A Guest

"Wh...what happened," Virgil spoke his voice weak and his body weaker

"Well you killed one of my servants something I never saw happening," spoke a voice unseen by Virgil

Looking around Virgil realized that he couldn't move his body he was playing flat in a black void.

"Sabastian what happened to me...Melody, is she okay?" Virgil asked

"I don't know who this Sabastian person is but Melody is fine you somehow removed the curse I placed on her. I think you might be more fun than I expected," The Voice continued

"W-who are you?" Virgil asked his voice filled with curiosity and slight fear

"Ah yes it seems she hasn't told you about me; that kind of breaks my heart. Well you can call me Athelstan I'm sure you two will have some interesting things to talk about," Voice said with a fake sad voice

"Who are you talking about what didn't they tell me?" Virgil asked

"Ask that system of yours. I hope you prove to me better than the others," Voice said as it faded away

"No don't go. Tell me where I am. Tell me what happened to me." Virgil yelled into the empty void


In a bedroom of the Belmont estate, Virgil could be found sleeping his body covered in sweat and a part of his once black hair now a platinum white. Next to him a woman dressed in a dark blue dress with long black hair holding his hand.

"Please survive...you truly are my last hope to spoke him," the woman spoke squeezing his hand

The next moment the woman's body faded away like sand being blown away by the wind.

....A few days later

"Has he woken up yet?" asked Alexander

"No his body is physical stable but his soul is cracked from him forcing his mana beyond its limits. I don't know how long it will take him to recover,"

"Magi I'm sorry b-because of me you ended up like this," said Melody while crying by his bedside

....One Week Later

"Melody please go get some rest I have the best Doctors looking into him all we can do now is wait," Malisa said 

"No, I won't leave him until he wakes up,"

...2 Weeks Later

"This isn't looking good not a single movement the doctors are saying that he is brain dead," Alexander spoke nervously

"Now he is perfectly healthy this is just something that normal doctors can't understand," Alucard replied

"Is there anything we could possibly do?" Malisa asked

"No, I have never dealt with something like this I wouldn't even know where to start," Alucard sighed

....1 month

In the Belmont estate which now had a grin air to it Virgil who had been in a coma for a month had finally awoken.

"Where am I," Virgil spoke his voice raspy and dry

Slowly moving his head around Virgil found himself in a bedroom of some sort. But all around him was medical equipment that had been monitoring his health.

"W-what the hell happened to me?" Virgil asked slowly sitting up

{You're finally away do you know how worried we were? We thought that we had lost you!} Sabastian said popping up before Virgil

"Sabastian...tell me what happened and how long have I been out?} Virgil said

{I will explain everything later for now you have to build your strength your body is weak}

"I wasn't asking. Tell me what happened," Virgil said with a hit of anger in his voice

{I see. Well, to be brief you were able to remove the curse of Melody. You even were able to awaken her mana. But it caused you to fall into a coma for a month} Sabastian stated

"...a month... You're telling me I have been asleep for a fucking month?!" Virgil said his voice raging with anger

{I'm sorry Virgil but we could not do anything the wound you suffered was much deeper than a physical wound. You needed time} 

"What else happened what did I miss?" Virgil asked

{Well the Justice Leauge is losing their mind trying to find you and the Belmont were smart enough not to say anything when they came snooping around}

"I mean events any signs of Trigons awakening or invaders?" 

{No. Not nothing that I can gather}

"Alright is there anything else that happened to my body I should know about?"

{Yes. Because of what happened to you there has been a change in your status}

"Show me"

[You have removed a Lv.50 Death Curse: +5000 exp/ +3000 Bonus exp.]

[You have killed one of the Twelve Priors: +30,000 exp/+20,000 shop points]

[You have defeated something fifth level higher than you: +30,000 exp.]

[You have gained the skill Curse Removal[Lv.1]

[Basic-Mana control has advanced to Advance-Mana Control]

[Learner Has Advance to Twin Thought]

[Your mana has greatly increased]

[The healing properties of Fire of Origin has increased by 300%]

[The heat of the Fire of Origin has increased by 5000 degrees Celsius]

[You forced your body beyond its physical limits damaging your soul]

[All stats will be cut in half by 50% for the next two weeks]

[Your mana will be locked for the next week]


Name: Virgil Domini [Magi]

Age: 19

Class: None

Level 12: 3,560/16,000]

HP: 600/600 [300/300]

MP: 15000/15000 [Locked: 1 Week remaining]

Strength: 50 [25]

Agility: 65 [32.5]

Endurance: 60 [30]

Dexterity: 50 [25]

Intelligence: 55 [27.5]

Wisdom: 65 [32.5]

Free Status Points: 27

Skills: Advance-Mana Control[Lv.1] Twin Thought[Lv.1] Barrier[Lv.35] Shock[Lv.25] Body Strengthening [Lv.18] Fire of Origin[Lv.30] Flame Body[Lv.5] Fire Rebirth[Lv.26] Electric Whip[Lv.2] Curse Removal[Lv.1]

Equipment: Mask Of The Deep/Cloak of the Sapphire Rose

"I'm thankful for all the experience and shop points but why was this limit placed on me?" Virgil asked

{To allow your soul and body to fully heal from any hidden side effects}

"I see but I need you and the system to explain something to me. Who is Athelstan?"



[How do you know that name?]

"Don't worry about that tell me who that is?" Virgil continued

{I'm surprised he waited this long. We both knew he would find out sooner or later}

[Yes I know. Virgil, it's time I tell you the true reason I chose you]