Dockman Erwin In the Shipyard

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Erwin entered his new superior's office for the third time this week. Despite his recent promotion to Second Level clearance after his successful rescue mission, his superior had already called him in twice to strategize for overseas cases. Both times, Erwin had devised optimal plans, leading to SHIELD victories. Today, he was here with a mission of his own.

"Smith, I didn't expect to see you again so soon," his superior, Director Lang, said, a hint of amusement in his voice. "What brings you here today?"

Erwin took a deep breath, his expression serious. "Sir, I need permission to conduct an investigation. It's a matter of utmost importance."

Lang raised an eyebrow, leaning back in his chair. "Another one of your hunches?"

Erwin allowed himself a small smile. "You could say that, sir. But this one's big."

Lang's curiosity was piqued. "How big are we talking?"

"Big enough that if we don't act, it could escalate into a crisis," Erwin replied, his voice steady. "I believe there's a network operating right under our noses, and we need to shut it down before it grows any further."

Lang steepled his fingers, contemplating. "You've already proven your instincts are sharp. What do you need from me?"

"Full access to resources, sir. And a small team that can work discreetly," Erwin stated, meeting Lang's gaze. "I need to move quickly and quietly."

Lang sighed, rubbing his temples. "You don't make small requests, do you, Smith?"

Erwin chuckled softly. "Wouldn't be worth your time if I did."

Lang's lips quirked into a brief smile. "Alright, you've got it. But keep me in the loop. I want to know everything as it happens."

Erwin nodded, relief washing over him. "Thank you, sir. I won't let you down."

Erwin sifted through the documents, noting the names of the doctors Donald had contacted and the websites Sofia had identified. Each connection painted a clearer picture of the trafficking network they were up against. He meticulously compiled the data, ensuring it formed a coherent and damning dossier. Satisfied with the evidence, he prepared to meet the team Lang had assigned to him.

Stepping into the barracks, Erwin found the team gathered, ready for action. They greeted him with a mix of curiosity and respect.

"Alright, listen up," Erwin began, his voice steady and commanding. "We have intel suggesting that the Shipyard and several warehouses are being used by the traffickers. Our mission is to investigate these locations discreetly and gather more evidence. We need to be thorough but invisible. Understood?"

The team nodded in unison. They were an elite group, each member handpicked for their skills and discretion.

"Let's do this," said Jack, a seasoned operative with a wry grin.

Erwin smirked. "Jack, you and Emily will take the first warehouse. Use the cover of night to get in and out without being seen."

Emily, a petite but fierce operative, nodded. "Got it, boss."

"Marc and Lucy, you'll handle the second warehouse. Be quick and silent," Erwin continued.

"Piece of cake," Marc said, winking at Lucy, who rolled her eyes but smiled.

"And I'll take the Shipyard with Leo," Erwin concluded. "We'll reconvene here at 0300 hours. Stay sharp and stay safe."

As the team dispersed, Leo approached Erwin, a playful glint in his eye. "So, boss, what's the plan for the Shipyard? Sneak in dressed as sailors?"

Erwin chuckled. "Close enough. We'll blend in with the dockworkers. Just follow my lead."

The Shipyard was bustling with activity even at this hour. Erwin and Leo, dressed in workers' uniforms, moved through the shadows, avoiding the main thoroughfares. They approached a secluded area where crates were being unloaded.

Despite the urgency of the situation, Erwin found himself enjoying the salty smell of the sea and the sight of the endless blue he couldn't experience in his trapped world.

"Oi, Leo, you seen the way to the docks?" Erwin asked, his voice gruff to blend in.

"Yeah, mate, just down this path. Careful, it's slippery as a politician's promise," Leo replied with a chuckle, his eyes scanning the area.

Erwin smirked, "Wouldn't be the first time I've had to tread carefully."

Leo laughed, "Aye, and it won't be the last. Keep your head down and act like you're checking the crates."

They moved with the practiced ease of seasoned workers, nodding to others as they passed. "You hear about that mess on Pier 5?" Leo asked, his voice low.

Erwin shook his head, "Nah, what happened?"

"Couple of greenhorns got into it with the foreman. Word is, they were up to something shady," Leo explained, his tone casual, baiting for other dockmen to join.

Erwin raised an eyebrow, "Shady? You mean more than usual?"

A passing worker shrugged, ended with a laughter, "Who knows? Maybe they were skimming off the top. Maybe something bigger. You know how it is."

Erwin nodded, filing the information away. They reached the designated spot, blending in with the other workers. "Alright, let's get to it," Erwin said, lifting a crate with ease.

Leo followed suit, "So, you think those rumors about the new foreman are true?"

Erwin grunted as he set the crate down, "Which ones?"

"That he's got ties to the higher-ups. The kind that might get you a promotion or a bullet, depending on how you play your cards," Leo replied, his tone light but his meaning clear.

Erwin's eyes narrowed, "Well, if he's got friends in high places, we'd better watch our backs. And maybe see if we can make a friend or two ourselves."

Leo nodded, "Good call. You never know when a favor might come in handy."

They suspected a foreman must be in on this trafficking business, and they wanted to finish the job and sit with other workers over a few cold beers, and learn a thing or two. Erwin led the operation, his sharp eyes scanning the dockyard for any sign of their target. He turned to Leo, his voice low but commanding.

"Keep it casual. We finish here, then we grab a beer with others and see what we can dig up. Got it?" Erwin said, his tone serious but relaxed.

Leo grinned, adjusting his cap. "Aye, boss. I can already taste the brew. Let's get this done."

They moved quickly, unloading crates and blending seamlessly with the other workers. The foreman, a burly man with a perpetual scowl, watched them closely from a distance. Erwin made a mental note of his location, keeping him in his peripheral vision.

"Oi, Leo, you hear about that new shipment coming in?" Erwin asked, his voice carrying just enough to be overheard by the nearby workers.

Leo nodded, playing along. "Yeah, they say it's a big one. Loads of fancy stuff, probably worth a fortune."

One of the dockworkers, a wiry man with a tattoo peeking out from under his sleeve, chimed in. "You lads talking about the big haul? Heard the foreman's been keeping a close eye on it."

Erwin gave a casual shrug. "Foreman's always got his nose in everything. Can't blame him, though. Gotta keep things running smooth."

The dockworker laughed, a harsh sound that blended with the ambient noise of the dockyard. "True that. But this one's different. Rumor has it, there's more than just cargo in those crates."

Erwin raised an eyebrow, feigning curiosity. "Oh? Like what?"

The man leaned in, lowering his voice. "Can't say for sure. Just heard whispers about some special delivery. Something they don't want the rest of us knowing about."

Leo, picking up on the tension, played his part perfectly. "Sounds like trouble to me. But hey, as long as we get paid, right?"

The dockworker grinned, his eyes gleaming with a mix of greed and caution. "You got that right. Just keep your head down and do your job. Let the foreman worry about the rest."

As they continued working, Erwin exchanged a brief glance with Leo. They had what they needed—a hint of something more significant going on, something the foreman was involved in.

"Let's wrap this up and hit the pub," Erwin said, his tone light. "I could use a cold one after all this."

Leo laughed, clapping Erwin on the shoulder. "Aye, sounds like a plan. Maybe we'll get lucky and catch a few skimpy damsels."

They finished their shift, carefully stowing away any tools and making their way to the nearby pub. The atmosphere inside was a stark contrast to the bustling dockyard, filled with the warm hum of conversation and the clinking of glasses.

Erwin led the way to a table in the corner, motioning for Leo to join him. They ordered their drinks, settling in to observe and listen. It didn't take long for the foreman to show up, his presence commanding the room as he took a seat at the bar.

Leo nudged Erwin, nodding towards the foreman. "There he is. Should we approach, or wait and see what he does?"

Erwin took a sip of his beer, considering their options. "Let's wait. He might let something slip after a few drinks."

As the night wore on, the pub filled with more workers, each one bringing their own stories and rumors. Erwin and Leo listened carefully, picking up bits and pieces of information. It became clear that the foreman was more than just a supervisor; he was a key player in the operation, controlling the flow of information and keeping the workers in line.

Finally, after a few rounds, Erwin made his move. He approached the foreman with a friendly smile, offering a fresh pint. "Mind if I join you, mate? Could use some advice from a man who knows his way around this place."

The foreman eyed him suspiciously but nodded, accepting the drink. "Sure, why not. What do you want to know?"

Erwin leaned in, lowering his voice. "Heard some interesting things about that new shipment. Sounds like a big deal."

The foreman snorted, taking a long drink from his pint. "Big deal, alright. But it's not for you to worry about. Just do your job and keep your mouth shut, and you'll be fine."

The foreman squinted at Erwin. Leo, from his seat, sweated, thinking their cover might have been blown, but Erwin had faced Titans before. A mortal man's gaze, no matter how deadly, was nothing to him. He kept his gaze steady and smiled.

"I just want to earn some bucks and visit the Strip Club next door more often. If you know what I mean." Erwin said with a knowing grin, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

The foreman's scowl relaxed slightly, a hint of a smirk appearing on his face. "You don't seem like the type who'd settle for lap dances."

Erwin chuckled. "Who said anything about settling? A man's got needs, and that place has quite the reputation."

Leo, attempting to play along, chimed in, coming next to them. "Erw's got a point. Plus, some of those girls have moves that could make you forget your name."

The foreman laughed, a rough, gravelly sound. "Alright, alright. I get it. Just keep your nose clean and don't get in the way. We've got a lot riding on this shipment."

Erwin leaned in, his voice lowering conspiratorially. "As expected of a big shot like you, boss. I heard it is not our usual crates, eh?"

The foreman's eyes flickered, content with the ego boost. "What do you know about it?"

Erwin shrugged, keeping his tone casual. "Just heard some whispers. Figured it might be something worth getting in on."

The foreman took a long sip of his drink, liked the look of admiration in Erwin's eyes. "There's more than just whispers. We've got some high-value items coming in, stuff that could change the game. It is something likes of you can never imagine"

Erwin's interest was piqued. "High-value, huh? Sounds like something worth protecting."

"Exactly," the foreman replied, his tone delighted. "No peeking. Delicate, valuable cargo. You will carefully carry it, then forget it ever existed. Got it, boy? I am in on it, but you guys will only be in trouble if you are to curious"

Erwin nodded, giving the foreman a sly grin. "Understood. Mum's the word."

"Good." The foreman took a long drag on his cigarette, squinting through the smoke at Erwin. "This shipment is top-tier, and the bosses won't tolerate any slip-ups. Make sure you and your buddy over there keep your heads down."

Leo, who had been listening intently, raised his glass in acknowledgment. "We know the drill. Just point us in the right direction, and we'll handle the rest."

The foreman smirked, taking a swig from his drink. "You'll find out soon enough. Meet me at the docks at midnight. And remember, discretion is key."

As the foreman moved away, Erwin and Leo exchanged a quick glance, their expressions unreadable to those around them.

"Guess we better get ready," Erwin said, keeping his voice low.

Leo nodded. "Yeah, let's get a move on. We don't want to keep our new friend waiting."

At midnight, Erwin and Leo arrived at the docks, their breaths misting in the cool night air. The operation was shrouded in secrecy, with dockworkers moving silently like ghosts in the dim light. Each worker was deliberate and careful with the containers, casting furtive glances at the heavily armed guards stationed at every corner. The foreman barked orders, keeping everyone in line with a mixture of threats and the occasional crack of his baton on a nearby crate.

Erwin and Leo kept their heads down, blending in seamlessly. Erwin's eidetic memory, a gift from Nero, recorded every detail: the number of guards, the layout of the docks, the workers' routines, and the suspiciously cautious movements of the foreman. He noted the serial numbers on the containers, the insignias of the shipping companies, and even the subtle signals exchanged between the guards.

Erwin nudged Leo, his voice a low whisper. "Notice how the foreman keeps checking his watch?"

Leo nodded, his eyes following the foreman's movements. "Yeah, like he's expecting something—or someone."

"Keep an eye on him," Erwin instructed. "We need to know if he slips up."

Leo smirked, adjusting his cap. "If he does, I'll catch it."

As they worked, Erwin and Leo bantered lightly to maintain their cover.

"Think we'll get a bonus for this late-night shift?" Leo joked, hefting a crate onto a stack.

Erwin chuckled softly, shaking his head. "If by bonus, you mean a pat on the back and an extra ration of grog, then sure."

Leo laughed, the sound blending into the background noise of the docks. "Better than nothing, I suppose."

Their conversation masked their true intent as they moved closer to the heart of the operation. Erwin's eyes flicked to the foreman again, catching him whispering into a radio. Erwin's memory captured the moment in perfect detail—the tension in the foreman's stance, the furtive glance around, the almost imperceptible nod he gave before pocketing the radio.

"We need to get closer," Erwin murmured to Leo. "Something's going down, and I want to know what."

Leo nodded, adjusting his route to edge nearer to the foreman. "Got your back, boss."

The foreman, oblivious to the scrutiny, continued his rounds, occasionally barking orders to keep the workers on task. Erwin and Leo finally managed to position themselves close enough to overhear a snippet of his conversation with a particularly nervous-looking guard.

"Everything's set for the transfer," one of the guards said. "Make sure the truck is ready and the route is clear. We can't afford any mistakes tonight."

The foreman nodded, his hand trembling slightly as he saluted and hurried off. 

Erwin gave a slight signal for Leo to lay low. It seemed this operation was bigger than he thought. These men were not to be trifled with. He already had enough reason to suspect some of these containers carried humans. Although it pained him, he couldn't stop it just yet. His mission was to observe. For now.

"Let's take it easy," Erwin whispered, his voice steady. "Can't afford to spook them."

Leo nodded, his eyes scanning the surroundings. "Are we going to leave it just like this?" he whispered back, his tone serious.

Erwin's jaw tightened. "Just keep your head down and your eyes open."

The two men continued their work, carefully observing the operation. The foreman barked orders, the guards kept a vigilant watch, and the workers moved with a practiced efficiency that spoke of a well-oiled machine.

Erwin's sharp eyes caught sight of a particularly large container being handled with extra care. "That one," he murmured to Leo. "Something's off."

Leo followed Erwin's gaze. "You think it's the jackpot?"

"Could be," Erwin replied. "But we can't make a move until we know for sure."

Hours passed, each minute feeling like an eternity. The foreman remained tense, constantly checking his watch and communicating with his guards.

Finally, the guard approached the large container, signaling to his men. "Move it to the designated spot."

Erwin and Leo left after the last container was loaded onto a truck, but Erwin had already memorized each truck and the serial numbers of the containers. As soon as he left the dock, he sent the information to Nero through a secure channel. Hopefully, Sofia would track them down, and then Erwin would raid them again.


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