Chapter 130

The creature took a lumbering step forward, its massive paw leaving a deep imprint in the snow. Jacques stumbled backward, his feet slipping on the icy ground.

"Eugene, it's me," he pleaded, hoping to reach whatever humanity might remain. "It's Jacques. We're friends, remember?"

The beast paused, tilting its head as if considering his words. For a brief moment, hope flared. But then the creature's eyes narrowed, and a low growl rumbled from its throat.

Jacques didn't wait to see what would happen next and ran. The wind whipped at his face, stinging his eyes and making it difficult to see. But he didn't dare slow down.

Behind him, he heard the sound of heavy footfalls and knew the beast was in pursuit. Panic surged through him, lending speed to his legs. He veered off the road, plunging into the dense forest that lined the roadside.