Flames made by foul hand

Allison appreciated Henry's willingness to share something more personal. As it made her feel like there was another person who understood what she was going through. 

At some point Mister Matthew had made his way into the mess hall, he made his way up the stairs of the platform and stood behind the podium. He began to address all the campers in a casual tone which conveyed a slight hint of tiredness, "Good morning campers I trust you've all enjoyed your breakfast. I myself still need my morning coffee so forgive me if I sound a bit drowsy.'' 

Mister Matthew gave a signal to the camp counselors before continuing, "The first activity for today is rather simple, each cabin group will use the materials provided in order to craft their cabins insect.'' 

The counselors then proceeded to place different bags filled with arts and crafts supplies on the long benches where each cabin group was sitting. 

Mister Matthew then finished off his announcement, "Each cabin group will present their work during afternoon lunch, Wherein I will decide on a winner. So good luck to you all!'' 


The various groups carried their supplies back to their cabin in order to begin creating Their insect. 

Within the butterfly cabin the various members found themselves huddled around their supplies. Henry was surprised at how the situation was developing, the average looking girl with brown hair and hazel eyes whose name was Emily. Seem to be the groups de facto leader, as she had an air of energetic confidence around her which naturally drew the groups attention. 

Today Emily was wearing the short sleeve version of the gulf shirt, along with a baggy hoodie tied around her waist and a pair of loose-fitting jeans. She began to tie her hair up in a loose bun while speaking to the group, "So how do you guys think we should go about making our Butterfly.'' 

The Chubby Boy was first to speak doing so in a rather uninterested manner, "I think we should just take the materials and put them together so that it looks like a butterfly.'' The smaller boy with glasses scoffed as he spoke, "Uninterested ideas may work well for you but if the group wants to do well then we have to put in some effort.'' 


The Chubby Boys face furrowed and it appeared as if he was going to say something, however Henry did not wish for the situation to escalate. So, despite not wanting to he decided to Interrupt them by talking to the group's leader Emily directly, "I think making a clay sculpture is the best way to go.'' 


Henry had succeeded in his plan however now all eyes were on him, although he just focused on what Emily would respond with. She contemplated for a while before giving Henry an enthusiastic smile, "That actually sounds like a really good idea if there are no objections I'd be more than happy to go with it.'' There was a moment of silence as Emily waited to see if anyone objected. 

Emily then addressed Henry, "Hey since you were the one who suggested making a sculpture, I'd like your input on how we should go about doing so. If you're comfortable with that of course.'' 

Henry simply shrugged while answering, "I'm fine with giving my input and helping out.'' One would think the position Henry found himself in would lead to a lot of social interaction. However, the position gave him the opportunity to do the exact opposite. 

As he and Emily began deciding over who would be taking up what role in making the butterfly, in regards to things such as making its frame sculpting, detailing and painting. Henry had opted for the making of a pedestal for the butterfly to rest on, as it was a complex task which did not require a lot of people. Henry had also decided to ask Allison for her aid in making the pedestal, as he figured she would want to interact with as little people as possible. 

Before the project truly began in earnest Henry discussed something with Emily, "I'll advise that you keep those two on separate tasks in order to ensure this goes smoothly.'' Emily was aware of what he was talking about she didn't have to think long before nodding in agreement, "Yeah, I saw those two staring daggers at one another I'll make sure they're not on the same task. Also, I noticed you kept those two from arguing by putting yourself in the spotlight. I've been able to notice that's not something you enjoy so thank you.'' 

Henry was not surprised that people were becoming aware of his aversion to social interaction, so he simply nodded with a chuckle before retrieving his supplies and leaving the cabin with Allison. 


The two had headed off to a hidden spot underneath the tree in order to construct the podium. They decided to make use of the spot as it gave them privacy which allowed them to work secretly, while simultaneously giving them both the solitude they preferred. The construction of the podium was actually more complex than one would think, as it needed to be in the form of a tree branch with leaves which would support the butterfly. 

While Henry and Allison started off working in silence, they eventually began conversing with one another. 

Henry told Allison about some of the characters in his book she listened attentively while chuckling at how outlandish the characters seemed to be. Henry could not help but think to himself as a result of that, the versions I'm telling her are all fakes the real stories are actually more unbelievable. Henry's mind also wandered thoughts of Emily. she is naturally charismatic and quite gifted when it comes to leading, those are good qualities which only a few people possess. 

Allison had also decided to share more about herself. She told Henry how she really enjoyed music and learning different instruments she even joked, "Who knows maybe I'll write a song about the characters in your story.'' The two laughed at her proclamation. 

Once they had finished their work, they reconvened with the other members of butterfly cabin. Looking at the finished work Henry was rather impressed, It's nowhere near a professional sculpture however it's a step above amateur. 


The various cabin groups had gathered for dinner and the showcasing of their insect art piece. Henry sat close to Allison in comfortable silence. The butterfly camp counselor with dark skin and freckles had approached them. She gestured to the kitchen while asking, "Could you guys give me a hand I need to move a couple things in the kitchen really quick?'' 

Both Henry and Alison nodded in agreement; while standing up from the bench Henry spoke to the butterfly counselor, "I'll be with you two in a second I just want to use the restroom really quick.'' 

The two simply nodded and went off into the kitchen. Henry went into the nearby bathroom in order to use the restroom. Once he was finished, he began washing his hands in the nearby sync. 

Henry was about to leave the restroom when a loud noise rang out throughout the mess hall. Once the noise died down it was merely replaced by the panic voices of the campers. The smell of smoke began to emanate throughout the building. 

Acting fast Henry left the restroom in order to figure out what was the current situation. He was greeted by the sight of the mess halt being evacuated and an intense flame raging at this section where food was presented, the flame seemed to be far more intense within the kitchen. 

Henry quickly looked out through one of the nearby windows in order to see If everyone had made it out safely. Everyone seemed to be present except for two the butterfly counselor and Allison. Henry's face showed a great deal of concern as he looked on at the raging flame emanating from the kitchen. 

The fire must have spread from inside the kitchen, they're likely trapped in there. Henry not wanting to waste anytime quickly removed his butterfly shirt and rushed into the kitchen. 

Even in a situation like this Henry managed to keep his composure as he held back his strength so that he did not knock the kitchen doors off its hinges as he rushed inside. Henry found himself standing in emulating fire and although his body was resilient the feeling was by no means pleasant. 

The kitchen itself was in utter disarray it appeared as if an explosion had just occurred which was most likely what happened. While still being engulfed by flame Henry began searching for Allison and the counselor. 

He found the two in a strange pocket untouched by the flames neither one of them was conscious. While that did concern Henry what gripped his Instincts the most was the fact that something was crawling rapidly towards the two. 

Henry acted immediately upon witnessing the sight. He drew his hand back over his shoulder while reciting inwardly, [Whip of the Rushing Current] as a result a large puff of steam was emitted as Henry conjured a whip made of rushing water. It struck out winding and turning through the blazing room, it struck the small creature and a sound reminiscent of a large splash emanated. 

Normally the whip held enough power to split a man in half however, it only seemed to send the creature flying into a wall. But that seemed to be enough to incapacitate it henry then scouted the area and noticed an emergency exit door. 

He moved faster than a normal person would be able to as flames began to quickly approach the area the two women found themselves in. Henry carried both of them out to safety and after making sure they weren't in any serious danger. He went back in order to retrieve the creature and what he found surprised him as it seemed to be a severed hand.