Chapter 14: Cindy's plan

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Avenger's compound, conference room

Late morning

As Barry walked into the conference room with Steve and Sam, he was tackled by a blur of red and brown.

"Wanda, can't breathe." Barry said, gasping against Wanda's tight hug.

"Sorry," Wanda said as she stepped back, "Are you alright?"

"Fine." Barry lied, hoping Sam would stay silent, which he thankfully did while shooting Barry a pointed look.

"You were in bad shape when we found you Allen." Natasha noted as they all took their seats.

"He was injected with The Red Death." Clint supplied helpfully, causing Barry to glare at him and Natasha to start.

"Thank you Clint." Barry said sarcastically.

"The Red Death?" Natasha said, staring at Barry in what could only be called horror.

"Um, care to fill us in?" Rhodey asked as he, Wanda, and Vision looked completely lost.

"The Red Death is an interrogation drug created by the KGB. It's designed to mentally torture the victim with hallucinations and flashbacks." Natasha said, her horror fading from her face as she schooled her features into her usually cool expression.

"The way they told it, it was created by Hydra." Barry announced to everyone's shock.

"Hydra had infiltrated Shield for years without detection. It is not unlikely that they may have infiltrated other organizations." Vision pointed out.

"You said you had Intel on what Cindy was planning." Steve brought them back to task.

"This whole stealing the project Tony has been working on, it's a front for their real goal. Cindy's plan is to raid a Stark Industries warehouse, housing all their old weapons from before Tony changed the company." Natasha explained.

"Wait, I thought Tony got rid of all his weapons when he changed the company." Barry said confused.

"He did, but his then business partner, Obadiah Stane, went behind his back and illegally continued to sell weapons." Rhodey explained.

"And he also set up on a warehouse to keep them all, cleared from the companies records. Only Stane knew where it was and with his death, it's been hidden for the last seven years. According to the Hydra agent we have here, Cindy infiltrated Stark Industries in order to look into where this weapons warehouse was." Natasha explained and the Avengers exchanged startled looks.

"Have they found it?" Steve inquired.

"According to him, they have. It's a Warehouse in Washington DC. It's a five hour flight from here to there, three and a half by Quinjet. They're probably already on their way." Natasha noted, a hint of unease entering her voice.

"They called Tony the Merchant of Death before he changed the company. If these weapons are the kind that gave him that moniker…" Rhodey trailed off but they all got the point.

"We don't have a moment to waste, gear up and we'll meet in the hanger bay in fifteen minutes." Steve ordered as he got to his feet.

"Steve, Natasha, could you hang back for a sec? I need to talk to you." Barry said as everyone moved to stand.

Steve and Natasha exchanged a glance before gesturing for everyone else to leave. Wanda shot Barry a confused look and he attempted to shoot her a reassuring smile but it probably came out more like a grimace. Nevertheless, Wanda left with the others, leaving Barry, Steve, and Natasha in the room.

"What's going on Barry?" Steve asked.

"I don't think I should go," Barry confessed, "I've been compromised, I'm seeing people that aren't there, and with what's at stake, I think I'd be a liability."

"The hallucinations should wear off after twenty four hours." Natasha said and Barry shrugged.

"My body reacts differently to things, it's because I'm a speedster. I think it's best for the mission if I stay here." Barry explained and Steve and Natasha exchanged a glance.

"You sure about this Barry?" Steve inquired and Barry nodded.

"I think it's the best for the mission." Barry repeated and, after a moment, Steve nodded.

"Okay, if you're sure about this, sit this one out." Steve finally agreed.

Quinjet, enroute to Washington


"You sure we should have left Barry behind? We could really use him on this one." Rhodey said as the Avengers sat in the high tech jet, Natasha in the pilot seat and Steve in co-pilot with the others in the seats behind them.

"It's what Barry wants." Steve said simply.

"And trust me; he's in no condition to be anywhere near a mission." Sam muttered, which got him curious looks.

"He's compromised because of The Red Death in his system. We'll see what we can do about that later, but for now, let's focus on the mission." Natasha ordered.

Avenger's compound

Same time

Barry found himself walking the compound. You'd think with a compound this size; there would be something to do. But for a speedster, reading and watching TV got boring fast. So he decided to head to the gym, perhaps train a little. Only to discover someone was already there.

Barry was in the doorway when he saw an arrow hit a bullseye perfectly. Barry was confused, Clint had gone with the others and, as far as he knew, no one else had access to this place except for Tony. And Tony was no archer, as far as he knew.

As he stepped inside, he saw the archer and his blood ran cold as he stared in shock.

"Oliver?" Barry breathed his mouth dry.

"Hey Barry." Oliver greeted coolly as he lowered his bow, beginning to make his way over to Barry.

"You-you're not here. You're just another hallucination from The Red Death." Barry said, feeling dismayed that he was having another one.

"Am I? Well, tell something Barry: Does this feel real?" Oliver asked before slugging Barry.

Barry stumbled back, crying out in pain as he clutched his face, eyes wide with shock.

"I-I felt that." Barry said stunned.

"Yeah you did. I'm as real as you are Barry." Oliver said.

"Maybe, but you're not Oliver. The real Oliver wouldn't punch me just to prove he was real." Barry said and Oliver smiled unpleasantly.

"Oh Barry, so smart, thinks he knows what's going on. But I want you to know something: If I knew what you would go on to become, what you would go on to do…I would've snapped your neck the moment I realized you knew my secret." Oliver snarled and Barry stepped away from him, walking further into the gym.

"You're not real, you're in my head." Barry tried to tell himself.

"Tell yourself that all you want, it won't change what is true. And the truth Barry is that you destroy the lives of everyone you touch." Oliver told him.

"Shut up, just shut up." Barry said, trying to block Oliver out.

"It's true though, you know it is. Look at your track record. Your mother was murdered by Thawne because he wanted to defeat you. And your father was killed by Zoom because he wanted to prove you were the same." Oliver reminded him cruelly.

"That wasn't my fault!" Barry lost him temper as he turned around to face Oliver.

"No, it wasn't," Oliver agreed, "But look at what you have done to everyone you care about. Eddie had everything going for him; Iris was going to be his wife, Joe his father in law. But in order to save your life, he had to kill himself because you just couldn't keep Thawne in his cell. You had to go back and see your mom and you didn't even do anything! Eddie died for nothing! And your actions caused Ronnie's death as well! And let's not forget everything that's happened because of Flashpoint. John lost a daughter; you wiped an entire person out of existence! Cisco's brother is dead, murdered by you. And look at what you did to Caitlin. It's not enough you all but murdered her husband, then you had to give her these powers that are slowly turning her evil. Sure, she had them under control when you left, but we both know it's only a matter of time until she loses the fight and becomes Killer Frost in full. You destroy the lives of everyone you touch. There's a price to pay for knowing you Barry Allen. Your parents payed it. Eddie and Ronnie payed it, Cisco, Caitlin, Wally. Are you really gonna stand there and tell me Joe and Iris are better off because they have had you in their life?"

"Shut up, just shut the hell up!" Barry shouted, putting his hands over his ears in an attempt to try and block out Oliver's voice.

"Who's life will you destroy next I wonder? Steve? Maybe Sam's. Maybe…Wanda?" Oliver paused before lowering his voice before he said her name.

It was at that moment Barry lost it. Barry didn't remember speedster over to him and shoving his vibrating hand through Oliver's chest. But he remembered pulling it out and Oliver's lifeless body falling to the floor. Barry stumbled back, staring in horror at what he had done.

"What did I do? What did I do?" Barry asked himself.

"What you always do Barry." A familiar voice spoke up behind him.

"Eddie?" Barry asked as he looked over at his late friend.

"You destroy everything you touch Barry," Eddie said as he walked up next to Barry, staring down at Oliver's lifeless body, "I gave my life to help you, to save you and everyone else. But when you created Flashpoint, you undid my sacrifice. Because you poison the lives of everyone around you. You poisoned everyone's life on Earth-1 and now you're going to poison the lives of The Avengers. Whether you want to or not, it's what you do. And there's only one way to stop it Barry: By making the same sacrifice for them that I made for you."

Eddie took his pistol out of its holster and held it out to Barry.

"It's the only to protect them." Eddie told him as Barry stared down at it.

"The only way…the only way." Barry said as he picked up the gun, closing his eyes as he put it to his temple…


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