Diego’s Regular Night


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Diego entered the new nightclub of the Prince Family. Prince was the alias Nigel had chosen for Nero after they escaped from Kingpin twenty years ago. At the time, he had to change the little boss's last name lest they were discovered by Kingpin. Even now, in their cover business, Nero was using the name Prince. The other significance to this name was to tribute Nero Prince, the soul from Earth, who sacrificed his chance to take Nero of this world and gave away his soul.

Diego entered the club, the bodyguards greeting their boss. Although the nightclub was Nero's, Diego was in charge. The club was a marvel of modern design, a blend of sleek lines and opulent décor. As Diego walked through the entrance, the bouncers nodded respectfully. "Good evening, Mr. Martinez," one of them said, holding the door open.

"Evening, James. How's the night treating you?" Diego replied, his smile effortlessly putting everyone at ease.

James chuckled. "Can't complain, boss. Busy night though."

"Just the way we like it," Diego said with a wink before stepping inside.

The main floor was buzzing with energy, the music thrumming through the air, lights flashing in sync with the beat. Diego made his way through the crowd, exchanging pleasantries with patrons and staff alike. He moved with a confidence that commanded attention, his light brown eyes sparkling under the club's ambient lighting.

"Diego! Over here!" a voice called from the bar. It was Anna, looking radiant as always, her crimson curls bouncing as she waved.

"Anna! Looking stunning as usual," Diego said, leaning in to kiss her cheek. "Who's the lucky guy tonight?"

Anna laughed, her green eyes twinkling mischievously. "Oh, you know me, always keeping them guessing."

Diego chuckled, his eyes on her green, "Well, I wish you good hunting." His tone was playful, but his mind was already on his next task. He waved goodbye to Anna and continued his journey through the club. The main floor was packed, the music a throbbing pulse that resonated through his body. As he navigated through the throngs of people, his abilities was on full display.

"Evening, Mr. Martinez," greeted a waitress with a tray full of drinks. "Need anything?"

Diego smiled, shaking his head. "Just making sure everyone is having a good time, Ella. Keep up the great work."

"Thanks, Mr. Martinez!" she replied, her cheeks flushing slightly.

He moved on, chatting up with everyone. At the bar, a group of regulars hailed him. "Diego! You gonna join us for a drink?"

"Only if you promise not to cheat at cards again, Jimmy," Diego said with a grin, eliciting a round of laughter from the group. "I'll catch up with you guys later. Behave, alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, boss," Jimmy replied, raising his glass.

Wherever he walked, Diego stopped by to exchange a few words, leaving a trail of smiles and laughter. He made his way toward the VIP section, his eyes scanning the crowd with practiced ease. The music was loud, the bass thumping through the floor, but Diego moved with a grace that suggested he belonged in this world of flashing lights and pulsating rhythms.

"Mr. Martinez, good to see you!" a businessman called out, raising his glass.

"Evening, Carl. How's the family?" Diego asked, pausing for a moment.

"Growing too fast, if you ask me. You should come by for dinner sometime," Carl replied.

"I'll take you up on that. Tell Sandra I said hello," Diego said with a wink before continuing on.

A young couple caught his eye next. "Enjoying the night?" he asked, his smile warm.

"Absolutely! This place is amazing," the woman gushed.

"Glad to hear it. Let me know if you need anything," Diego said, giving them a reassuring nod.

As he neared the VIP area, Diego spotted Harry Osborn sitting with a group of friends, including a red haired beautiful girl. Harry had a confident air about him, a result of his father's influence and wealth. But there was something different about him tonight, a sense of eagerness that Diego couldn't ignore.

"Harry, welcome! How's the college hunt going?" Diego greeted, his eyes twinkling.

Harry stood up to shake Diego's hand. "Diego, it's great to be here. The college tours have been intense, but I'm enjoying Boston so far."

"Glad to hear it. Have you had a chance to check out the nightlife yet?" Diego asked, gesturing around the club.

"Not like this," Harry admitted, looking around in awe.

Harry noticed the glance and introduced her, "Oh, Diego, this is Mary Jane Watson. MJ, this is Diego Martinez."

MJ extended her hand with a smile. "Nice to meet you, Diego. I've heard a lot about you."

Diego took her hand, with a soft smile. "The pleasure's all mine, MJ. I hope they've only told you the good things."

MJ laughed softly. "Mostly good, a few warnings."

"Well, I'll do my best to live up to the reputation," Diego said, his eyes twinkling.

Mary Jane, sitting next to Harry, smiled at Diego. "This place is incredible, Mr. Martinez. I don't know how you do it."

"Just a bit of magic and a lot of hard work," Diego replied with a grin. "You guys need anything? Drinks, food?"

"Actually, I wouldn't mind another round," Harry said, raising his empty glass.

"Coming right up. Make yourselves at home," Diego said before signaling a waitress.

As the waitress approached, Diego turned his attention to Mary Jane. "So, how's life treating you, Ms. Watson?"

"Busy as ever. Between school and my acting gigs, I barely have time to breathe," she replied, laughing.

"Well, you deserve a night off. Enjoy yourself," Diego said, his tone sincere.

Diego tried to gauge Harry's intention for calling this meeting. Equally, Harry was looking at Diego with a mix of eagerness and confidence.

"So, Harry, what's this all about? You didn't come just to enjoy the drinks, did you?" Diego teased, leaning casually against his seat.

Harry smirked, swirling his glass before taking a sip. "You caught me, Diego. I've got a proposition for you. Ever since I heard about Prince's Nightclub, I was skeptical. I thought the name was a bit... pretentious."

Diego chuckled, "Yeah, it's a bit on the nose, but it works."

"But then I kept hearing more. About the vibe, the atmosphere, the sheer magic of this place. People love it, Diego. There's something special here, and I want in on it," Harry continued, his tone growing more serious.

Diego raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Go on."

Harry leaned forward, lowering his voice. "I want to purchase the subsidiary rights to the name and the concept. Imagine Prince's Nightclub franchises all over the country. This place has a unique charm, and I think it could be huge."

Diego studied Harry for a moment, his expression thoughtful. "You know, running nightclubs is a lot different from managing a biotech company. What makes you think you can handle it?"

Harry laughed, shaking his head. "Trust me, Diego, I'm not my father. Biotech is his passion, not mine. But the nightlife? The energy? The people? That's where I shine. I have a knack for connecting with people, making them feel at ease. And I love the thrill of the night."

Diego nodded slowly, a smile playing on his lips. "Alright, I can see you're serious about this. But it's not just about money, Harry. It's about maintaining the integrity of what makes this place special."

Harry's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Exactly. I don't want to change what works. I want to enhance it, bring it to more people without losing what makes it unique."

Diego sighed, pretending to mull it over. "Well, you've certainly done your homework. But I'll have to talk to my boss about this. He's the one who'll have the final say."

"Of course," Harry agreed readily. "I wouldn't expect anything less. But if you can put in a good word for me, I'd appreciate it."

Diego grinned, clapping Harry on the shoulder. "I'll see what I can do. In the meantime, enjoy the night. And try not to get too ahead of yourself."

Harry laughed, raising his glass. "Deal. But let me make you drunk first."

Diego chuckled, "Sure, but if you end up in my bed, it is not my fault." He winked at Harry, whose smirk wavered, replaced by a slight grimace. Harry had heard all about Diego's irresistible charm and the rumors of straight men falling for him. He shivered a bit but pushed it aside with another gulp of his drink.

Diego chuckled seeing Harry's reaction, then turned to the other young men who came with Harry. They were all second-generation rich kids, enjoying the privileges their fathers' wealth afforded them. Each one had a different story, but they shared the common bond of privilege and expectations.

"Don't tell me you guys are here to recruit Diego into your latest scheme," Diego teased, glancing around at the group with a sly smile.

One of the young men, Michael, grinned. "Well, you know us too well, Diego. But in our defense, who wouldn't want the best on their team?"

"And what harebrained idea do you have this time?" Diego asked, leaning back with an amused expression.

Another young man, Jason, leaned in with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Ever heard of a treasure hunt? We're planning the biggest one this city has ever seen. Exclusive invites, hidden clues, and a grand prize."

Diego raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Sounds like quite the event. What's the catch?"

Harry smirked, taking a sip of his drink. "No catch, just a way to blow off some steam and have a little fun. We could use someone with your ability and connections to make it unforgettable."

Diego laughed, shaking his head. "You guys are relentless. I'll think about it. But for now, how about we enjoy the night without any schemes?"

The group laughed, raising their glasses in agreement.

Mary Jane, who had been quietly observing the exchange, finally spoke up. "Diego, you seem to have a knack for drawing attention."

Diego winked at her, his light brown eyes twinkling. "It's all about understanding people, MJ. Everyone carries a story, and I've learned to listen closely."

"That, and you flirt with anything that breathes," Michael added with a chuckle.

Diego put a hand over his heart in mock offense. "Guilty as charged. But can you blame me?"

The group erupted in laughter, the lighthearted banter flowing easily. "Alright, enough about my flirting habits," Diego said, changing the subject. "How's everyone else doing? Any new adventures?"

Jason leaned in, eager to share. "Actually, I just got back from a trip to the Amazon. You wouldn't believe the things I saw there. Ancient ruins, rare wildlife... it was incredible."

"Sounds like quite the adventure," Diego remarked. "Did you bring back any souvenirs?"

Jason nodded, pulling out a small, intricately carved wooden figure from his pocket. "Found this in one of the ruins. The locals said it's a good luck charm."

"Well, let's hope it brings you luck," Diego said, admiring the figure before handing it back.

As the night progressed, the youngsters started to show signs of intoxication. While Diego was barely hazy, Harry and his friends, fresh from high school graduation, were clearly less experienced. The VIP lounge buzzed with energy, but the alcohol loosened more than just tongues. Some of the boys began to let their hands and eyes wander, making Mary Jane increasingly uncomfortable.

One of the boys, Michael, reached out to pull a waitress onto his lap, but Harry quickly intervened, grabbing his friend's wrist. "Cut it out, Mike. You want Diego to throw us out?" he warned, his tone serious.

Michael grumbled but released the waitress, who shot a grateful glance at Harry before hurrying away.

Diego observed the exchange, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Let's keep it respectful, gentlemen," he said, his voice smooth but firm. "We want everyone to have a good time."

"Yeah, yeah, no harm meant," Jason slurred, raising his glass in a mock salute. "We're just having fun."

Diego gave a tight smile. "Fun's all good, but let's not forget our manners."

Mary Jane, feeling more at ease with Diego's presence, leaned in closer to Harry. "Thanks for that," she said softly.

Harry gave her a reassuring smile. "No problem. Some of these guys need to learn their limits."

As the group settled back into their seats, Diego turned his attention back to Mary Jane. "So, Ms. Watson, what got you into acting?" he asked, genuinely curious.

Mary Jane shrugged, a shy smile on her lips. "I've always loved the stage. It's like a whole different world where you can be anyone you want to be."

Diego nodded, his eyes warm. "Sounds like you've got a real passion for it. Have you landed any roles yet?"

"A few small ones," she replied, her confidence growing. "But I'm hoping to get my big break soon."

"You'll get there," Diego said, his tone encouraging. "With that kind of passion, it's only a matter of time."

The night wore on, and the alcohol continued to flow. Diego kept a careful eye on the group, making sure things didn't get out of hand. The conversations shifted to lighter topics, with plenty of teasing and jokes flying around.

"Hey, Diego," Harry called out, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Why don't you show us some of your legendary dance moves?"

Diego laughed, shaking his head. "I don't think you can handle them, Harry."

"Oh, come on!" Jason egged on. "Show us what you got!"

Diego stood up, giving a mock bow. "Alright, but only because you begged."

He moved to the small dance floor, his movements fluid and graceful. The crowd around him cheered, and even the other patrons in the VIP section turned to watch. Mary Jane's eyes widened in admiration, and Harry gave a low whistle.

"He's good," Harry admitted, leaning closer to Mary Jane. "Better than I expected."

"Way better," Mary Jane agreed, her eyes never leaving Diego.

After a few minutes, Diego returned to the table, slightly out of breath but smiling. "Satisfied?" he asked, grabbing a glass of water.

"Definitely," Harry laughed. "You sure know how to entertain."

"It's part of the job," Diego said with a chuckle. "Now, how about you? Any hidden talents we should know about?"

Harry shook his head, grinning. "None that I'm willing to share tonight."

Diego chuckled, turning his attention back to Mary Jane. "And you, Ms. Watson? Any party tricks?"

Mary Jane blushed, shaking her head. "I think I'll stick to watching."

Diego smiled. "Fair enough. Watching can be just as fun."

As the night continued, the atmosphere in the VIP lounge became more relaxed. The youngsters, though tipsy, seemed to have taken Diego's earlier warning to heart.

When the night finally drew to a close, Diego stood up, clapping his hands to get everyone's attention. "Alright, folks, I think it's time to call it a night. Let's get you all home safely."

By now, even Harry was drunk, and they all started to boo, "We are not kids anymore."

Diego laughed, "Oh really? Then why do I feel like I'm babysitting?"

Jason, his arm slung around Michael's shoulder, chimed in, "Babysitting? More like chaperoning a bunch of unruly high schoolers."

"Speak for yourself, Jason," Michael retorted, swaying slightly. "I'm perfectly capable of handling my liquor."

"Sure you are, Mike," Harry snickered, his speech slurred. "Just like you're capable of cheating at cards."

"Hey, that was one time!" Michael protested, prompting laughter from the group.

"Alright, alright," Diego said, holding up his hands. "Let's get you all to your cars."

As they stumbled towards the exit, Diego kept a close watch on them. Harry tripped over his own feet, catching himself on Mary Jane, who smiled politely but looked increasingly uncomfortable.

"Easy there, Harry," Diego said, catching up. "You need some help?"

Harry shook his head, "I'm good, Diego. Just a bit wobbly."

At the entrance, the valet brought around the cars. Harry fumbled with his keys, attempting to unlock his sleek black sports car.

"Don't drive," Diego warned, stepping in front of him. "None of you are capable of driving."

Jason rolled his eyes, "Come on, Diego. We're fine."

"Yeah," Michael agreed, "We're not that drunk."

"Sure, and I'm the Queen of England," Diego shot back. "Listen, it's not up for debate. You drive in this state, you put yourselves and others at risk."

Harry sighed, rubbing his temples. "Fine, fine. But how do you propose we get home then?"

Diego smirked, signaling a couple of bodyguards. "These gentlemen will drive you back to your hotels. No arguments."

Jason and Michael started to protest, but Diego cut them off, "Don't be idiots. It's either this or I call your fathers and let them know how responsible you've been."

That shut them up. Harry looked at Diego, his expression a mix of gratitude and resignation. "Thanks, Diego. You're a lifesaver."

"Just doing my job," Diego replied, patting Harry on the back. "And keeping you alive is part of it."

As the bodyguards ushered the group into the cars, Mary Jane hesitated, looking back at Diego. "Thank you for looking out for us."

Diego smiled, his smile ever-present. "It's my pleasure, Ms. Watson. You all take care, and maybe next time, we keep the drinks to a minimum, yeah?"

She laughed softly, nodding. "Yeah, maybe."

Once they were all safely in their cars and on their way, Diego let out a sigh of relief. The night had been eventful, and he was glad it ended without any major incidents. He turned back towards the club, ready to wrap up the night.

Back inside, the club's energy hadn't waned. The music still pulsed, and the lights still flashed in sync with the beat. Diego made his rounds one last time, ensuring everything was running smoothly before heading to his office.


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