New Family Members- Frank Martin

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"Welcome to the Principe Family." Nero said with a smile from his seat. Maria was next to him with a kind smile on her face.

"Thank you for bestowing us another life, Master." Erwin, Nami, Sakura, Satan and Sokka spoke at the same time.

"I am not your master. You can call me Boss." Nero waved his hand. "We are a family now."

"Thank you boss." 

"Good. Now, Erwin…" Nero said as he looked at the blonde man. He looked to be in his early twenties, probably younger than in the anime version. "How much do you know about this world?"

"I only know the general information, M- Boss." Erwin replied respectfully.

"What information do you have about HYDRA?" Nero asked to test how much summoned characters knew. From his earlier observation with Frank, he concluded that characters knew as much as they would if they were to live in that world. For example Frank knew the existence of Captain America but he thought he died during WW2. 

"HYDRA was a terrorist organization that aimed for World Domination. Their plot was discovered and they had been obliterated in WW2 by Captain America." Erwin said what he knew.

"Well, HYDRA still lives." Nero said with a smile, "You probably know nothing about SHIELD."

"No, boss." They shook their heads. Nero sighed and shared information about HYDRA and SHIELD with his new family members. After reviewing the information, all had different expressions.

"Erwin, I want you to work for SHIELD." Nero said.

"My looks would allow me to infiltrate HYDRA with the knowledge you shared. You want me to rise up in ranks and be at least a leading member of the organization, I presume?" Erwin said.

"Yes. If you can, keep the cover and stop SHIELD from discovering HYDRA. Rise up in ranks, and if possible, assassinate high-ranking members of HYDRA and frame SHIELD agents for it. I want you to be the chief of SHIELD in 5 years." Nero said with conviction.

"I will do my best, Boss." Erwin knelt on one knee.

"Good. I will give you Eidetic Memory and Superhuman strength abilities. It should prove worthy in your mission." Nero said and the card appeared between his two fingers. He pinched it and in the next second, it turned into a blue essence and entered Erwin's body, followed by another.

"Thank you, Boss." Erwin said with a smile.

"Satan…" Nero called after he was done with Erwin.

"Yes, Boss." Satan stepped up.

"You are a strong fighter. I want you to start to live in New York's Hell's Kitchen. Make a name for yourself but stay out of trouble. Don't mess with heroes or villains. Let the locals respect you." Nero said after thinking for a while.

"As you will, Boss." Satan was fast to kneel.

"For now, I have no plan for you but you will come in handy in the future when some of the heroes arise. At the time, I may need you to act with or against them." Nero tapped the table.

"Nami, your skillset is really tricky." Nero sighed helplessly.

"Sorry for being useless, Boss." Nami was on the verge of tears.

"No, no. I didn't say useless." Nero said in panic, "No one in my family is useless. Don't forget that. Every one of you is precious to me. I don't care about your skills."

All five new family members looked at Nero with utmost respect and loyalty after his words. They were bound to Nero and couldn't betray him. And most were thankful for the second chance they got, but after hearing him, their loyalty peaked and not because of the system. This time, they were loyal from heart.

"I don't have the means to create Clima-tact for you for the time being." Nero said after sometime, "But I want your stealing expertise."

"You can use me however you wish, Boss." Nami said with a smile. Maria on the side giggled at the phrasing while Nero was sweating. 

"Right… Take this Ring of Invisibility." He pinched another card and an item appeared in Nami's hand, "Like Satan, I want you to make a name for yourself in New York. No one should know about your identity, and I want you to randomly hit rich people. Take fifty percent of everything you steal and give the other half to the poor."

"As you wish, Boss." Nami winked and took a step back.

"Sakura, you and Sokka will open a free-clinic at Hell's Kitchen. No miracle, no Jutsu. Heal everyone walks into your door. Poor don't have to pay, but criminals and big shots have to pay exorbitant prices. Use that money to help the neighborhood without stepping on the gang's feet. Help the schools and orphanages. Make a name as the new Saintess." Nero said after thinking for a while.

"As you will, Boss. But I am not sure if I can heal people without Jutsu." Sakura said after some hesitation.

"Don't worry, you will learn soon. You can still use your skills to identify the symptoms. Just no green flash from your hand, okay? It is too early to be noticed by big-shots." Nero said and added, "I will give you the 'Enhanced olfactory senses' ability that may help you."

"Thank you, Boss." Sakura bowed and took a step back.

"What about me, Boss? What do I do in this clinic?" Sokka asked.

"I want you to stick with Sakura and act like her bodyguard. She is strong but I don't want people to know that. She must be seen as a fragile kind-hearted saintess, while you will be the eternally grateful muscle. I will give you Enhanced marksmanship ability with Flame Sword. Do not refrain from using them and keep Sakura's cover. If a situation you cannot handle arises, you can call others in the vicinity. There is no problem if you are seen together."

"I understand, Boss." Sokka said with excitement. 

"Same goes for you, Nami." Nero added, "While working, you have to keep your identity secret, but other times, you can hang out with Sakura and others if you want. Just don't let others discover your Thief Identity."

"Got it, Boss." Nami said.

"Alright, that is it. Do any of you want cooking skills? I can spare this one." He then remembered the SpongeBob card. He had integrated Remy and learned his exceptional cooking abilities. He didn't need another one.

"Can I have it please?" Satan asked. "I want to cook my portions to keep my muscles."

Others looked at him weirdly, but no one objected so Nero pinched the card and it went into Satan's body. 

"Oh, change your name. That name can lead to trouble in this world." Nero chuckled, "You can use Hercule if you want but not Satan."

"Okay…" Satan said with a wry smile.

"Since we are done with tasks and abilities, let's get you up with Haki Training." Nero said and rose from his seat with Maria. Before sending these five away, he decided to teach them at least the basics of Haki.

Frank Martin arrived in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on a cold, crisp morning. He had been summoned by Nero, an enigmatic figure who had somehow managed to contact him and offer him an opportunity to work in a world unlike any he had ever known. Frank had always been a man of action, and the thought of taking on a new challenge excited him so he accepted without hesitation.

Nero had provided him with a manual on how to train Haki, an ability that would be essential in the Marvel Universe. Frank had never heard of Haki before, but he read through the manual and tried to absorb as much information as possible.

He then set out on a journey to New York, where he would begin his mission to infiltrate Kingpin's gang. He had little information about the gang, other than what Nero had provided him, so he knew that he would have to be cautious.

Frank took a train from Cambridge to New York and arrived in the city late at night. He checked into a cheap motel and began to plan his next move. He knew that he would have to start small, working his way up in the gang's hierarchy to gain the trust of its members.

Over the next few days, Frank did odd jobs for the gang, such as making deliveries and running errands. He tried to keep a low profile and not draw attention to himself. He also started to train his Haki abilities, practicing his concentration and focus to increase his power.

As he worked, he started to gain the trust of some of the gang's lower-level members. He used his natural charm and charisma to make friends with them, and he slowly started to learn more about the gang's inner workings.

As Frank continued to work for the gang, he also continued to train his Haki. He found that his ability to concentrate and focus improved with each passing day, and he could feel the power of Haki growing within him.

During one of his training sessions, Frank received an urgent summons from one of the minor leaders. The reason for the call was that Bullseye, Kingpin's trusted lieutenant, was in need of a driver. Over the months, Frank had gained a reputation for his exceptional driving skills, and the leader recommended him for the job. This presented a remarkable opportunity for Frank to elevate his status within the organization.

Frank was surprised to receive such an offer, but he knew that it was a chance he couldn't afford to miss. He quickly finished his training session and headed to the designated location where he was supposed to meet Bullseye.

As he drove towards the meeting point, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Bullseye was notorious for being a ruthless and unpredictable member of the Kingpin's gang. Since Bullseye wasn't presenting any danger to him in his current skill set, Frank realized the intuition was about something else.

'Ah, this is a test.' He thought in his heart, as a small smile made its way to his face.

When he arrived at the location, Bullseye was waiting for him. He looked Frank up and down, sizing him up, before finally nodding his head in approval.

"You're the driver?" Bullseye asked, his voice laced with suspicion.

"Yes, that's me," Frank replied calmly, trying to hide his nerves.

"Good. We've got a job to do. I need you to drive me to a meeting with one of our clients. We'll be carrying some valuable cargo, so I need you to be careful and keep your wits about you."

Frank nodded, not daring to say a word. He knew that any misstep could cost him this opportunity.

Bullseye got into the passenger seat, and Frank started the car. As they drove towards their destination, Frank couldn't help but notice the tense atmosphere inside the car. Bullseye, who was sitting next to him, put the briefcase on his lap and opened it. Frank noticed rows of hundreds stacked together but never turned to look. Bullseye closed the case and threw it to the back of the car.

"So, Frank, where are you from?"

"I'm from Cambridge," Frank replied calmly.

"Cambridge, huh?" Bullseye said, his tone slightly mocking. "That's a long way from home, Frank. What brings you to the Big Apple?"

"Needed a change," Frank said evenly. "A new start."

Bullseye chuckled darkly. "And how'd you end up with the Kingpin?"

"I wasn't running from anything," Frank said, his voice firm. "I just wanted a change of scenery."

Bullseye chuckled. "Sure, sure. So, how did you get hooked up with the Kingpin?"

Frank hesitated for a moment before replying. "I met someone who knew someone, and they introduced me to someone who knew the Kingpin. It was all just networking, really."

Bullseye nodded slowly. "And what do you think of the Kingpin?"

"I don't really have an opinion," Frank said diplomatically. "I'm just here to do my job."

Bullseye raised an eyebrow. "And what is your job, exactly?"

"I'm a driver," Frank said. "I drive people around and make deliveries. That's all."

"So, Frank, where did you learn to drive like that?" Bullseye asked, his eyes not leaving Frank's face.

"I've been driving for a long time," Frank replied calmly, keeping his eyes focused on the road.

"That's not really an answer, Frank. Did you take any courses? Military training, maybe?" Bullseye probed, his voice low and measured.

Frank remained calm. "I picked it up on my own. Never had any formal training."

Bullseye's eyes narrowed slightly. "Interesting. And what about your other skills? You seem like you know your way around the criminal underworld."

Frank shrugged. "I've had my fair share of experiences."

Bullseye leaned back in his seat, studying Frank. "You seem pretty cool under pressure, Frank. I like that."

"Thank you," Frank said, trying to hide his relief.

"You know," Bullseye said, "I might have some more work for you in the future. You seem like you could be useful."

"I'd be happy to help," Frank said, hiding a small smile of satisfaction. 

As they arrived at the meeting place, Frank parked the car and waited for Bullseye to get out. Other members of the gang approached them, eyeing them suspiciously.

Bullseye exchanged a few words with the gang members, before nodding towards Frank. "Stay here and keep the car running. I'll be back soon."

Frank nodded, relieved that he didn't have to get out of the car. He watched as Bullseye disappeared into the building, before turning his attention back to the car. He knew that he had to stay alert and be ready to drive away at a moment's notice. He also noticed the bag at the back seat of the car, left by Bullseye and realized what was going on.

'Testing if I will be blinded by money. Amateurs.'

After what seemed like an eternity, Bullseye finally emerged from the building, with a satisfied smirk on his face. He got into the car, and Frank drove them back to the gang's headquarters.

As they arrived, Bullseye turned to Frank and said, "Your skills are not bad. I will call you in the future."

"Thank you, sir." Frank gave a small nod, as Bullseye walked away after taking the bag of money.

'That wasn't so hard.' Frank thought to himself as he walked back.


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