The beast forest (part 1)

The day of the Beast Forest Test had finally arrived. The outer disciples gathered at the edge of the forest, a dense expanse of towering trees and thick undergrowth. The air was thick with anticipation, and whispers filled the clearing as the disciples sized up their competition. Some wore expressions of confidence, while others glanced nervously at the dark forest, unsure of what awaited them inside.

Kai stood among the group, his calm demeanor hiding the intensity of his thoughts. His gaze wandered to the forest, trying to sense any lurking danger, but more importantly, the source of the hidden presence he had been feeling for weeks. It was here somewhere, watching and waiting.

Elder Zhang, a middle-aged man with a long silver beard and sharp eyes, stood before the gathered disciples. His presence was commanding, his aura exuding power, yet there was a sense of strict fairness about him. He raised a hand, silencing the whispers immediately.

"The rules for this test are simple," Elder Zhang began. "You will venture into the Jade Lotus Forest and hunt the spirit beasts that reside within. Each beast you kill will earn you a token. The higher the rank of the beast, the more valuable the token. At the end of three days, the disciple with the most tokens will be rewarded with advancement opportunities and resources. Those who fail to collect enough tokens… will remain as outer disciples."

A murmur passed through the group at that last part. The pressure to succeed was evident on everyone's faces. Failure wasn't an option if they wanted to progress within the sect.

Elder Zhang continued, "But beware—this is not just a test of strength, but also of wisdom and survival. The forest is not only filled with spirit beasts, but also treacherous terrain and natural dangers. Act recklessly, and you may not return."

Kai's attention shifted to the forest. He could feel the dense energy emanating from within, a mixture of qi and something darker. The spiritual beasts were not the only thing to be wary of, and Kai had a nagging feeling that there were other things, hidden in the shadows, waiting to prey on the disciples who ventured too far.

As the disciples were paired up or formed small groups, Kai noticed a few familiar faces. Cheng Bao, with his usual wide grin, approached him.

"Seems like we're stuck with each other, brother," Cheng Bao said, clapping Kai on the shoulder. "I was hoping to team up with you. Safety in numbers, right?"

Kai nodded, though his mind was elsewhere. The test was important, but his goals were larger than just surviving this trial. He had to keep his true strength hidden, for now. Drawing too much attention would only complicate things.

Yan Mei joined them, his serious expression unchanged. "We should stick together for the first part. The beasts near the outer edges of the forest should be easier to handle."

"Agreed," Kai said simply.

As the groups began to move toward the forest, a voice called out, "Kai."

He turned to see Senior Brother Luo Xing approaching, his brow furrowed in curiosity. Luo Xing stopped a few paces from Kai and the others, his eyes scanning Kai carefully.

"You've caused quite a stir since you joined," Luo Xing remarked, folding his arms. "Many had high expectations during your spiritual root test. I'm curious to see if you'll surprise us during this trial."

Kai gave a neutral nod. "I'll do my best, Senior Brother."

Luo Xing's gaze lingered on Kai for a moment longer before he turned and joined his own group, disappearing into the forest.

Yan Mei frowned. "That guy's dangerous. Keep your distance from him."

Kai didn't respond, but he knew Yan Mei was right. Luo Xing was not someone to take lightly. There was something calculating behind those eyes, as if he was always weighing the worth of those around him.

The disciples were soon scattered across the forest, venturing deeper into its dark, winding paths. The forest was dense, with thick roots snaking across the ground, making it difficult to traverse at speed. Faint growls and rustling leaves echoed from deeper within, alerting them to the presence of nearby spirit beasts.

As Kai, Cheng Bao, and Yan Mei moved cautiously through the forest, they encountered their first challenge—a Silverhorn Wolf. The wolf was large, its fur glistening with a metallic sheen, and its eyes glowed with a predatory hunger. Its qi presence was overwhelming for a low-ranked beast, a testament to the danger even these lower-tier creatures posed.

"Looks like our first token," Cheng Bao muttered, unsheathing his sword.

Kai remained calm, watching the wolf carefully. It was a beast, but its movements were calculated, almost as if it were waiting for an opening.

Yan Mei acted first, striking at the wolf with swift precision, but the creature dodged, lunging at him with blinding speed. The wolf's claws raked across Yan Mei's sword, sparks flying from the clash of metal and fang.

Cheng Bao joined in, his blade slashing at the wolf's side. Blood sprayed as he landed a hit, but the beast didn't slow down. It growled, its silver horns glowing faintly as it released a burst of energy, pushing the two back.

Kai took a step forward, his hand gripping his sword tightly. He knew he had to strike soon or risk the others being overwhelmed.

Just as the wolf prepared to charge again, a cold shiver ran down Kai's spine. He stopped, his eyes narrowing as he sensed something in the shadows.

It was that presence again—the one that had been watching him for weeks.

But this time, it felt closer, more threatening.

The wolf howled, preparing to lunge at Cheng Bao again, but Kai was quicker. He moved with precision, his sword slicing through the air, cutting deep into the wolf's neck. The beast collapsed in a pool of blood, its body twitching before going still.

Cheng Bao stared at Kai, eyes wide with surprise. "You… you killed it in one strike?"

Kai shrugged, wiping his blade clean. "It was reckless. Left an opening."

Yan Mei stood, breathing heavily as he glanced at the dead wolf. "One token down."

But Kai's focus was elsewhere, his senses still on high alert. That hidden presence hadn't left. If anything, it felt even stronger now, as if it were observing his every move.

What—or who—was lurking in the shadows of this forest?