Training Arc • 7: Player Roles II

He instinctively stepped back as they marched forward. Even though they weren't real Orcs, they were terrifying enough. Their sheer size and power were intimidating, and their clubs smashing into the ground sent tremors through the chamber.

He glanced at Ryn, hoping for some semblance of encouragement, but the Ranger's cold glare told him he was on his own.

"The team's depending on you!" Ryn barked, pacing the edge of the training area. "You're the last line of disruption. Stop thinking like a soldier and act like a Ranger. MOVE!"

Aeric gritted his teeth, his body surging with adrenaline. The first Orc charged toward him, club raised high.

"Are you going to wait for them to hit first?! The first thing I said about Rangers is that we do not wait. Rangers are strikers! Strike!"

"Don't stand still! Keep moving!" Ryn kept shouting.

Aeric rolled to the side just as the club came crashing down, the impact sending shards of crystal stone flying.