Contemplating while recovering

After the incident Henry, Allison and the councilor found themselves in the camps infirmary, the room itself was made from grey stone with white tiled floors. there were medical beds in the Infirmary which were separated via curtains. 

Henry found himself on one of these beds near a closed window which looked out into the forest. Henry's arms legs and were bandaged since they had a few first-degree burns on them. He was not concerned with the injuries he had sustained during his rescue as with his superior constitution his wounds would heal in about a day. 

Henry was about to begin contemplating about the events in a more analytical fashion, when he was interrupted by the sound of footsteps. A hand pulled back the curtain and he was greeted by the site of Mister Matthew who had an apologetic expression. 

Mister Matthew spoke in a tone that conveyed both sympathy and gratitude, "My boy I would just like to say that I am deeply sorry that you were injured during your stay at my camp. With that being said I am proud of your effort in saving young Allison and one of my camp counselors.'' 

Henry did not bother looking at Mister Matthews as they were more pressing issues on his mind, however since he was here Henry decided to ask him a couple questions in order to better understand the situation. 

While staring out the window Henry asked in a voice which faked pain and concern, "How are Allison and the counselor doing, also what's the state of camp?!'' Mister Matthew gestured for Henry to calm himself, "My boy take it easy you've been through quite the ordeal... although... I suppose you should know.'' 

Mister Matthew then cleared his throat before continuing with an explanation, "Both of the girls are not in any serious danger, we suspect a faulty propane tank had exploded. However, both of them were far enough away to not be caught in the blast but the explosion did knock over some equipment which incapacitated the two. You did a really good job in evacuating them quickly at most they might have minor concussions.'' 

Henry's expression remained stoic however internally he was glad at the fact that the two were mostly fine. He then proceeded to ask again in a monotone voice, "That is good to hear, in regards to camp will it continue?'' 

Even though Henry could not see it Mister Matthew smiled and answered in a somewhat pleasant tone, "I'm happy to say that camp will still continue. We assess the damages to the kitchen and were surprised to see that although the fire although intense only lasted for a short time. Therefore, the damage to the kitchen and building was superficial.'' 

Henry nodded in thanks and after a quick medical checkup by one of the other counselors he was left alone. 

He finally had the opportunity to analyze what actually happened during the incident. He had a decent understanding of this type of creature its intelligence while still animalistic was far greater than one would expect. He began revisiting the event in his mind while contemplating over it, the creature likely sabotaged the gas canister in order to isolate the two girls from everyone else. The creature would likely not have used such methods if I were not present which is good for everyone else, but it will make it far more difficult for me to deal with. 

Henry got up from the medical bed he was resting on, he proceeded to ensure that the two girls were still unconscious as well as also ensuring that he was alone. After which he had retrieved the severed hand which he had hidden in the room. 

He began to examine it while pondering over the creatures' potential abilities. Even with the visual obstructions of the fire and smoke what I saw was not a severed hand. Henry examination of the hand led him to discover a couple useful details. Firstly, the hand seemed to be a part of the creature which Henry had encountered previously. The hand itself seemed to be severed cleanly with three silk-like strands coming off of it. 

Henry then proceeded to examine the three strands discovering that each one of them had a unique property. One strand was incredibly sharp, Henry was careful with it as he almost cut himself during his examination. Another strand was incredibly rough Henry figured if something rubbed up against it could easily tear off flesh or damage objects through its abrasiveness. The last strand seemed to have incredible adhesive properties much greater than that of a spiders' web. 

Through his investigation Henry was able to uncover useful information about the creature, The creature seems to be able to sever portions of itself and convert them into lesser versions of itself. It also seems to be able to produce unique types of thread although I'm unsure if it has any other variations. 

Henry stared at the three strands with a curious expression there was something he wished to test out. 

He stood up and walked to the corner of the room he then proceeded to kneel down and place his hand on one of the stone tiles. Through a basic application of elemental magic henry caused the stone tile to adhere to his hand like a second layer of skin. With that same hand he retrieved the three strands and walked over to the nearby window. 

Henry proceeded to open the window and throw the strands outside; he then conjured a small ember and sent it flying towards the strand. The second they made contact the strands erupted into a large and intense flame, however they dissipated quite quickly just as Henry had expected. 

Through this experiment Henry was able to uncover another detail about the creature's silk-like strands as they seemed to be highly susceptible to fire. 

Henry felt conflicted since although he uncovered useful information it was unlikely that the creature would use a similar tactic again. Ultimately, he decided not to worry himself too much as he would deal with the situation as it evolved. Henry also had the intent of changing up his methodology of doing things.