
As Kai, Yan Mei, and Cheng Bao returned from the forest, the sun was beginning its descent behind the towering mountains that surrounded the Jade Lotus Sect. The once bright skies had dimmed, casting long shadows over the sect grounds. The Beast Hunt had come to an end, and the remaining disciples slowly gathered in the main square, some of them battered and exhausted, others triumphant with their haul of beast cores.

Kai's mind, however, was still occupied by the presence they had encountered deep within the forest. It had watched them, evaluated them, and then vanished into the shadows, leaving behind a sense of looming danger. He couldn't shake the feeling that the encounter was only the beginning.

In the center of the sect square, a platform had been raised where the elders stood, their expressions as unreadable as always. The elder in charge of overseeing the Beast Hunt, Elder Chen, stood at the front, his piercing gaze sweeping over the crowd of disciples. His dark gray robes fluttered in the evening breeze, and his presence commanded silence from the gathered group.

The disciples, both new recruits and seasoned members, stood before the platform, anxiously awaiting the results. Some of them were covered in bandages, while others were missing entirely, either dead or too injured to return in time. The event had been brutal, and everyone knew that not all who had entered the forest would come out alive.

Elder Chen stepped forward, his voice booming across the square. "The Beast Hunt has officially concluded. Many of you fought bravely, but not all have returned. Of the 120 disciples who entered the forest, 18 are confirmed dead. They will be honored by the sect, and their contributions will not be forgotten." His voice was somber, but there was no sign of sorrow. In the world of cultivation, death was a part of life, especially for those seeking power.

A ripple of murmurs passed through the crowd, some disciples bowing their heads in respect while others exchanged anxious glances. The reality of their situation weighed heavily on them all. For many of the younger disciples, it was a stark reminder that the road to power was paved with risk.

"Now," Elder Chen continued, his tone shifting slightly, "it is time to announce the results of this year's Beast Hunt. Those who have performed exceptionally well will be rewarded with access to the first floor of the Martial Arts Pavilion. There, you will have the opportunity to choose one technique or manual to advance your cultivation."

This news sent a ripple of excitement through the gathered disciples. The Martial Arts Pavilion was one of the Jade Lotus Sect's most prized resources, containing countless techniques that could elevate a cultivator's strength. Access to it was a coveted reward, especially for newer disciples looking to rise through the ranks.

Elder Chen raised a hand, silencing the whispers of anticipation. "The top ten disciples from this year's hunt are as follows. In tenth place, Zhang Rui."

A young man stepped forward, his expression proud but controlled. His name was met with polite applause from the crowd.

"In ninth place, Li Fang."

Another disciple stepped forward, followed by the next in line. As Elder Chen continued to call out names, the crowd's attention began to shift toward the top spots, where the real competition lay.

Finally, Elder Chen's voice rose again. "In second place, Kai."

Kai stepped forward, his face calm despite the murmurs of surprise from the crowd. Most hadn't expected a newcomer like him to rank so highly, and the curious and envious stares lingered on him as he took his place on the platform.

Yan Mei, who had taken fourth place, gave him a small nod of acknowledgment. Cheng Bao, though unranked, stood in the crowd with a grin, clearly proud of his friend's accomplishment.

Elder Chen paused for a moment, letting the anticipation build before announcing the first-place winner. "And in first place, Jiang Yue."

The crowd fell silent as Jiang Yue stepped forward. She was as graceful as she was deadly, with long, flowing dark hair and an air of cold detachment that set her apart from the others. Her celestial-grade spiritual roots were well-known, and her talent had long been the subject of admiration—and envy—within the sect.

Jiang Yue's expression remained unreadable as she took her place at the front, her distant gaze sweeping over the crowd but never lingering on anyone for long. She embodied perfection, and the silence that greeted her was filled with both awe and jealousy.

Elder Chen nodded approvingly at the top-ranked disciples. "The top ten disciples will now be granted access to the first floor of the Martial Arts Pavilion. Use this opportunity wisely, as the techniques you choose will play a crucial role in your cultivation and your future within the sect."

Kai's attention briefly flicked toward Jiang Yue. She was clearly the most skilled among them, but he couldn't shake the feeling that the real challenge wasn't between him and his fellow disciples. His mind drifted back to the presence in the forest, its parting words echoing in his thoughts.

As the elder officially ended the event, many of the disciples began to disperse, heading toward their quarters or celebrating with their friends. The hunt had been a success for some, but the loss of life weighed on others.

Kai remained still for a moment, watching as the last of the sun's light faded from the horizon. The world of cultivation was ruthless, and the Beast Hunt was only the beginning. The path ahead was treacherous, filled with unseen dangers. He would have to be ready for whatever came next—whether it was a test from the sect or from the lurking shadows that had already begun to close in around him.