Missing the river

Four days had passed since the mess hall incident. To the surprise of Henry, no further incidents involving the creature had occurred. He presumed this was in order to lure him into a false sense of security So that his guard would be lowered. However, if that was the creature's intent It only had the exact opposite effect, as the lack of activity only caused Henry's guard to raise further. 

Even so things at camp seem to be returning to some semblance of normalcy. The whole entire place was bustling with activity and the day was rather pleasant. Henry could not even enjoy the simple pleasures of good weather, as he found himself back in the infirmary with a high fever. 

A cool towel was placed over his brow and he appeared to be exhausted. Everyone at camp believed he was catching a bad case of the flu. While Henry found his high body temperature annoying the solitude gained from being the only one in the Infirmary was a small comfort. Ever since the incident Henry had found himself with a lot more attention than when he had initially arrived which he disliked for a multitude of reasons both practical and personal. 

Henry solitude did not last long as two familiar faces came to pay him a visit. Both Allison and the counselor of the butterfly cabin whose name Henry now new was Meryl. Ever since Henry save the two, they had grown rather fond of him, a kinship had been formed between the three. As Allison similar solitary nature paired well with Henry's and the counselor in gratitude gave them opportunities to enjoy camp in a more secluded fashion. 

While sitting at the foot of Henry's hospital bed Allison spoke in a tone which convey disappointment, "It sucks that we're not going to be able to go canoeing down the river on account of you being sick and all. The scenery is so common peaceful you would have really enjoyed it.'' 

Henry chuckled when he saw Allison's expression as it was unlike her to be bothered by such things, in an attempt to cheer her up he spoke in a reassuring tone, "I have a strong vitality I won't be sick for long and then we'll be able to take in the scenery.'' Alison smiled upon hearing that She then spoke in a manner which was both serious and hopeful, "In that case I'm going to be holding you to that promise.'' 

Henry smiled at his successful attempt to cheer her up he then paused as he thought back to her earlier statement. He then proceeded to ask in a confused tone, "What do you mean we the only person that won't be going will be Meryl on the counter for having to care for me.'' Meryl who had remained mostly quiet decided to speak up as a result of Henry's question, "Allison wanted to stay and keep you company so I got permission to let her do so.'' 

With that the two took their leave from the infirmary as while they would keep Henry company, they would also be expected to do some menial tasks around camp. 

Soon after they had left Henry's fever had begun to drop to a healthy level, he also no longer pretended to be fatigued. He removed the cool cloth on his forehead and retrieved the book which he often read. He sat up in a rather relaxed posture and before he began reading his book, he thought over his plan. 

Henry had used elemental magic to raise his body temperature in order to deceive the members of camp into thinking he had contracted the flu. This would allow him to stay behind and create a situation where the other campers would be separated from him. This was because Henry suspected that the creature was either coming up with some new method of attack, or waiting for an opportunity where Henry could not interfere. Realizing this Henry had decided to give the creature such an opportunity in order to lure it out of hiding. Has Henry put it best himself it would be an offense under the guise of a reactive defense. 

As things stood now Henry would have to wait a bit in order to enact the next phase of his plan so he decided to kill time by reading his book, but it would not be the book in its current state of falsehoods. It would instead be in its true form the book of Brambles. 

Pricking his finger with his canine Henry was able to draw out a drop of blood which he dripped onto the book's front cover. The drop of blood glowed faintly with a dark red aura before being absorbed into the book. Dark Bramble like patterns began wrapping around the book, vibrant blue flowers bloomed from different sections of the dark brambles. Henry then proceeded to open the book on its first page, there was an illustration however it was not that of a random magic user. Instead, it depicted a male figure with a similar appearance to Henry. 

In actuality the book of Bramble was a record of the different members of the Bramble family, while simultaneously being a useful tool for magic users. 

As in the world hidden away from ordinary eyes existed many well-established families of magic users, with these families' histories and lineages being rather extensive. Henry himself fell into a somewhat gray area In regards to this aspect of the hidden world. 

Henry began reading through the book's contents which gave advice on how to use the different types of magic which were, Elemental, Sovereign, Warding, Skrift and Essence. With one of these magic types being entirely hereditary and another being partially hereditary. 

The advice was the direct recorded words of his ancestors which was something Henry cherished as he knew little about his family and its lineage. 

Even the book which was meant to be a record of his family only provided illustrations and the advice on applications of magic. 

At some point during Henry's read through of the book Allison had opened the door to the Infirmary. She walked over to Henry's bed before pulling back the curtain she saw him reading the book however it was in its false state. 

Henry was pleasantly surprised to see that Allison was holding a guitar, as she had informed him over the previous days that her interest in music stemmed from her father who was a musician. Allison had begun taking up music as a way to get closer to her father, it was also her own way of helping her father get through his wife's infidelity. 

Allison's tone also conveyed a degree of surprise, "Meryl found this guitar in one of the storage rows she said I could borrow it.'' Alison then began to speak in a quieter tone, "I actually did end up writing that song I figured since you like that book so much it would make you feel better. Also don't mention this to Meryl I'm afraid she might tease me for it.'' 

Henry chuckled while pointing a finger behind Allison, behind her stood Meryl who had a cheeky expression on her face, " Ohh you don't have to worry about keeping it a secret since it's no longer a secret.'' Alison hid embarrassment rather well although Henry could see through it. Meryl proceeded to speak in a sweet tone, "I do think it's rather sweet and if you're ok with it I would like to hear your song too. '' 

While Henry enjoyed the twos company, unfortunately he would not be able to stay and listen to Allison's song. He proceeded to recite inwardly [Dust of Drowsiness] sand then proceeded to pour out of his closed hand. It then began to take the form of a dust cloud which spread throughout the room. Within mere moments both of the girls began to feel rather tired. Allison put down the guitar she was holding and rested her head on the foot of Henry's bed. Meryl In a similar state of fatigue proceeded to climb in one of the other medical beds. 

 After ensuring the two where fast asleep Henry made his way to the river as it was now time to enact the next phase of his plan.