Chapter 30: Return to earth-1

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Wakanda, Royal Palace


The next morning, The Avengers, minus Barry and Wanda, who were in the med-bay, Cisco, Bucky, Laura, her and Clint's kids, T'Challa, and Shuri sat at the dining hall as they had breakfast.

"Steve, you okay?" Natasha asked as she saw Steve seemed distracted.

"Yeah, just a lot on my mind," Steve said, feeling Shuri's gaze on him and ignoring it.

"I can imagine," Clint said and the atmosphere at the table changed noticeably.

"Lila, Copper, come on. Let's let daddy and his friends talk," Laura said in her warm voice, shifting Nate in her arms as she got on her feet.

The kids grumbled but pushed their chairs away from the table and followed after their mother, heading back towards the quarters T'Challa had assigned them with the energy only little kids could have. Tactfully, T'Challa and Shuri got up and left The Avengers alone to discuss their private affairs. No one questioned why Bucky and Cisco stayed, their place accepted in this rather odd group.

"So, what's our next move Steve? We're all fugitives now," Sam pointed out and Steve sighed.

"I'm sorry," Steve began. "I dragged you all into this mess and it was all for a lie in the end."

"We all made our own choices Cap," Clint pointed out.

"We followed you into this because it was the right thing to do, not because you asked us to," Sam added.

"So what now Captain?" Scott asked and Steve, Natasha, and Cisco exchanged a glance.

"I think I have a temporary solution to your problem," Cisco said as the others all looked over at him.

In the med-bay, Barry handed Wanda her jacket and she smiled before she took it.

"I'm glad you're okay. I was really worried about you," Barry said, shuttering as the image of Wanda's unfocused eyes as he and Bucky entered her cell flashed through his mind.

"I am fine," Wanda put on her red jacket before quirking an eyebrow at him. "But I sense that is not all that is on your mind."

"Reading my mind now?" Barry said only half joking.

"I do not have to; it is written all over your face. Barry, what is it?" Wanda asked and Barry sighed.

"Cisco thinks he may have found a solution to our problem…"

"Wow," is all Scott can say once Cisco has finished his explanation.

"So you want us to leave our earth, head to yours, and just…stay there?" Sam asked incredulously.

"I'm not making you go, if that's what you're thinking. I'm offering you a place to lay low without fear of being caught so you can think about your next move. I'm not making you do anything; the choice is up to you. And you can leave anytime you want," Cisco explained.

"Cisco, could you give us a moment?" Steve asked and Cisco nodded before standing up and walking out of the dining room.

"Well, this is one hell of an offer," Clint muttered.

"Are we seriously thinking about doing this?" Sam asked, not angry, but wearily.

"It's worth discussing Sam," Natasha pointed out.

"I'm just wondering when my life became a sci-fi movie," Sam put his head in his hands.

"So, we would go to your earth," Wanda said slowly after Barry finished explaining Cisco's plan.

"To Earth-1, yeah," Barry said awkwardly.

"Do you want to go there?" Wanda asked carefully.

"It would be a good place to lie low for a while, I think," Barry said evasively.

"Barry," Wanda said and he sighed.

"You mean do I have other reasons? Yeah, I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss my family and friends back there. And I left some things unresolved when I came here. I feel like I need to go back, face my past," Barry said and Wanda sighed.

"I understand," Wanda said and Barry noticed the look on your face.

"It's not forever. Is there a reason this bothers you so much?" Barry inquired.

"You haven't been back there in a long time. I understand how it must feel to go back…and want what was taken from you," Wanda said and Barry understood.

"You think if I go back, I'll want to stay. And that I'll pick my old family over my new one," Barry realized.

"Am I wrong to think that?" Wanda asked and Barry was silent for a moment.

"I can't say that nothing will change when we go there, because things will change," Barry acknowledged. "But one thing I know will NEVER change is how I feel about you. I love you Wanda, I didn't know what love was before you. If you're worried about Iris, you don't have to. I thought I loved her at one point, but I didn't. Not really."

Barry walked over to her and took her face in his lands, bringing their faces together as they shared a sweet kiss. Barry pulled back slightly but close enough that they leaned their foreheads together.

"Steve and Cisco are telling the others the same thing right now," Barry told her softly. "This is something I need to do. This afternoon, Cisco is gonna take me and whoever is coming with to Earth-1. If you want to stay here, that's your choice. But don't do it because you're afraid of what will happen when we go there. Because, if you stay here, I will come back to you. I promise on my mother's grave."

Barry kissed her one more time before letting her go and heading towards the exit. He paused, turning back to look at her, drinking her in one more time.

"If you want to come with, be at the throne room in two hours," Barry said before he turned and walked out, leaving Wanda staring after him.

Avengers Compound

Same time

Tony stared down at the letter Steve had given him, a thoughtful look in his eyes. The door slide open and Rhodey, in a wheel chair, rolled in.

"Hey, who's the letter from?" He asked and Tony sighed.

"Steve. Basically an 'I'm sorry' note," Tony said, handing it to Rhodey, who quickly skimmed through it.

"You know, with everything that's been said and done, I can't help but ask…was it all worth it?" Rhodey wondered.

Tony was silent, not really having an answer. Rhodey gave the note back and rolled out, sensing Tony need to be alone right now. Tony looked at the strange device Steve had given him in the package before looking at the phone next to it.

"No…I don't think it was worth it," Tony said to the empty room.

Wakanda, Royal palace


"You okay man?" Clint asked Steve as they gathered in the throne room.

"No. But at least now, no one deny him the right to choose his own fate," Steve sighed, remembering Bucky being frozen in that tube.

"I promise you Captain, I will do everything I can to help Sergeant Barnes," Shuri said passionately and Steve flashed a slight smile.

"I appreciate that," Steve said as Scott walked over.

"I guess this is where we say goodbye, huh?" Scott said and Steve nodded.

"Looks that way Scott. Thank you for your help, I know it came at great cost to you," Steve said but Scott waved him off.

"It was the right thing to do. I'll be fine, don't worry. It was an honor to fight alongside Captain America," Scott said, holding out his hand to Steve.

"The honor was mine," Steve said as he shook Scott's hand.

"At least you're not bumbling over yourself this time," Clint teased and Scott rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, you're hilarious," Scott said sarcastically as he and Steve dropped hands.

"You sure about this Clint?" Steve turned to his friend as Scott walked off.

"Laura and I talked it over. I tried to get out, they pulled me back in. Maybe a little time on an earth where no one knows us will be good for us," Clint said and Steve winced.

"I'm sorry Clint," Steve said but Clint waved him off.

"It's not your fault Cap. I went against The Accords because it was the right thing to do. And knowing what I know now, I'd still do it. Obviously, I'd get Laura and the kids somewhere safe first, but I'd still make the same choice I made before all this," Clint said and Steve nodded.

"Okay people, we need to get a move on!" Cisco called out and everyone gathered at the center of the room.

"Where's Wanda?" Clint asked as he noticed the absence of the brunette.

"I guess she's not coming," Barry said with a sad smile.

"So, how exactly does this work?" Sam inquired.

"It's a very complicated two-step process. One, I open a breach. Two, we go through it," Cisco said sarcastically.

"You didn't learn that before?" Natasha smirked and Sam simply rolled his eyes.

"So, you ready to go home kid?" Clint asked as he looked over at Barry.

"What I've learned over the last year, what you guys have taught me, is that home…is not a place. Home is the people around you, the people who fight with you and fight for you," Barry said as he looked around at his friends, his family.

"I agree," a voice spoke up and they looked around to see Wanda walk in. "I apologize for being late."

"You're not late at all, you're right on time," Clint said, smiling as he clasped her on the shoulder.

"Almost didn't' think you were gonna show," Barry said, smiling brightly at her.

"I almost didn't…but I can only control my own fear, if nothing else," Wanda said, looking over at Clint, who smiled.

"You must be Wanda," Laura spoke up and Wanda looked over at her. "I'm Laura, I've heard so much about you. It's nice to meet you."

"Everyone's here, good. Let's get a move on," Cisco said impatiently, eager to get out of here and this nightmare earth, as far as he was concerned.

"Thank you for your help," Steve said as he looked over at T'Challa.

"It is I who should be thanking you. You prevented me from making a terrible mistake. As I said, you will always be welcome here in Wakanda," T'Challa said and Steve nodded in thanks.

"Everyone ready for this?" Cisco asked as he looked around.

"Hang on, this is gonna be a wild ride," Barry warned them.

Earth-1, Star Labs

Same time

"They should have been back by now," Iris worried as she paced. "It's been almost forty-eight hours."

"This isn't like looking for someone in a coffee shop; Cisco has to look for Barry on an entire earth. It's like looking for a needle in a hay stack," Harry said sarcastically.

"Iris, calm down," Joe attempted to calm his daughter from where he sat. "I'm worried to, but losing our heads won't solve anything."

Suddenly, alarms blared, causing everyone to look around wildly.

"What is that?" Wally asked alarmed as Caitlin checked the computer.

"The breach room," Caitlin said before they all rushed out of the cortex.

They made their way down to the breach room to see the blue light fade as Barry and Cisco appeared. However, what made them pause was seeing that the pair were not alone. Several other people who they had never met were there, including three children.

"Uh, guys? Who are these people?" Joe asked, not rudely but confused.

Barry was rendered speechless, simply drinking them all in. Knowing he was going to see his family again was one thing, but to experience it…he had to stop himself from opening his mouth, because he wasn't sure he could stop himself from breaking down and hugging them all if he opened his mouth. Seeing Barry's dilemma, Cisco stepped forward to help him out.

"Hey guys, sorry we're late. These are Barry's friends from Earth-66. They're gonna be staying here for…awhile," Cisco finished lamely as Team Flash all looked around confused.


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