Nakamura is hidden underneath the cloaking sheet, the material clinging to him like a second skin.
"Over here, over here!" The soldier's voice came through the corridor as he waved. "Come on!"
His comrade trudged behind, guiding a hovering gurney that hummed with quiet antigrav tech. The unconscious body inside moved, secured by force-field restraints that pulsed blue in the light.
The soldiers were up front with their banter low and guttural over the hum of the vehicle's engine. They hadn't noticed him yet, which was a small miracle considering his body felt like a furnace under this damn sheet.
The third soldier - built like a tank with chrome cybernetic arms that whirred with each gesture - took point.
"AI, initiate lift sequence," he barked.
The vehicle's systems beeped in acknowledgment as it rose higher in the sky.
The hovering transport stretched at least thirty feet, its metal frame was designed to carry multiple squads.