Chapter 239

The beam of Colette's flashlight cut through the darkness, lighting up a massive metal door set into the concrete wall. The light caught the edges of the warning signs and faded industrial markings.

"I think I found it," she said.

Gwen stepped closer. "A door?"

"Not just a door. It's a door to a basement." Colette ran her hand along the frame. "Now will you help me or not?"

"Well shit, could've mentioned that earlier instead of being all mysterious about it," Gwen said, adjusting the katana on her back. "What makes you think this is the one?"

Jacques moved forward to examine the door. "The wear patterns around the handle. Someone's been using this recently."

"Great detective work, Sherlock," Siobhan pushed past them. "But there's something off about this place. The energy's wrong."

"Wrong how?" Colette asked, trying to pry the door open.

"I don't know...Dark stuff."