Records of hidden heroes

Henry had no intent of disregarding his instincts as so far in his life they had never let him astray. 

Henry got out of bed and began making his way to the entrance of his shared cabin. He was not concerned about waking any of the others, as his movements were so agile he didn't even make the wooden floor creek. Henry then proceeded to leave the cabin without even making a single sound. 

The calm silence of knight greeted Henry with the only disturbances being the rustling of trees in the wind, the noise of insects and the nearby river. A full moon was also out illuminating the area in its soft glow. 

Henry began to examine his surroundings in order to plot the most quiet approach, he was aware of the fact that danger did not lie here but further away. He stuck to the shadows moving swiftly he was careful not to put himself in a position where he could be easily seen. Whether that be by the other campers or something else. 

He made his way onto the bridge which made crossing the river into the other section of camp possible. 

The light from the moon and the noise of the river would be rather calming on a different night, but at the moment Henry just found them to be nuisances. Since the Moon's light left him exposed and the river's noise muffled any approaching sound. He stopped halfway across the bridge his instincts were screaming at him. His eyes narrowed even further as he looked across from the open field and into the deep forest. 

Henry saw a strangely colored humanoid hand reach out and grab one of the nearby trees. However, it did not stop there, one turned into three turned into six and six turned into many. The head of the creature moved forward just making it visible. Henry saw the large humanoid mouth as well as the singular yellow eye with multiple pupils. 

The hands of the creature began to tense and the trees shifted under its strain, it was as if the creature was preparing to launch an attack. 

An ordinary person would be gripped with fear If they were in a situation like this, however ordinary would be the last thing one would describe Henry with. He exhaled a deep breath as he recited something to himself, "Fear and submission only take those without the power to act.'' 

Henry and the creature's gazes never left one another for even a moment. Henry prepared something of his own although it was not an attack more so a warning. he spread his arms apart slightly, black and gold colored electrical energy began passing across his hands and fingers as he did so. The noise although not deafening easily drowned out the sound of the river. 

The creature seemed to grow hesitant at the site of that, it retracted its challenge and Henry did the same. Neither one of them wanted to face each other now, not at this moment anyways and not like this. 

As both parties withdrew, one thing became evident, this would not be the end far from it. 


After the encounter Henry went back to the butterfly cabin, making sure his presence went unnoticed. Despite the intense situation henry found himself sleeping rather calmly. However, it was not because he confronted the creature instead it was because he had a basic understanding of what he was up against. 

Henry and the other members of butterfly cabin had to wake up early in the morning, as a result of their days being filled with various activities. 

The exterior of the butterfly cabin was similar to the others in that It had a design of a single floor log cabin. Each one of the cabins were also rather large seeing as how they had to accommodate ten campers each, they were also coed meaning boys and girls slept in the same vicinity. The cabins themselves didn't have any dividers however the bathrooms were rather spacious and could easily provide privacy when needed. 

The butterfly cabin had artworks on its walls depicting various butterflies, the cabin was also styled in color significant to the insect. With the other cabins having similar design choices 

Henry fell into routines rather easily so rising at such an early hour did not affect him as much as it did the others. While the rest of his cabin mates were still groggily awaking from their sleep, he found himself dressed and making his way down to the mess hall for breakfast. 

The path he walked in order to get to the mess hall was made from stone and it also branched out to different sections of the camp. 

Once Henry made it to the entrance of the Mess Hall, he was greeted by the site of a totem pole made up of carved wooden insect heads. He mused to himself as he entered the building. Five one for each cabin, regardless of what the chubby kid thinks butterflies can be rather Intimidating creatures. 

The Mess Hall itself was made from stone with a roof of logs. The inside had an open design with various benches being situated in the middle of the room. On the left side was a raised section with a staircase and a podium, it was meant for morning announcements. The left side had stations where the food was presented, with the kitchen being hidden away in a separate area. 

The only other people present seemed to be the camp counselors who were preparing food. Henry did not notice Mister Matthews anywhere though. 

Henry proceeded to fill his plate with as much food as he thought he could without being looked at strangely. He sighed internally as he thought. While the food smells really good it's not as nourishing as what I'm used to, So I'm going to have to eat a bit more in order to make up for that. Hopefully I didn't take enough to the point where people will think I'm strange. 

The counselor of Henry's cabin attempted to sit with him in order to keep him company while the others arrived. The counselor herself seemed to be in her early twenties her skin was dark. Her chestnut-colored hair traveled slightly past her shoulders and it had a healthy shine to it, her eyes were green and she had light freckling across her face. She wore a short sleeve variation of the butterfly golf shirt along with denim shorts and a pair of sneakers. 

Henry politely declined her company stating in a partial lie, "I know you mean well but I actually got up so early to enjoy my Breakfast by myself. So, I'd appreciate a bit of me time before we start everything.'' The girl backed up from Henry seat while holding her plate of food in one hand, with her other hand being raised, "I understand I have a friend who's like that so no hard feelings. But just remember this is a summer camp you won't be able to dodge social interactions forever.'' 

Henry chuckled before nodding reassuringly he then sighed slightly before saying, "Please don't remind me.'' 

By the time the other campers arrived Henry was already finished with his food, not wanting to be rude he stuck around and passed the time by reading his book. The environment was warm and filled with a lot of chatter. 

Henry found himself sitting across from the same girl who had dyed her hair black. The two seem to have come to a silent agreement since neither wanted to interact with anybody they pretended to interact with one another. But at some stage they I actually did begin to have a conversation. 

Henry found out that the girl's name was Allison. She had moved her hair part way out of her face in order to get a better look at the book that Henry was reading. She asked rather directly, "You like to keep to yourself even more than I do and you're always reading that book so, what's it about?" 

Speaking directly was actually something Henry preferred so he was not made uncomfortable by Allison's forwardness. 

Henry simply answered in a similar fashion, "It's a book about hidden heroes who could use magic throughout the ages.'' 

He proceeded to place the book down on the table in her direction, The right side of the page showed an illustration of a soldier fighting a battle with a flaming rifle. Henry Then proceeded with his explanation, "This guy here fought in great wars and his gun could shoot compact balls of fire. 

Alison chuckled at how fantastical the book seemed to be given how stoic the boy sitting across from her was. 

Henry continuing with his direct manner asked, "Typically in this type of exchange it's question for a question and I think it's my turn. How come you dyed your hair?'' 

The girl took a moment before she answered, seemingly contemplating whether she felt comfortable enough to share, "Pretty simple actually my mother cheated on my father... and he decided to stay with her for my sake. I look a lot like her and recently I've been trying to make myself look less like her.'' 

The two then spent the rest of breakfast in slightly awkward yet companionable silence. 

Henry proceeded to fidget with his book slightly. Henry had partially lied about the book although it did talk about other magic users throughout history, in actuality it held secrets ordinary people could not access. 

He then decided to break the silence with a simple statement, "I know a thing or two about family drama.'' He proceeded to hold up the closed book before continuing, "Since this book is the one and only gift I've received from my parents."