true identity

As Kai and the others were still in the forest, another scene unfolded deep within the Jade Lotus Sect, hidden from the eyes of the disciples. The current sect master, an elder of formidable power and authority, stood within a dimly lit chamber, his gaze fixed on a figure kneeling before him.

The air was heavy with tension as the figure, shrouded in a dark robe, remained bowed low, their head downcast in apparent submission. Yet, there was an unmistakable air of defiance about them, as if this act of submission was nothing more than a temporary mask.

The sect master's voice was sharp as steel, cutting through the silence. "You've interfered again. How many times must I warn you about leaving the sect grounds and involving yourself in the matters of the younger disciples?"

The kneeling figure didn't respond immediately, though there was a flicker of something in their aura—something cold and detached. After a moment, the figure finally spoke, their voice low, a whisper of defiance just beneath the surface. "I was merely observing. The boy—Kai—he is... interesting."

The sect master's eyes narrowed, a mixture of frustration and something deeper in his gaze. "That's not your decision to make. I am the sect master now, and it is my duty to oversee the Jade Lotus Sect, not yours."

The figure slowly raised their head, and in the faint light of the chamber, the features of the former sect master, Jiang Tian, were revealed. His once proud and commanding presence had grown more subdued, yet a powerful undercurrent still radiated from him, a testament to the strength he once wielded.

"You may wear the title of sect master now," Jiang Tian said quietly, his voice as calm and chilling as a winter breeze, "but do not forget who built this sect, who shaped it with blood and sacrifice. I did not come here to be lectured by one of my former disciples."

The current sect master's jaw tightened, but he held his ground. "Your time has passed, Jiang Tian. You stepped down willingly, yet you continue to interfere. This obsession with watching over the younger disciples—especially that boy, Kai—it will only lead to trouble. You're walking a dangerous line."

Jiang Tian slowly rose to his feet, his movements deliberate, and for a brief moment, the aura of a man who had once ruled the Jade Lotus Sect with an iron fist flared to life. "That boy," he said, his eyes gleaming, "will be the key to something far greater than you or I can imagine. I've sensed it. His presence, his instincts—he's not like the others."

The sect master frowned, clearly troubled by the weight of Jiang Tian's words, but he wasn't swayed. "You may be right, but that does not give you the right to meddle. This is not the time for reckless interference. We have enough to deal with as it is—the balance of power on the Central Continent is fragile, and the Western and Northern Continents continue to grow more volatile by the day."

Jiang Tian's gaze remained fixed, cold and unreadable. "I've seen the cracks forming in the foundation of this world. There are forces moving in the shadows, and Kai... he will be caught in the storm whether you like it or not. If you think I'm simply 'meddling,' then you don't understand the scale of what's coming."

The sect master's stern expression faltered for a moment, but he quickly composed himself. "Even if what you say is true, it's not your place to intervene anymore. You chose to step down, Jiang Tian. Don't make me enforce the rules of the sect upon you."

For a long moment, the two powerful figures stared at each other, the room crackling with the unspoken tension of their clash. Finally, Jiang Tian let out a quiet, almost amused chuckle. "Very well, sect master," he said, the title carrying a hint of sarcasm. "I'll stay out of the boy's way... for now."

But as Jiang Tian turned to leave, his voice lingered in the air, a soft, ominous whisper. "Just remember, when the storm comes, it won't matter who wears the title of sect master. Only those who are prepared will survive."

With that, the former sect master vanished into the shadows, leaving the current sect master standing alone in the chamber, deep in thought.

"I'll have to see that boy myself," the sect master said as his sunk into his seat.