Saving Mary Jane

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In the office, Nero and others were seated. Upon Diego's return, they stopped what they were doing and looked at him.

"Any news?" Nero asked.

Diego sighed helplessly, "Harry Osborn wants to buy the rights to subsidiaries of Prince's Nightclub."

Nero leaned back in his chair, a smirk playing on his lips. "So the Osborn kid wants a piece of our pie?"

Anthony chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest. "Guess the rich boy finally found something that piqued his interest."

Sofia glanced up with a mischievous grin. "Did he come with a golden pen to sign the deal?"

"More like a golden tongue," Diego replied, rolling his eyes. "He's got a knack for making everything sound grander than it is."

Maria, perched on the edge of Nero's desk, tilted her head thoughtfully. "He must see a lot of potential in the club. Otherwise, why would he bother?"

"Potential or not, we don't just hand over our hard work to any rich kid with a dream," Nero said, his tone firm. "Did he mention why he's so interested?"

Diego nodded. "He wants to franchise it. Make Prince's Nightclub a nationwide brand."

Donald sipped his tea before speaking. "Ambitious, but risky. Expanding too fast can dilute the brand's essence. Not to mention the attention it would draw," he added, his eyes narrowing. "More eyes on us means more chances for our enemies to find cracks."

Nero tapped the table, "Money is easy to earn. This brand is significant for our rise, and I don't want a rich kid to tarnish it."

Anthony smirked, "We put blood, sweat, and a few broken bones into building this. No way we hand it over to some rich kid on a whim."

Sofia, slightly downhearted, muttered, "Money is easy to earn? Why did you refuse to buy me the new gadget I asked the other day, then? You said it was too expensive."

Anthony laughed, "You and your gadgets. Always looking for the next shiny toy."

"It's not about toys," Sofia shot back, mock-pouting. "It's about staying ahead of the game."

Nero chuckled, "Now that we are back in business, with my summons and our powers, it would take one major gig to earn enough to fill a warehouse with the best equipment you want. It's just that we are keeping a low profile. That's another reason why I don't want this brand to be everywhere."

Maria nodded, leaning back in her chair, "Expanding too fast could expose us. We need to be careful about our moves."

Donald added, "Plus, Harry's reputation isn't exactly squeaky clean. His father's name alone could attract unwanted attention."

Anthony leaned forward, "And let's not forget. We're in this together. Each move has to benefit the family."

Diego shrugged, "True, but the idea of franchises isn't bad. If we control the narrative and keep it within the family, it could be a powerful asset."

Nero's eyes sparkled with interest, "Franchising under strict conditions, perhaps. We retain full control and oversight."

Sofia perked up, "That could work. We could develop a tech system to monitor all branches."

Anthony laughed, "And we make sure they follow the rules, our rules."

Maria grinned, "Seems like a solid plan. We grow, but on our terms."

Nero nodded, "Exactly. We need to ensure Harry understands that if he's involved, it's by our rules and under our control."

The room filled with a sense of agreement, the family united in their vision.

At this time Diego's phone rang. Answering, he frowned and put the phone on speaker. "Repeat what you just said, John."

The bodyguard who was driving Harry's car answered, "The kid wanted to forcefully drag this girl to his house, and she clearly didn't want it. I tried to stop it, but he wouldn't budge and started to insult me. I didn't want there to be a scene, but I couldn't let the girl suffer either, so I knocked the kid unconscious. Sorry, boss. I will take full responsibility."

Nero's eyes squinted, "You did good, John. I promise nothing will happen to you because of this. Wait there and we will solve it."

John sighed in relief, "Thank you, Big Boss."

Ending the call, Nero asked Diego, "Who is the girl?"

Diego glanced at the others before replying, "It's Mary Jane Watson, Harry's friend. Looks like Harry couldn't keep his hands to himself."

Sofia was unamused, "Well, seems like the little Osborn thinks he was entitled to whatever he wants."

Anthony shook his head, "Entitled brat. Just because he's got daddy's money doesn't mean he can act like a king."

Nero's face remained stern, "Let's not waste time. We need to handle this quickly and quietly."

Maria added, "Quietly, yes, but also make sure he learns a lesson. We can't have him thinking he can push people around without consequences just because he has some money that can hush some people."

Donald nodded. "Agreed. But let's make sure the girl is safe and comfortable first."

Nero turned to Diego, "You and Anthony go to the scene. Make sure Mary Jane is alright and bring her here if she's willing. Anthony, you deal with Harry. Make sure he understands the gravity of his actions."

Diego nodded, "On it. I'll handle Mary Jane. Anthony, you deal with the kid."

Anthony grinned, cracking his knuckles. "With pleasure."

Maria got up from the desk and said, "I will come along. The girl must be frightened and a woman's presence might be good."

Nero nodded, "Good idea. We don't want to scare her any more than she already is."

"Try not to break any bones," Donald added with a slight grin. "We're trying to keep a low profile, remember?"

Anthony shrugged, "Just a little persuasion, nothing more."

Maria, already heading towards the door, looked back, "Let's get going then. The sooner we handle this, the better."

Diego, Maria, and Anthony left the office and made their way to the parking lot. Diego drove them to the location where John had called from. The night air was cool, and the streets were quieter now, with only the occasional car passing by.

As they arrived, they saw John standing beside a car, looking tense and smoking. Cigarette butts scattered on the ground around him indicated he had been smoking continuously. It was understandable; he had just beaten the influential man's kid, and despite what his boss had said, he was still just a small-time bodyguard. Harry was slumped in the back seat, unconscious. Mary Jane stood a few feet away, looking shaken.

Maria approached her first, offering a gentle smile. "Hey, Mary Jane, right? I'm Maria. Let's get you away from here."

Mary Jane nodded, her eyes filled with relief. "Thank you. I didn't know what to do..."

"It's okay," Maria said soothingly, guiding her to Diego's car. "You're safe now. We'll take care of everything."

Anthony, meanwhile, opened the car door and looked at Harry with disdain. "What a piece of work," he muttered.

Diego approached John, who looked worried, and clasped his shoulder. "Good job, John. You did the right thing. We'll handle it from here."

John nodded, visibly relieved. "Thanks, boss."

Maria helped Mary Jane into the back seat, sitting beside her. "Let's get you home. Do you need anything? Water, something to eat?"

Mary Jane shook her head. "No, just... thank you."

Diego looked at John and said, "You drive Maria and Ms. Watson back. We'll take care of things from here."

John nodded, relieved. "Got it, boss."

Maria smiled at Mary Jane, her voice soft and reassuring. "Come on, MJ. Let's get you out of here."

As they drove away, Diego turned to Anthony, a grin spreading across his face. "So, ready to teach a rich kid some manners?"

Anthony cracked his knuckles, smirking. "Always. Let's see if Harry likes the taste of humble pie."

Diego laughed, "Just don't break anything important. I don't want to explain to Nero why Osborn Junior has a permanent limp."

Anthony chuckled, "No promises, but I'll try to be gentle."

As John drove away with Maria and MJ, Harry began to stir, groaning softly. Diego leaned against the vehicle, looking down at him with a mix of amusement and irritation. "Wakey, wakey, sunshine. You've got some explaining to do."

Harry blinked, disoriented. "What... where am I?"

Anthony's voice was cold, devoid of sympathy. "You're in a world of trouble, kid."

Diego crouched down to Harry's level, his tone deceptively gentle. "You see, Harry, there's a fine line between having fun and crossing boundaries. You crossed it tonight."

Harry's eyes widened as he remembered the night's events. "I didn't mean to—"

"Save it," Anthony interrupted. "We don't care about your excuses. What matters is that you learn from this."

Diego nodded. "And trust me, we have ways of making lessons stick."

Harry swallowed hard, fear creeping into his expression. "Please, I didn't mean to hurt anyone."

Diego stood up, his eyes cold. "That's the problem with guys like you. You think your money and status give you the right to do whatever you want."

Anthony stepped closer, his presence menacing. "But it doesn't. And we're here to make sure you understand that."

Harry trembled, looking between Diego and Anthony. "What do you want from me?"

Anthony's smile was predatory. "For starters, an apology. To Mary Jane and our bodyguard."

Diego added with a disgusted tone, "And forget about any deal with our club. I thought you were a man of principle when you warned your friends to behave. Turns out you're no better. If you can think of forcing your friend, what would you do to our patrons and workers?"

Anthony leaned in, smirking. "Looks like our golden boy isn't so shiny after all. Might need a polish. What do you think, Diego? Should we give him a lesson in respect?"

Diego chuckled, "I think he could use a refresher course. But let's not get too carried away. We wouldn't want to break his delicate ego."

Harry, still dazed, stammered, "I didn't mean—"

"Didn't mean to what?" Diego cut him off sharply. "Didn't mean to get caught? Didn't mean to disrespect someone? Which is it, Harry?"

Still groggy, he looked up in shock. "Wait, it was just a misunderstanding!"

Diego's eyes narrowed. "Misunderstanding, my ass. You're lucky John here didn't leave more than just a bruise. Now get up, we're taking you home. But don't think for a second we're letting this slide."

Anthony sighed, really wanting to beat the crap out of Harry, but he held back. "Let's take him to his home and be done with it," he muttered, his frustration evident. Diego nodded in agreement, and they helped Harry into the back seat of the car.

As they drove through the quiet streets, Harry sat in silence, looking morbidly out the window. He knew it was too late to salvage the night, but his mind was too foggy to grasp the full extent of his situation. Anthony glanced back at Harry, his irritation still simmering.

"Next time you decide to pull a stunt like this, think twice," Anthony warned, his tone cold.

Diego smirked, "Or better yet, just don't."

Harry mumbled something unintelligible, his head leaning against the window.

Diego chuckled, "You know, Harry, for a guy who claims to be such a ladies' man, you sure know how to make a mess of things."

Anthony laughed, "Yeah, trying to drag someone against their will? Real smooth move, buddy. Seems like you misunderstood what picking chicks up means."

Harry groaned, "I get it, I screwed up."

"No kidding," Diego retorted with a snort.

The rest of the ride was filled with a tense silence, punctuated only by the sound of the engine and the occasional murmur from Harry. As they pulled up to Harry's home, Anthony turned to him, his expression stern.

"Get out, go to bed, and think about what you did," Anthony said, his voice brooking no argument.

Harry stumbled out of the car, muttering a half-hearted apology. Diego watched him go, shaking his head.

Harry then asked, "What about MJ?"

Diego raised an eyebrow, "That is none of your business, kid."

Harry grimaced and stumbled back, he then gulped, "And this is my car."

Anthony chuckled coldly, "And she is a fine ride."

Harry shivered, not knowing what to do.

"Stop scaring the kid, Anthony," Diego shook his head. "We need a ride, so you can come and pick it up from the club tomorrow. For now, go home and sleep."

Anthony sighed dramatically, "You always ruin my fun, Diego."

Harry sighed, defeated. "Fine. Tomorrow then."

Diego watched Harry stumble into his house before turning to Anthony. "Let's get out of here. I need a drink."

Anthony grinned. "Now that's something I can get behind."

As they drove back, Anthony leaned back, a smirk on his face. "Do you think Harry will actually learn anything from this?"

Diego shrugged. "Probably not. But at least we put the fear of God into him."

Anthony watched him fumble with his phone and then turned to Diego with a smirk. "You know, for a guy with all that money, he's got no sense."

Diego laughed. "Money can't buy class, Anthony. Only cover of it." He leaned against his seat, his eyes scanning the street. 

Back at the club, they were greeted by the bouncers, who nodded respectfully. Diego gave them a quick nod before heading inside, the familiar sounds and sights welcoming him back.

Entering the office, the duo saw Nero, Sofia, and Donald talking. Maria was nowhere to be seen; they assumed she was settling Mary Jane in.

"How did it go?" Nero asked, his voice calm but his eyes sharp.

Diego walked in, shrugging his shoulders, as if to shake off the tiredness, a smirk playing on his lips. "Harry Osborn learned a hard lesson about boundaries. He won't be causing any more trouble tonight."

Anthony cracked his knuckles. "I wanted to give him a more physical reminder, but we kept it civil."

Sofia looked up, grinning. "Civil? Coming from you, Anthony, that's a miracle."

Donald chuckled, shaking his head. "So, what's the verdict on Harry?"

"He's a spoiled brat who thinks money can buy him anything," Diego replied, his tone dismissive. "Used to attention and loses when he doesn't get enough."

Sofia said with her brow furrowing. "Speaking of attention, I've been monitoring social media. No leaks about tonight, but I've noticed something interesting."

Anthony came near Sofia and hugged her from behind. Her petite body was easily pulled into his embrace. "What is interesting?" he asked.

Sofia blushed but explained, "I was investigating the area and noticed the crime rate had reduced around Queens. The area is growing day by day. The news was suppressed by the police, but I hacked a small station and found out that there is a vigilante. They call him Spider-Man."

Nero laughed, unable to contain his amusement. "First Harry Osborn and Mary Jane, and now Spider-Man."

Diego looked intrigued. "Are they related?"

Nero nodded. "Remember the memories I inherited from the other Nero?" The others nodded. "Well, this Spider-Man is their friend, should be Harry's best friend depending on which world we are in. And he is probably in love with Ms. Watson."

Anthony grimaced. "Poor kid, out there saving people while his crush is here enjoying with rich kids."

Sofia slapped his arm playfully. "Don't be dramatic."

Anthony grinned. "Hey, I'm just saying. He's out there risking his life and she's mingling with Harry's crowd. Tough break."

Sofia rolled her eyes. "It's not like she knows who he is."

Diego chuckled. "True. But it does make for an interesting story. A love triangle with a superhero twist."

Maria, who had just walked back into the room, shook her head. "You guys are terrible. This isn't some soap opera."

Anthony laughed. "Oh, come on, Maria. You can't deny it adds a little spice to the whole situation."

Nero smirked. "Regardless, it seems Spider-Man is doing a good job keeping the streets clean. Maybe we should reach out, see if we can turn this to our advantage."

Sofia nodded, her excitement palpable. "I can track his movements, figure out his patterns. If he's a friend of Harry's, it shouldn't be too hard to find out more about him."

Nero chuckled, "Since I know his relation with Harry and Ms. Watson, I should know his name too, right?"

Sofia looked enlightened and said, "Right! Of course."

Nero shook his head, "His name is Peter Parker. Lives with his Aunt, Maybelle 'May' Parker-Jameson. See if you can find his picture. I might deduce which version he is by comparing it to other Nero's memories."

Sofia immediately started typing away on her laptop. "Got it, boss. Give me a minute."

Anthony leaned over Sofia's shoulder, peering at the screen. "Do you think he's the nerdy type or the bulked-up one?"

Sofia giggled. "Let's hope for nerdy. They're usually the ones with hidden surprises."

Diego smirked, lounging back in his chair. "Either way, it's going to be fun. Imagine if he's the type to break out into spontaneous scientific lectures."

Anthony grinned, "Or webs us up for fun. That could be interesting."

Sofia's fingers flew across the keyboard, her eyes glued to the screen. "Got a hit. There are a few pictures here. Let me pull them up."

The screen displayed several images of Peter Parker, each showing a young man with a lean build, tousled brown hair, and earnest eyes. "This is him," Sofia said, enlarging one of the pictures.

Nero studied the image carefully. "This looks like the Tobey Maguire version from the movies," he said, a nostalgic smile playing on his lips. "He's got that earnest, slightly awkward look. Fits the bill."

Anthony chuckled. "Good. Nerdy type it is. Should make things a bit more predictable."

Maria, who had been quietly observing, finally spoke up. "Are we sure we want to involve him? He's just a kid, after all."

Nero nodded. "He might be a kid, but he's also Spider-Man. If he's already out there protecting the streets, he's a player in this game whether he likes it or not." He then started to explain various deeds of Spider-Man. Others were impressed, this kid seemed really selfless. 

Donald, who had been listening intently, added, "If he's anything like the Peter Parker from the comics, he'll have a strong sense of responsibility. Could be an ally."

Nero tapped the table and explained, "No need to overthink it. I won't involve him too much. I'll talk to him soon and help with his gear. Sofia, check his bank accounts. If I'm right, he's probably struggling financially. I'll assist him, and in return, he'll be our friend. Not like we're pulling him to the dark side. Kingpin is a criminal, and even without our intervention, Spider-Man will meet him one way or another."

Sofia's eyes sparkled with mischief. "You got it, boss. I'll see what I can dig up. Maybe we can surprise him with a little financial boost."

Anthony smirked, leaning back in his chair. "So, what's the plan? We shower him with gear and make him our unofficial ally?"

"Exactly," Nero replied, nodding. "We give him the tools he needs to stay ahead. The better equipped he is, the safer the city—and by extension, us—will be."

Anthony chuckled, "Who knows? Maybe he'll be grateful enough to help us out down the line."

Diego spoke up, "And if he gets too nosy or starts asking the wrong questions?"

Nero's expression hardened slightly. "We cross that bridge when we get there. For now, let's focus on making contact and offering him some help. We'll keep it friendly and see how things develop."

Sofia was already tapping away at her laptop. "Okay, I'm in his accounts. Yeah, he's definitely struggling. A few overdue bills, some student loans... nothing a little financial magic can't fix."

Nero nodded, "We will visit him soon. For now, let's not get in his way."

Others nodded, and the meeting dispersed with a mix of humor and seriousness.

Anthony cracked a grin. "Looks like we're going to have a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man around here."

Sofia chuckled, "I bet he'll appreciate a clean web-slinging path."

Diego leaned back, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Just imagine, we could have Spider-Man attending our club's events. Might boost our social media presence."

Maria rolled her eyes, smiling. "Diego, not everything is about your online followers."

"Hey, a little publicity never hurt anyone," Diego retorted, winking.


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