry noticed her face was flush as she lowered her hands to her side.

"Thanks." Barry said softly.

"Am I interrupting something?"

The two jumped apart like children who had caught doing something that would get them in trouble. Steve stood in the doorway, an amused smirk on his lips. He had a box that looked like it came from JC Penny's in one hand and a file in another.

"No, Wanda was just helping me with my tie." Barry said, looking down at his suit and tie.

He didn't look bad, he guessed. He was dressed in a suit jacket with a white shirt underneath, along with suit pants and shoes he were sure were worth more than he made back at CCPD in a month.

"Right," Steve said, looking back and forth between them, noticing the tension but decided not to comment on it, "Wanda, could I talk to Barry alone for a minute?"

Wanda nodded and silently left the room, leaving her leader and her friend alone.

"So, what's going on Steve?" Barry asked as Steve walked over to him, handing him the file.

"I wanna go over some last details of this mission with you," Steve explained as Barry nodded, opening the file, "your name is Sabastian Schmidt."

"I sound like a jerk." Barry interrupted and Steve smiled in amusement but kept going.

"You grew up in New York, raised by your mother; your father was never around. You went to college and graduated with highest honors before going into business. You're a scientist on the down low but you make due. Stark Industries has recruited you for your input on their latest project." Steve said as Barry read the file.

"Not bad," Barry said, a little unnerved at how similar it as to his actual life as he looked up, "but what's the box for?"

"It's a gift. From Tony and me." Steve said as he held the box out to Barry.

Frowning, Barry put the file down before taking the box. Barry opened it and reached inside, pulling what was inside out. However, he dropped it onto his bed, stepping back as he stared at it in fear.

"I told you I didn't want it!" Barry snapped as he stared at the now completed Flash suit he had seen in the hologram Tony had shown him. "I don't deserve it."

"Maybe not now, but you will," Steve put a hand on Barry's shoulder, "I get it, you don't feel like you deserve it. But the guy you described to me, the guy who created Flashpoint without any thought of the consequences? He would never have even stopped to ask the question of whether he deserved to be The Flash or not."

"Could you please just get it away from me?" Barry begged, not wanting to look at the suit for another second.

"Of course," Steve said as he began to put the suit back in the box, "but when you're ready, it's here. Happy, Tony's driver, will be here for you in about twenty minutes."

Barry nodded as Steve walked out with the box.

Twenty minutes later, Barry found himself outside, waiting with a briefcase as a rather impressive limonene rolled up. The driver's window rolled down to reveal a dark haired, slightly overweight Caucasian man.

"You must be Barry, I'm happy. Get in kid; we've got a long drive ahead of us." Happy ordered.

Stark Industries

Late morning

It had taken an hour and a half to get to Stark Industries. Barry could have gotten here in seconds, but that would've blown his cover. As Happy led him up to the CEO office, Barry looked around in amazement. He thought Star Labs and Queen Consolidated had been impressive, but they both paled in comparison to Stark Industries. Whoever the CEO was, they certainly knew how to run a company, Barry would give them that.

Happy led Barry inside where a woman with red hair tied back in a bun, piercing blue eyes, and light skin. She had glasses and wore a tan suit as she was at the computer, trying up something.

"Ms. Potts." Happy announced and the woman looked over.

"Happy, you're early," Ms. Potts said surprised before looking over at Barry, "and this must be our…new friend. If we could have a moment."

Happy nodded and walked out, leaving Barry alone with Ms. Pitts. Ms. Potts gestured to a seat in front of her desk, which Barry took.

"So, you're the infamous Barry Allen. Tony keeps tabs on your progress; he's very interested in a Superhero from another earth. Plus, he couldn't stop talking about your suit." Ms. Potts chuckled as she explained.

"You and Tony are close then?" Barry inquired.

"I'm his girlfriend. And you can call me Pepper," Pepper gave him a warm smile before they got down to business, "I want to thank you for your help."

"It's what I do, take risks to help people. What do we have?" Barry asked eager to get down to business.

"Well, aside from Happy, I'm not sure I trust anyone in the company," Pepper admitted, "I'm not sure how deep this goes, but my best guess is that you'll likely find the suspects in the applied Science Division. So 'Sabastian Schmidt' will be working there."

"Alright, when do I start?" Barry asked and Pepper smiled.

"Now. Allow me to show you to your office." Pepper said as she stood up.

Pepper led Barry down the hall and over to an elevator. They rode up two floors and opened up to a wall of white walls. The third door on the left opened to reveal his office. It was about the size of his lab back at CCPD, well, Julian's lab now, Barry guessed. It had a desk with a computer, a Mini fridge in the cone and what Barry guessed was a work bench with tools for inventing.

"I hope everything's to your liking." Pepper said as she turned to him.

"Its fine," Barry assured her, "Besides, I'll only be here until I figure out who the mole is."

"Again, I can't thank you enough and neither can Tony." Pepper said gratefully.

"It's nothing." Barry assured her.

"It's not nothing," Pepper said with earnestness that surprised Barry, "most people wouldn't risk their lives by walking into the lion's den like you are. You wouldn't be here if you weren't a hero. So thank you."

Pepper walked out, leaving Barry staring after her. Barry numbly walked over to his desk, putting his head in his hands as thoughts of Flashpoint, of Cisco and Caitlin's suffering flashed through his mind.

"I'm not a hero…I'm not a hero." Barry whispered to himself in the empty office.


Another bonus chapter, enjoy!


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