Why me

"EVERYONE PUT YOUR HANDS UP!!!" yelled a mad gunman in a clown mask running into a bank

Standing at the bank entrance the madman and two others shot their guns into the air as a warning causing all those in the bank to scream in fear.

"Like I said everyone put your hands up and don't move, number three tie everyone up. Number two get the vault open," the front man for the gunman ordered

Following the man's instructions one man began tying up everyone and dropping them to the floor while the other grabbed a bank teller and began making his way to the back.

While all the portions were filled with fear and crying one person just sat on the floor with a tired expression on his face.

(You got to be kidding me. My one day off this week and I have to be in the one bank in this city that gets robbed) the man sighed

As the man watched the gunmen he ended up making eye contact with one of them.

(I'm guessing that guy is the leader) the man thought watching as he did nothing and the others moved around

"What the hell are you looking at with those eyes,' the leader said looking back at the man

"Oh nothing just looking around," the man replied in a calm tone

Seeing the lack of concern in the man's face the leader was confused on how he could be so calm.

"You how are you so calm?" the leader asked walking closer

"You some kind of big-balls tough guy," the leader teased

"No, I'm just too drained. Too tired to give a shit about a robbery,' the man sighed 

"Oh look at this three. This guy says that he doesn't care that we are robbing him," the leader laughed

"Focus One we don't have time. Go help two,' three replied,"

"Alright I'm taking him with me let's see how long he can stay calm," number one replied grabbing the man and pulling him to the back

(What the hell why me) the man thought while being shoved at gunpoint

As they reached the back of the bank where the vault was number two could be seen stuffing his bags with cash and gold while the bank teller was in the corner shaking.

Looking up he saw number one and the man standing before him.

"What the hell are you doing one? Why is he here," number two asked

"Well this guy says that he is too tired and does not care about us so I'm thinking we take him as a hostage to get out of this place," number one replied

"Why are you changing the plan taking another person will drag us down," number two replied 

"Don't worry we can use him to carry the money and to hold back the cops," 

"Shit...this better not screw us,' number two said throwing a bag at the man and continuing to stuff his bag

"Well get to work," number one said pushing the man into the vault

(I really have to learn to stop talking) the man thought picking up the bag

Walkign up to the stacks of money the man began stuffing the bag with cash and gold all with a deadpan look on his face.

Once all the bags were full the three returned to the front of the bank. Regrouping with number three the robbers and the man slowly made their way to the front of the bank.

"Alright show time kid," number one said holding a pistol to the man's head 

(Fuck...I'm really going to die) the man thought feeling the cold steel on his head

Walking up to the door number one forced the man to open it. once he did the sounds of sirens and guns cocking could he heard. 

Slowly walking through the door a wall of twenty cops two helicopters and swat vans stood right outside the bank.

"STOP RIGHT THERE PUT YOUR GUNS DOWN AND GET ON YOUR KNEES,' an officer yelled from a megaphone

"No, I don't feel like it. Why don't you gun your guns down or I will expose the inside of this guy's brain," number one said pulling back the hammer on his gun

(Fuck fuck fuck)

Seeing this the cops hesitated for a second.

On the roof of a nearby building, a sniper slowly adjusts to get a clear shot of the robber.

"Sir I have a clear shot,' the sniper said 

"Take it if you have a clear shot take it," the swat captain replied

While the robber was holding the man hostage he looked to his side and saw the sniper pointing its gun at him. 

"Shit!" seeing this he pulled the man to his side and instead of the bullet hitting him it shot the hostage in the stomach knocking him to the ground

"FUCK!!!" the hostage yelled clenching his stomach

"What the fuck. You said you had a clear shot!" the captain yelled on his radio 

"I did he moved right as I pulled the trigger,' the sniper replied seeing that he shot the hostage

(You got to be shitting me. Why do I get shot!) the man yelled to himself as his body got colder and the pain in his stomach grew

While lying on the floor with his blood pooling around him the man could not help but be filled with rage from his terrible luck.

"God damn it....w-what did I do to deserve this," the man said with tears running down his cheeks and his vision blurring. 

[Suttable host found]

[Host is in critical condition]

As the man bleed out he saw a blue screen appear before him and a voice rung in his head.


[Activating emergency protocol]


(Am I really losing my mind right now) the man laughed to himself

[Begining forced body transfer]

(Body transfer...what does that mean) 

As the man's vision backed and he could no longer feel anything he heard a countdown in his ear.
