The General sighed, rubbing his temple. "Leave it, girl," he said. "Even if I wanted to arrest him hell, even if the government wanted to we can't do anything about it."
Meleonora stared at him in disbelief. "What?"
The General let out another sigh. "Why do you think there's been no media coverage about this? No news reports? No public outcry?" He looked at her with a knowing expression. "It's just how the world works. The law is only for the weak."
Meleonora took a step back, shaking her head. "No." Her voice wavered, but she steadied herself. "I thought you came here to arrest him! This isn't right. The higher-ups won't agree with this."
The General shook his head, looking at her with something close to pity. "He's useful to the country," he stated plainly. "They won't touch him."
Meleonora clenched her fists."He massacred hundreds of people," she argued. "What more are you asking for?"
The General didn't hesitate.
"Not enough."