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Nero stood in the training room he built in the abandoned warehouse, surrounded by his fellow Guardians: Maria, Anthony, Diego, Sofia, and Donald. Each of them wielded one of the powerful Guardian Rings, granting them control over a specific element of the Dying Will Flames. Nero himself held the Vongola Primo Sky Flame Ring, the most powerful of them all.

"Welcome, my familia," Nero said, addressing the group. "Today, we will begin your training in the art of the Dying Will Flames of the Sky. This power is not to be taken lightly, but with proper training and guidance, you will master it."

"Why the poetic talk?" Diego asked with a snicker.

"Hush. He gets into the role." Anthony teased as well.

"C'mon guys, it is serious training time." Nero sighed helplessly, as he said with a smile.

The Guardians nodded in agreement, eager to begin their training. Nero first taught them the basics of the Dying Will Flames, explaining how to summon them and control them. Maria, who wielded the Guardian Ring of Mist, was particularly adept at manipulating the Mist Flames, using them to create illusions and disorient her opponents.

Anthony, who held the Guardian Ring of Sun, was a natural at using the Sun Flames to create powerful explosions and fire-based attacks. Diego, with the Guardian Ring of Storm, was skilled in manipulating wind to devastating effect. Sofia, the wielder of the Guardian Ring of Rain, had a knack for controlling water and using it to her advantage in combat. Finally, Donald, who controlled the Guardian Ring of Lightning, was adept at using electricity to shock and stun his foes.

As the training progressed, Nero also taught them the basics of martial arts that he had learned from Nigel. During his time in the Principe Family, Nigel learned lots of arts of battles and as he raised Nero, he taught him. Lastly, Nero talked about Vongola Hyper Intuition, a powerful ability that allowed him to sense danger and react with lightning-fast reflexes. The Guardians learned how to dodge attacks, block strikes, and counter their opponents with swift and precise movements.

The Guardians trained tirelessly under Nero's guidance. They grew stronger with each passing day, mastering the Dying Will Flames and honing their martial arts skills to perfection. Nero was pleased with their progress, confident that they would be able to face any challenge that came their way.

After relentless training in physical strength and mastering the basics of their respective Flames, Nero deemed it was time to move on to the next level, Haki training - Observation and Armament.

"Observation Haki, also known as Kenbunshoku Haki, is a powerful ability that allows the user to sense the presence of others, predict their movements, and even see into the future to a limited extent when mastered." Nero explained to the group that mastering this ability was essential for any skilled fighter, as it would allow them to stay one step ahead of their opponents and avoid attacks that they would otherwise be unable to see coming. "It is similar to Hyper Intuition, and both can be used at the same time to increase the effect."

To begin training, Nero instructed the group to clear their minds and focus on their surroundings. He explained that to use Observation Haki, they needed to be able to sense the presence of others even when they couldn't see them with their physical eyes. They started by trying to sense each other's presence, even when they were hiding or moving quietly.

He started to pair them and used the classic hitting-with-stick method to awaken their Haki. First to learn it was Maria. It wasn't surprising as she had greater ability in art of mind. Following her was Donald, Sofia, Diego and lastly Anthonio.

It was a difficult process, and progress was slow at first, but gradually the group began to sense each other's presence more and more accurately. They also began to predict each other's movements, which allowed them to dodge and counterattack with greater speed and precision.

As they became more proficient in Observation Haki, Nero introduced them to the next level of training: Armament Haki, also known as Busoshoku Haki. This ability allowed the user to harden their body and weapons, giving them the ability to break through tough defenses and inflict devastating damage on their opponents.

The group started with basic Armament Haki, learning to coat their fists and weapons in a layer of Haki. Nero showed them how to visualize the Haki as a powerful shield that could deflect any attack, and how to focus their strength into a single, devastating blow.

The training was grueling, and many times the group was pushed to their limits. But as they persevered, their abilities grew stronger, and they became more confident in their own power.

Eventually, Nero decided it was time for a real test of their newfound abilities. He challenged them to a series of sparring matches, pitting each member of the group against each other in a fierce battle.

The fights were intense and brutal, with each member unleashing their full power and skill. But as the battles raged on, it became clear that the training had paid off. The group was able to sense each other's movements, predict their attacks, and deflect and counter with ease.

Finally, the day came when Nero announced that the first phase of their training was complete. The Guardians stood before him, confident and ready to face whatever the future held. Nero smiled, proud of the warriors they had become.

"My friends," he said, "you have all come so far, and I am honored to call you my fellow Guardians. Together, we will create the Principe Mafia Family and ensure its continued success. Let us go forth and show the world the power of Principe!"

[Achievement (Hidden Quest): First Family Member: Have your first follower.

As the Mafia Boss, you need a member for your new family. Get your first family member that is loyal to you.

Achievement Unlocked: Complete the Sky Guardians.

As the Sky Lord, you need six other guardians that are loyal to you.

Rewards: Random Character Card C-- Tier x 1, Random Character Card D+ Tier x1, Random Character Card E Tier x5, Random Ability D- Tier x 5, Random Ability E Tier x3, Random Item D- Tier x2, Random Item E Tier x3]

"Draw all!" Nero said with excitement. It was payday. It has been sometimes since he had started his family and Sorella notified him about these achievements, but he kept them until now.




C-- Tier;

Sakura Haruno (Naruto- After the war): Sakura is a ninja from the village of Konoha and a member of Team 7. She is skilled in medical ninjutsu and has superhuman strength, which she gained through intense physical training. While she may not be as powerful as some of the other characters in Naruto, her skills make her a valuable asset to her team.

D+ Tier;

Nami (One Piece): Nami is the navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates and has the ability to control the weather using her Clima-Tact weapon. While her abilities are not as powerful as some of the other members of the crew, she is still a skilled fighter and a valuable member of the team.

E Tier;

Erwin Smith(Attack on Titan: Erwin is a character from the popular anime and manga series Attack on Titan. He is the commander of the Survey Corps and one of the most intelligent and strategic characters in the series. Erwin possesses exceptional intelligence and analytical skills that he uses to make critical decisions and develop strategies to combat Titans. He is an excellent judge of character and is able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of his allies and enemies. Erwin also has exceptional leadership skills, and his subordinates respect him for his unwavering dedication to the cause and his ability to inspire them in battle.

In combat, Erwin is a skilled swordsman and has an exceptional sense of timing and coordination. He is able to use his sword effectively against Titans and coordinate attacks with his fellow soldiers to take down larger enemies. Overall, Erwin is a valuable member of the Survey Corps and an essential part of the team. His intelligence, leadership skills, and combat abilities make him an indispensable asset in the ongoing fight against the Titans.

Mumen Rider (One-Punch Man) - Mumen Rider is a Class C hero in the One-Punch Man universe. He has exceptional bravery and determination, but his physical abilities are limited compared to other heroes.

SpongeBob SquarePants - (SpongeBob): He has exceptional cooking ability. (Cannot be summoned.)

Sokka (Avatar: The Last Airbender) - Sokka is skilled in non-bending combat and strategic planning, as well as boomerang and sword fighting.

Hercule Satan (Dragon Ball Z) - Hercule is a skilled martial artist with impressive physical strength, but he often overestimates his abilities and takes credit for the work of others.


D- Tier:

Superhuman strength (able to lift twice their body weight)

Enhanced marksmanship (able to hit targets accurately from long distances)

E Tier:

Perfect pitch (able to recognize and reproduce any musical note accurately)

Eidetic memory (able to remember every detail of an event or information with extreme accuracy)

Enhanced olfactory senses (able to detect and identify scents with great accuracy and detail)


D- Tier:

Ring of Invisibility: A ring that makes the wearer invisible for a limited amount of time.

Flame Sword: A sword that can create flames upon striking a surface, dealing extra damage to enemies.

E Tier:

Healing Potion: A potion that can heal minor wounds and injuries.

Grappling Hook: A hook attached to a rope that can be used to climb or swing across surfaces(200 meters).

Night Vision Goggles: Goggles that allow the wearer to see clearly in the dark.]

Nero stared at the newly drawn character cards, carefully analyzing each one. He couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that he didn't get any character with abilities that could help him training, but he still found some use for the ones he got. Satan was an excellent peak-human level martial artist, but what Nero needed at the moment was beyond humanly capable.

Nami caught his attention first. As a navigator with the ability to control the weather, she was a best bet on sea, but they had almost no business in the open sea, and to be honest, in the current age, technology beat her when it came to navigation. He also doubted if Nami could travel in space with the same expertise. Although she was intelligent, her ability mostly came from being able to feel the weather changes. She probably wouldn't be a good choice in space travel. But, she was still an intelligent and crafty person. She was better than Black Widow when it came to infiltration, he was sure of it. If he could teach her what the current technology could, Nami would be the best thief on Earth in no time at all.

"I think I will summon her." He muttered.

"She can be a good addition, indeed." Maria nodded from the side. Nero thought he would see jealousy on her face, but she had none. That made his heart warm. Having Maria's trust was more than any words she could utter.

He then looked at the second card. Sakura, with her medical ninjutsu and superhuman strength, would be a valuable addition to his new family. He could also use her abilities to heal his followers during battles. True, he had bias against this character due to Prince's memories, but he wasn't Prince. He could still analyze the situation logically and having Sakura beside him was better than casting her away. He also thought of giving her to one of his followers so they could learn her skills but he decided against it immediately. Having many people with 1 skill set was better than having a person that could do everything.

Next one was his favorite despite being a D-Tier Card. Erwin's exceptional intelligence and leadership skills made him a top pick for a spy. Nero thought about sending him to HYDRA or even better, SHIELD. He would have to train him in the art of espionage first, but it would be worth it to have someone on the inside. With the meta knowledge about the organization he could share with Erwin, and all the technological devices, Erwin could infiltrate into SHIELD and rise up in ranks in no time. His goal was to replace Fury if possible. If not, being a high-ranking agent at SHIELD was also a good option.

"I need to find a way to forge an identity for him. He cannot go up to Pierce and say 'Hail Hydra' now can he…"

[No need for that, Big Brother,] Sorella said in his mind. [All characters summoned by Big Brother will have all the credentials they need in this universe.]

Nero was surprised, but also contend, "That is great, Sorella!"

Next was a bit of disappointment. Mumen Rider's bravery was admirable, but his physical abilities were limited. Nero didn't see much use for him in his organization. His only merit was bravery. Maybe he could integrate this card to Nami to make her braver.

SpongeBob's cooking skills were interesting, but Nero couldn't summon him. Since he would look like a mutant when summoned, Nero thought it wouldn't be a problem, but maybe his sponge physique was beyond the logic of this universe. System prevented him from summoning SpongeBob.

Next was one of Prince's favorite characters. Sokka's non-bending combat skills and strategic planning could come in handy during missions. Nero decided to summon him and train for the time being. In the future, when he creates a Technology Department that can create Dying Will Flame tools, Sokka can shine in battles more than others.

Next was a fraud. Hercule's impressive physical strength was notable, but his tendency to take credit for the work of others made Nero hesitant to assign him any important tasks.

"I will toss him to the ghetto so he can make connections when I need him later." He decided.

"Next, items…" Nero looked at the list. E and D-Tier items weren't things he couldn't acquire in Marvel World. To be honest, they were worse in some senses, but there were still some good things.

He examined the items and abilities he had drawn, carefully analyzing each one. He knew that his followers could benefit greatly from these items and abilities, but he needed to figure out which ones would be the best fit for each of them.

He looked at the Ring of Invisibility and immediately thought of Nami. Since he wanted her to become the best thief this world ever saw, he would of course give this ring to her. With invisibility under her sleeves, her skills set would level up tremendously.

The Flame Sword caught his attention next. He knew that Sokka would be the best fit for this item. Sokka was skilled in sword fighting. He learned from the best sword fighter in Avatar World. With Haki and this sword, Sokka could become a high-ranking fighter in his family.

The Healing Potion could be stored for now. When the situation required instant healing, it would come in handy.

Grappling Hook would be best for Erwin, as he was the former commander of the Survey Corps in Attack on Titan. Erwin in his world used a tool with similar nature, so even without training, Erwin could use it.

Finally, the Night Vision Goggles… He could buy many of these in the market, and it was really low-tier. He would keep it for now.

"Now for abilities…" He sighed. He discarded the thought of using them on himself immediately, as they were really low level.

He looked at the abilities he had just drawn and began to analyze them. "Superhuman strength could benefit Erwin, Sakura, and Nami," he thought. "All three of them are skilled fighters and could use an extra boost in their physical abilities." He made a mental note to give these abilities to them.

As for enhanced marksmanship, Nero thought that Nami would be the best fit for this ability. "If I can recreate Clima-Tact, she can be a strong fighter with other abilities. At that time, she can make use of marksmanship. Having enhanced marksmanship could make her even more deadly in combat,"

Nero then turned his attention to the E-tier abilities. "Perfect pitch could be useful for Sakura," he thought. "She is a skilled medical ninja, and having perfect pitch could help her identify the exact location and nature of an injury."

"Eidetic memory would be perfect for Erwin," Nero thought. "He already possesses exceptional analytical skills, and having an eidetic memory would only enhance his abilities as a strategist. Also it would help him to gather data in SHIELD. He could just go into the archives and take a good look at each document to memorize them."

"Yup, let's go with that." He smiled and started to summon them.


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