Chapter 31: reunion and revelations

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Star Labs


"Barry, who are these people?" Iris demanded, eying the strange group of people that had appeared with Barry and Cisco.

"Bar, what's going on?" Joe asked in confusion when Barry didn't answer.

"To make a long story short, on their earth, the government decided to enact a North Korea style law that gives them control of the world's superheroes. You're looking at the heroes who said 'hell no' to that," Cisco explained as he gestured to them.

"Barry and Cisco were kind enough to offer us a place to stay while we figure out our next move," Steve added.

"Bar, are you okay?" Joe asked, taking a few steps closer to Barry, concerned over the fact that Barry had yet to speak and was staring at them all with the most vulnerable look Joe had seen on him save when his parents had been killed.

Barry still didn't say anything, although he opened and closed his mouth several times. Barry took a few steps closer to his father, slow, calculated steps, as though he had to measure each one carefully. Then, without warning, he reached out and hugged Joe tightly. Joe, although surprised, quickly returned the embrace.

"It's okay son, I got you," Joe said, looking at Cisco for an explanation, although Cisco avoided looking at him.

"Sorry," Barry said as he pulled back, trying to regain control of his emotions. "It's just been a while; I never thought I'd see you again."

"It's only been nine days man," Wally pointed out.

Except it hadn't, Barry wanted to scream. It had been a year. A year where Barry never thought he would see them again. And no matter how much he had grown to love Wanda and the rest of the Avengers, that had always been a burden on his happiness for the past year. But he knew this wasn't the time or place to tell them that.

"You know how it works for us, the world moves a lot slower for us speedsters," Barry said, exchanging a half handshake, half hug with Wally. "Been keeping up with training while I've been gone?"

"Yep!" Wally said cheerfully and Barry noticed the concerned looks on Iris and Joe's faces.

Looks like that would be something Barry would have to deal with while he was here, he thought as he let Wally go. But now wasn't the time for that conversation, he thought as Caitlin made her way over.

"You always get into trouble when you go for a run," She joked and Barry laughed.

"I guess that's why I should never run upset. How you doing Cait?" Barry asked and she shrugged.

"I haven't gone on any homicidal rampages while you were gone, so I'm gone," Caitlin joked and Barry flinched. "Hey, don't beat yourself up. You made a mistake; you couldn't have known what would happen."

"So I've been reminded. It's good to see you Cait," Barry said with a slight smile.

"You too Barry," Caitlin said as she hugged him.

"Welcome home BA," HR said, twirling his drumsticks and Barry smiled as he let Caitlin go.

"Thanks HR," Barry said before looking over at Harry. "Cisco told me about how you came over from Earth-2 in order to help find me. So thanks Harry, I owe you."

"Yes, you do. But I owe you as well, so let's just call it even," Harry said and Barry chuckled.

"Nice to see you haven't changed too much," Barry said before he was suddenly tackled in a hug.

"I was so worried about you," Iris said as she kissed him repeatedly so fast Barry had no time to react.

"Yeah," Barry said uncomfortably as he pulled back, seeing Wanda avoiding looking in their direction as Clint shot him a murderous look. "We should talk later. But for now, let's meet my new friends!"

It was a stalling tactic, Barry knew it, Cisco knew it, and The Avengers knew it. But right here in front of everyone was not a good place to have this talk.

"Steve Rogers," Steve said as he stepped up to Joe, holding out his hand for Joe, which Joe shook. "You must be Joe West, I've heard a lot about you. Your son has been a great help to me and my team, helping us out of a very difficult situation."

"That certainly sounds like Barry," Joe said fondly as he looked over at Barry, who simply grinned.

"This is Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson, Clint Barton, his wife Laura, their kids Copper, Lila, and Nate, and Wanda Maximoff," Steve said as he turned around, gesturing to each and every one of them as he spoke their names.

"It's nice to meet you all," Caitlin said kindly. "Let me be the first to let you all know we will be glad to let you stay on our earth as long as you need."

"Thank you Ms. Snow," Steve said gratefully. Apparently his team had elected him spokesperson in this awkward situation.

"Before we do anything else, Cisco," Cisco started as Barry turned to him. "I need you to breach me to Star City."

"What?" Cisco asked confused as everyone else looked at Barry, just as confused as Cisco.

"I need to talk to Oliver about something. Can't run there without making my clothes catch on fire and I assume you'll need time to make me a new suit," Barr explained and Cisco nodded.

"You sure it can't wait?" Cisco asked and Barry shook his head.

"I need to do this now," Barry explained and Cisco sighed.

"Okay, but I'm going with you. You need a way to get back anyway," Cisco said and Barry nodded.

"Thanks. You guys think you'll be alright without me while I take care of this?" Barry asked as he turned to his friends from Earth-66.

"I think we can handle an hour without you Allen," Natasha said dryly.

"We'll be fine kid, just do whatever it is you gotta do," Clint told him and Barry nodded.

"Thanks," Barry said gratefully.

Arrow lair

Same time

Felicity was on the computer as Diggle was working out his frustrations on a punching bag. Oliver was at City Hall and neither of them knew where the recruits were. To be honest, they preferred a little quiet. Suddenly, a portal opened up and Diggle stopped to stare as Felicity jumped up, startled.

"What in the hell?" Diggle asked stunned as Barry and Cisco stepped out of the breach and it closed behind them.

"Hey guys, sorry to startle you like this," Barry waved and Diggle sighed.

"I should have known it was you Barry. You couldn't give a little warning?" Diggle asked exasperated.

"Sorry," Cisco said and Diggle hung his head.

"I just need to talk to Oliver. Is he in?" Barry asked.

"No, he's at City Hall. He is the mayor," Felicity pointed out.

"Right, should have thought of that. Look, I don't have my suit and my clothes will catch on fire if I run to City Hall. Can I borrow a car?" Barry asked.

City Hall

Not long after

Oliver was doing paperwork at his desk when Thea pocked her head into his office.

"Ollie, you have a visitor," Thea said.

"Whoever it is can wait just a minute. I'm almost finished," Oliver said not looking up.

"Even me?" Barry asked as he pushed Thea aside and Oliver looked up as Barry entered.

"Barry? Another evil speedster?" Oliver asked wearily.

"Not exactly. But I really need to talk to you," Barry said and Oliver could see the urgency and determination on his friend's face.

"Speedy, could you give us a minute?" Oliver asked and Thea nodded before closing the door behind her. "What is it Barry?"

"I need to tell you something, something I should have told you a long time ago. And when I do, you'll probably want to punch me," Barry said to Oliver's confusion.

Star Labs

Same time

"Nice digs kid," Clint said as he walked into the quarters Caitlin had given Wanda.

"Hey," Wanda said from where she was sitting on the cot in the room.

"You okay kid?" Clint asked and she shrugged.

"Fine," Wanda said in an unconvincing tone.

"Come on kid, out with it," Clint prodded as he sat down next to her and she sighed. "Does this have to do with Barry?"

"It was easy to forget that he had a family over here, that this wasn't just another place to him. But…seeing how he just lit up when he saw them, how he fit in with all of them…I suppose I'm…scared," Wanda confessed.

"You think he'll just forget about you? Not possible," Clint said and she looked over at him. "You're unforgettable. And I've seen how the kid looks at you. He loves you."

"Just as he once loved Iris," Wanda noted and Clint realized what was really bothering her.

'You think he still loves her?" Clint asked.

"I do not know. That scares me. For the first time since I met him…I don't know what he's thinking. And it…terrifies me," Wanda admitted.

Clint opened his mouth to speak when she closed her eyes and seemed to sway, her head landing on his shoulder. For a moment, Clint thought she needed comfort. But then he realized she wasn't conscious.

"Wanda? WANDA?!" Clint screamed alarmed, frantically checking her pulse, relief coursing through him when he found it.

Star City, City Hall

Same time

"Oliver?" Barry asked after he had finished telling Oliver and Oliver was silent for several moments.

"The only reason I'm not hitting you right now is because it would look bad for the mayor to attack a CSI from Central City," Oliver said coldly and Barry winced.

"That's fair. I know I can't change what happened, but I can try to make things right. Cisco is at your lair, ready to breach us to Star Labs," Barry explained.

"The only thing I understood is that Cisco is at my base and that he can get us back to Central City. Let's go," Oliver said as he got up from his desk.

"You're gonna hit me as soon as we get in the car, aren't you?" Barry asked as they made their way towards the door.

"More than likely," Oliver said and Barry groaned.

Star Labs

Not long after

"Well what's wrong with her?!" Clint demanded, pacing back and forth in the med-bay as Caitlin was starting to examine Wanda.

"I won't know unless I can examine her. For that, I need all of you out!" Caitlin snapped annoyed at The Avengers.

"Clint, come on," Natasha said as she put a hand on her friend's shoulder. "She'll be fine if we let Caitlin examine her. She treated Barry for over two years. Let her do her job."

Clint shot one last look at Wanda before, feeling like he'd just cut off his own arm, he turned and walked out. Sam followed, leaving Steve with Caitlin and the unconscious Wanda.

"You'll have to excuse Clint. He thinks of Wanda as a daughter," Steve said and Caitlin nodded.

"I understand Mr. Rogers. But I need you to leave so I can work on my patient," Caitlin instructed but Steve didn't budge.

"I'm still here because I think I know why she passed out," Steve explained and Caitlin whipped her head towards her. "She's not dying. She's not sick or contracting a disease. Medically, there is nothing with Wanda."

"Then why did she pass out?" Caitlin demanded.

Steve opened his mouth to tell her when an alarm went off.

"What is that?" Steve asked, ready to go into battle mode.

"The alarm for the breach room. Barry and Cisco must be back," Caitlin explained. "Now, tell me what is wrong with my patient."

Barry, Oliver, and Cisco stepped out of the breach as Iris and Joe walked in.

"Oliver Queen? What is he doing here?" Iris asked a little star struck.

"He's the Star City vigilante," Joe said disgruntled as he noticed the red eyes on Barry and Cisco. "What happened to you?"

"He hit us," Cisco said, rubbing his eye as Oliver looked a little too proud of himself.

"We had it coming," Barry said quickly.

"That's up for debate," Cisco grumbled.

"No, you definitely had it coming. Where is she?" Oliver growled as he looked over at Barry.

"In the pipeline. I'll take you to her," Barry explained and the other three members of Team Flash understood what was going on.

"Wait, that's why you went Star City? Are you out of your mind?! Iris exploded.

"Barry, I don't like this. I've heard how he has a blind spot when it comes to this world's Laurel Lance," Joe warned him as he eyed Oliver.

"This isn't up for debate. Last time I checked, I owned Star Labs. That means this is my facility so I get to decide what to do with it. Come on," Barry looked away from the others towards Oliver.

As they watched in disbelief, Barry led Oliver out of the room to what they were all convinced was a mistake.

"What the hell happened to him on that earth?" Joe wondered.

"Ollie," Barry stopped as they stood outside the pipeline prison. "Just remember…she's not our Laurel."

"She's a Laurel. That's good enough for me," Oliver said simply.

Barry simply nodded before turning and walking out. Oliver sighed deeply, gathering himself before pushing the button on the side panel. The casing lifted up, revealing the inside of the cell. The blond woman looked up and gapped at him from the cell. Oliver's throat tightened as he stared at the doppelganger of a woman he had loved with all his heart. Once he found his voice, he said the same words to her he had once said to his Laurel so long ago.

"Hello Laurel."


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