The beast forest(part 2)

As the Silverhorn Wolf's lifeless body lay on the forest floor, the atmosphere grew thick with tension. The forest seemed to watch in silence, as though something—someone—was still lurking, hidden deep within the shadows.

Kai's gaze shifted uneasily toward the darker parts of the forest. He couldn't shake off the sensation of being watched. That unsettling presence was growing more intense, and it wasn't just a spirit beast. No, it was something much more dangerous, something intelligent, perhaps even malevolent.

Cheng Bao interrupted his thoughts. "Kai, you alright? You've been staring at nothing for a while."

Kai snapped back to reality, his expression hardening. "Yeah. Let's move. We don't want to attract more attention here."

Yan Mei nodded in agreement. "This area is known for more than just low-level spirit beasts. We should keep moving and gather more tokens before others catch up."

The trio resumed their journey through the forest, with Yan Mei and Cheng Bao discussing strategies for hunting the next beasts. But Kai remained silent, his mind consumed by the strange presence. It was still there, lurking at the edge of his awareness, but never revealing itself fully.

Several hours passed, and the group encountered a few more beasts, all of which they managed to defeat without much difficulty. They collected their tokens, though none of the beasts presented the same challenge as the Silverhorn Wolf.

As they ventured deeper into the Jade Lotus Forest, the conversation among the disciples shifted to the upcoming challenges. Yan Mei spoke about the inner sect's recruitment and how only a handful of outer disciples ever made it to the ranks of the inner sect.

"I've heard stories of past trials," Yan Mei said, wiping sweat from his brow after a particularly long trek. "Some of the strongest disciples didn't make it. The inner sect doesn't just look at martial skill, but your adaptability, intelligence, and how you handle pressure."

Cheng Bao, who had been uncharacteristically quiet, suddenly spoke up. "You think it's true what they say about the inner sect elders? That some of them used to be from prominent families, trained from birth to become the strongest cultivators?"

Yan Mei shrugged. "It wouldn't surprise me. The resources they have in the inner sect are leagues ahead of what we'll get in the outer sect. That's why the beast hunting in this forest is important—it's our only real chance to stand out."

Kai remained silent during their conversation. While the other disciples were concerned with status and advancement, his thoughts were elsewhere. The mysterious presence was still there, lingering just beyond the edges of his senses. It followed him, yet it didn't seem to make any hostile moves.

Just as they were approaching a small clearing, Kai froze. His eyes caught sight of a group of figures emerging from the shadows of the forest. Unlike the disciples, who were rough and worn from the forest trials, these individuals were dressed in fine robes, their movements graceful and deliberate. There were about five of them, each wearing the emblem of one of the prominent families from Xianjin City. Their eyes were cold, their demeanor detached as they surveyed the forest around them.

Cheng Bao followed Kai's gaze and cursed under his breath. "That's… the Chen family, right? They're one of the most powerful families around here. I heard their daughters were sent to the Jade Lotus Sect to cultivate."

Yan Mei's face turned serious. "Stay low. It's best we don't draw attention from them. Those from prominent families tend to have more influence, even in the sect."

Kai's gaze lingered on the group, watching as they passed through the clearing with little regard for the other disciples. Their aura of arrogance and superiority was unmistakable. He couldn't help but wonder what their story was, and why they had chosen this path. Were they here for genuine cultivation, or was there something more?

Whispers from nearby disciples carried over to Kai's ears.

"They say the eldest daughter of the Chen family was selected for personal training by one of the Jade Lotus Sect's grand elders."

"Yeah, and that the other daughters are destined to become core disciples."

"They don't even need to do this beast hunting. It's just for show."

Kai kept his face expressionless, but the information was valuable. Prominent families like the Chens wielded great power, not just in the city, but within the sect itself. Their influence was something to be wary of, especially for someone like him, who was an outsider with no background.

Just as the group of nobles disappeared into the trees, a cold shiver ran down Kai's spine. The hidden presence he had felt earlier was back, stronger than before. It was closer now, hovering in the shadows of the forest, watching him intently.

His hand instinctively went to his sword, and he scanned the area around them. Nothing. But the feeling remained—a dark, oppressive aura that seemed to cling to him like a shadow.

Kai glanced at Yan Mei and Cheng Bao, but neither of them seemed to notice the presence. Was it only targeting him?

"We should keep moving," Kai muttered, his voice low and measured.

Cheng Bao nodded, sensing the tension in Kai's words. "Yeah, let's go. We still need more tokens before nightfall."

As they pushed further into the forest, Kai couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that something—or someone—was following them. It wasn't the Chen family, nor was it any of the other disciples. No, this presence was darker, more malevolent.

And it was hunting him.

The question that lingered in Kai's mind was: why?