The Stork Job

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Sofia immediately started working on the intel Erwin had sent her. The list of containers and truck license plates provided a solid lead. She hacked into various government systems, tracking the trucks through traffic cameras to ensure they wouldn't be lost. Her primary focus was on the truck suspected to be transporting children, as per Erwin's intel.

Anthony and Diego hovered nearby, occasionally glancing over Sofia's shoulder. Nero stood by the window, deep in thought but alert. The room was tense, but Sofia's focused determination seemed to keep them all grounded.

"You know, if you keep frowning like that, your face might get stuck," Anthony teased, breaking the silence.

Sofia rolled her eyes, not looking up from her screen. "Thanks for the concern, Anthony, but I think I'll survive."

Diego leaned in, smirking. "Yeah, Antsy, leave the tech wizardry to her. Or do you plan on charming the traffic cameras?"

Anthony chuckled, shaking his head. "Nah, I'll leave the magic to Sofia. Besides, I'm too busy being the muscle around here."

Nero turned from the window, a small smile playing on his lips. "And don't forget the poetry. We couldn't function without your daily dose of Shakespeare."

Anthony pretended to be offended. "I'll have you know, boss, that poetry is essential for a well-rounded bodyguard."

Diego snickered. "Of course, because nothing says 'tough guy' like quoting sonnets during a fistfight."

Sofia finally looked up, grinning. "I'd pay to see that."

Nero's smile widened. "Maybe we should organize a poetry slam next time we face Kingpin's goons."

Anthony shrugged. "Hey, if it keeps them off-balance, why not?"

Their laughter lightened the atmosphere, but the underlying tension remained. Sofia's focus returned to the screen as she zeroed in on the truck Erwin had flagged. Her fingers flew across the keyboard, pulling up live footage.

"Got it," she said, her tone serious. "This is the one."

Nero moved closer, his expression hardening. "Good. Keep tracking it. We can't afford any mistakes."

Anthony and Diego's banter faded as they gathered around, their faces reflecting the same grim determination.

"Do we really plan on not intercepting it?" Diego asked, his usual light-heartedness replaced by a steely resolve.

Nero looked out the window, the city lights casting shadows on his face. "We won't. Our aim is to bring the whole operation down. If we lose our focus by saving a few children now, they'll get smarter and we'll lose our chance."

Anthony clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white. "It's hard to just stand by," he muttered, though he knew Nero was right.

Diego sighed, nodding. "Yeah, I get it. But it doesn't make it any easier."

Sofia glanced up from her screens, her fingers still flying over the keyboard. "You know, Diego, maybe you should channel that frustration into something useful. Like getting me some sweet coffee."

Diego smirked, his usual charm returning. "Ah, Sofia, always the practical one. Fine, I'll see what I can do."

Anthony leaned back, trying to shake off his tension. "You know, if this goes well, maybe we can celebrate with one of your infamous barbecues, Diego."

Diego chuckled. "Only if you promise not to eat all the steaks before anyone else gets a chance."

Anthony laughed. "No promises."

Nero turned from the window, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Let's focus on the task at hand. We've got a lot riding on this."

Sofia's eyes were glued to her screens. "I'm pulling up another set of traffic cams. We're not letting these bastards slip through."

Diego stood, stretching his arms. "Looks like I'm on coffee duty. Anyone else need a refill?"

Anthony raised his hand. "Just make sure it's strong enough to keep us awake for another few hours."

Diego headed to the small kitchen area, his mood lighter. "Coming right up."

Nero's phone rang, and he put it on speaker. "Yes."

Maria's voice came through, clear and calm. "We dealt with our side. Mr. and Mrs. Whitmore will contact the agency to adopt. They were already trying to adopt through local channels, now they'll call the number."

"Stay with them," Nero instructed. "You can hide with the Ring of Mist. Donald, you wait for the doctors to contact you. If they don't get close to the meeting point, support Maria."

Anthony, who had been quietly observing, couldn't help but interject, "You think Maria needs backup? I thought she could handle anything with that ring."

Maria's voice held a hint of amusement. "I'll have you know, Anthony, the Ring of Mist isn't just for hiding. I can use it to make you believe you're a graceful ballerina if I wanted to."

Anthony laughed. "Please, no one needs that mental image, Maria. And trust me, my dance moves are already legendary."

Diego chuckled, joining in after placing Sofia and Anthony's coffees. "Legendary for causing earthquakes, maybe. But seriously, Maria, stay safe. We've got enough to worry about without you getting into trouble."

Donald answered through the phone, "Got it, boss. I will wait at standby."

"Good," Nero said, a note of finality in his voice. "Sofia, have you hacked the website."

Sofia nodded, her eyes never leaving the screen. "I'm already in. Once Mr. and Mrs. Whitmore meet the clients, I'll update the website to give them a valid reason to break the deal. Maria will slip a tracker onto the child, so we'll be able to trace where they're taken. Once we mark the location we will match it with the truck then we'll send it to Erwin and deal with the other side."

Anthony's jaw clenched as he leaned forward. "And if things go sideways? What's the backup plan?"

Diego chimed in, a smirk playing on his lips. "We improvise, like always. But let's hope it doesn't come to that."

Sofia glanced up briefly. "I've set up alerts on the traffic cams. We'll know if there are any unexpected changes in the route."

Nero nodded, satisfied. "Perfect. Keep monitoring. We move only when we're sure."

Sofia's screen beeped, and she frowned. "Hold on. There's movement. The truck is changing lanes earlier than expected."

Nero's eyes narrowed. "Why?"

"Traffic jam ahead," Sofia responded, her voice steady. "They're taking a detour."

"Can we use it to our advantage?" Nero asked, his mind already working through possibilities.

Diego leaned closer to the screen, his eyes scanning the map. "Depends. The new route goes through a less populated area. Easier to intercept but also riskier."

Anthony's tension was palpable. "We need a decision, boss."

Nero made his decision, "Move. Call Nigel and prepare an assault at the location. We'll stage an accident and let the local police handle the children for now. The organization will be forced to present another child to Mr. and Mrs. Whitmore, negating the need to hack the website and will allow us to find their base. Let's go."

The group got up and left together. Nero took the driver's seat. Anthony occupied the front passenger seat, while Sofia and Diego settled in the back. Nero commanded, "Nyx, full speed."

The car's engine roared to life with an almost eager response. Nyx's voice echoed through the cabin. "As you wish, Little Brother."

Anthony tightened his grip on the dashboard, his usually calm demeanor replaced by a rare tension. "Nigel will have everything in place by the time we arrive."

Sofia glanced at the passing city lights, her fingers still flicking over her tablet. "Traffic cameras show minimal activity on the detour route. It's the perfect spot for an ambush."

Diego smirked, adjusting his seatbelt. "Let's give them a night they won't forget."

When they arrived, Nigel and his men were already positioned, their silhouettes blending seamlessly with the shadows cast by the dim moonlight. The roadblock looked natural; a massive tree stump lay across the path, with signs of rocks and debris having tumbled down the hillside.

"Boss," Nigel greeted, nodding as Nero approached.

Nero returned the nod, his gaze fixated on the scene before him. "Everything in place?"

"Yes," Nigel replied. "Our men are positioned along the perimeter, and we've synchronized with the local police for their response. They'll believe it's a genuine accident."

Nero's eyes narrowed as he studied the setup, ensuring every detail was perfect. "Good. Timing is crucial. We only have one shot at this."

Anthony and Diego stepped forward, their expressions serious. "Nigel, how long before the truck arrives?"

"Should be any minute now," Nigel responded, checking his watch. "We've got about a two-minute window to execute the plan."

Sofia, still monitoring the situation from the back of the car, called out, "The truck is approaching the ambush. We're right on schedule."

Nero looked down the road, spotting the truck's headlights piercing the darkness. "Nigel, make sure the tree crashes through the windshield. The driver should appear to have no chance to react. Anthony, the rolling truck will force the trailer doors open. Diego, Sofia, use your rings to protect the children inside. Make it look like they survived by sheer luck. Move into position," Nero commanded, his voice cold and precise.

Anthony, his muscles tense, nodded curtly. "Got it, boss." He moved into position.

The plan was set in motion. Nigel, with precise control, caused a massive tree to crash onto the road just as the truck neared. The driver had no chance to react; the tree smashed through the windshield, killing him instantly. The truck swerved wildly, tipping over and rolling, as Anthony punched the trailer in such an angle that it would look like natural force.

As the trailer door burst open, Diego and Sofia sprang into action. Diego's Ring of Storm summoned fierce winds that cushioned the impact, while Sofia's Ring of Rain created a barrier of water to shield the children. The chaotic scene was a controlled miracle.

Nero watched intently, his golden eyes scanning the area for any signs of failure. Anthony, his powerful frame a blur of motion, moved to secure the scene. "Trailer's open, and the kids are safe. What's next?" 

Nero didn't answer, and the others waited in silence. Soon, police sirens echoed through the dark night, and the scene of the accident was surrounded by flashing lights. As the first responders arrived, the sheriff stepped out, his eyes widening in disbelief at the sight of the children. He rubbed his eyes, then swiftly drew his gun.

"What the fuck?! This is not a normal accident. Surround the scene. Gather the children and ensure their safety. Michael, check the driver and see if there's anyone else around. Move!"

Nero observed the chaos and was satisfied with the unfolding scene, knowing it would cover their tracks effectively. Turning away from the scene, he spoke with a calm finality, "Let's go."

The team moved quickly and efficiently, slipping into Nyx. Nero took the driver's seat, feeling the familiar hum of the engine beneath his hands. Anthony sat beside him, while Sofia and Diego settled in the back, this time with Nigel.

Donald leaned against the hospital wall, the antiseptic smell filling his nostrils as he adjusted his cane. His leg throbbed with each step, a constant reminder of the challenges he faced daily. He looked at his phone, the screen displaying Nero's call.

"Maria will meet with the clients in an hour," Donald reported, his voice steady despite the pain. "I doubt they've found a replacement yet. I've also been called for a check-up."

"Stay sharp," Nero's voice commanded through the phone. "We need everything to go smoothly on your end. Any unusual movements?"

Donald shook his head, though Nero couldn't see it. "Nothing out of the ordinary. Just the usual hospital routine. But I'll keep my eyes open."

A nurse walked past, glancing at Donald with a professional smile. He gave her a nod, masking the discomfort he felt.

Keep me posted if anything changes," Nero said.

"Will do," Donald replied, ending the call and slipping his phone back into his pocket. He took a deep breath, pushing himself off the wall and heading towards the examination room.

Soon an hour passed, and ten people entered Donald's rented office in the hospital. At the lead was a sinister-looking man, followed by four gorilla-like guards, a couple who Donald presumed were Mr. and Mrs. Whitmore, a small Asian child, and two more people with an official look, presumably corrupt officials who would finalize the adoption. At the corner, hiding behind the mists, was Maria, who winked at Donald, the only person who could see her. The sinister-looking man greeted Donald, "Doctor Don. Pleasure to meet you."

Donald, his posture composed and professional despite the tension in the room, returned the greeting with a nod. "The pleasure is mine. Please, have a seat."

The sinister man, with a calculating glint in his eye, took a seat opposite Donald. "I understand you're the one overseeing the child's medical assessments?"

"That's correct," Donald replied, his voice steady. "I'm here to ensure everything proceeds smoothly for the adoption process."

One of the gorilla-like guards grunted, casting a wary glance around the room. "You better make sure it does."

Ignoring the guard's intimidation tactics, Donald focused on the couple. "Mr. and Mrs. Whitmore, is this your first time adopting?"

Mrs. Whitmore, a petite woman with a nervous smile, nodded. "Yes, it is. We're very excited to provide a loving home for this child."

Donald smiled warmly. "That's wonderful to hear. I'll just need to go over a few details before we proceed."

As Donald began discussing the medical history and requirements, the two officials exchanged glances, their impatience evident. One of them, a man with a thin mustache, interrupted. "Let's expedite this, shall we? Time is of the essence."

Donald nodded, understanding the urgency but maintaining his calm demeanor. "Of course. I'll make this as efficient as possible."

Meanwhile, Maria, concealed by her Ring of Mist, observed the interactions closely. She noted every detail, her mind racing with potential threats and outcomes. As the conversation continued, she moved silently, positioning herself closer to the child, ready to act if necessary.

After a general check-up, Donald frowned and looked at the documents on the table. "There seems to be an issue here."

Ms. Whitmore's face paled. "What kind of problem?"

The sinister man narrowed his eyes at Donald, signaling the guards with a subtle nod. They began to circle the room, their presence intimidating. Donald gulped but maintained his composure. "The paperwork states the child, Lin, is a girl, but the child in front of me is certainly not."

Ms. Whitmore looked confused, turning to the sinister man. "We were assured everything was in order," she said, her voice trembling slightly.

The sinister man's expression remained unreadable, but a flicker of annoyance passed through his eyes. He stepped closer to Donald, his voice low and menacing. "Are you sure about that, Doctor?"

Donald nodded. "Yes, absolutely. There's no mistake in my observation."

One of the guards stepped forward, cracking his knuckles. "Maybe you need another look, Doc," he said threateningly.

Donald, feigning fighting to keep his voice steady, shook his head. "No need. The error is clear." He looked directly at the sinister man. "I suggest you check your sources. This child doesn't match the profile."

The sinister man's face darkened, irritation bubbling beneath his calm facade. The sudden accident had thrown his plans into disarray. The truck carrying the Asian girl they had arranged for the Whitmores was now in police custody, thanks to an unexpected accident. He had hoped to substitute an Asian boy, betting on the couple's ignorance and their desperation for adoption. If the Whitmores decided to return the boy later, he could simply replace him with a girl then. But now, the doctor was exposing the discrepancy, jeopardizing his entire operation.

Mrs. Whitmore's scandalized expression only added to his frustration. "We agreed on a girl. We cannot accept this," she said, her voice trembling with a mix of confusion and indignation.

The sinister man suppressed a curse, forcing a smile onto his face. "There must be a misunderstanding," he said smoothly, casting a sharp glance at the guards to hold their positions. "This is a delicate process, and errors can occur. Let me assure you, we will rectify this."

Donald didn't flinch. "I'm merely doing my job. Ensuring the safety and proper identification of the child is crucial."

The sinister man knew the situation was slipping from his control. He needed to think fast. "Doctor, I understand your concerns. Perhaps we can discuss a way to resolve this quietly?" His tone carried an implied threat, though his smile remained in place.

Mrs. Whitmore's voice broke the tense silence. "We were promised a girl. This is unacceptable. We can't proceed under these circumstances."

Donald swallowed his disgust and maintained his professional demeanor. "There must be a mix-up with the documents. This child is healthy but does not match the records. I have given you my professional opinion; the rest is up to you."

The sinister man nodded, turning to the couple. "We are truly sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Whitmore. There was a mix-up, and we will address it promptly. Let's rearrange another meeting."

Maria, still hidden by the Ring of Mist, nodded subtly to Donald and placed a small tracker on the boy's clothing. As the sinister man took the child back, they would be able to trace where they were taken.

Mrs. Whitmore's face remained troubled, and she spoke softly, "We were so hopeful. Please, make sure the next arrangement is correct."

The sinister man forced a reassuring smile. "Absolutely. We value your patience and understanding."

The couple left, escorted by one of the gorilla-like guards. The sinister man turned back to Donald, his eyes cold and calculating. "Doctor, let's not have any more mistakes."

Donald held his ground. "Ensure your documents match the child next time, and there won't be."

As the sinister man and his entourage left with the child, Maria whispered, "Tracker is in place. We should have a lead soon."

Donald nodded slightly, watching them leave. "Let's hope it leads us to where they're keeping the others."

Outside, Donald felt the weight of the encounter lift slightly as Maria reappeared beside him. "We did well in there," she said, her voice steady. "Now we wait for the signal."

Donald agreed, his expression resolute. "We need to bring these bastards down."

They headed back to their car, Donald leaning on his cane as they walked. "I'll drive," Maria offered, sensing his exhaustion.

"Thanks," Donald replied, grateful. "Let's get back to the others. We've got a lot to discuss."

Once they had the signal, Nero and the others moved to the next phase. Sofia started to track the signal, sending Erwin the feeds every second. SHIELD would raid their location to save the children. In the meantime, they would locate other big players of this operation.

Nero leaned over Sofia's shoulder. "Do we have any evidence on Harold Givens?" he asked, his voice low and intense.

"We've connected the shipment to him, but we still need a lot more evidence to bring their entire operation down. People like Harold always sniff out danger and disappear before we can get to them," Sofia replied, her fingers dancing over the keyboard as she pulled up additional surveillance footage.

Nero's eyes shone with a dangerous light. "Oh, he will disappear alright," he muttered, almost to himself.

Sofia's screen flashed with new information. "Erwin just confirmed SHIELD is ready to move. They're just waiting on signal from their superiors," she said, her voice steady but her eyes betraying a hint of nervous excitement.

"Good," Nero replied, his tone final. "Let them know we're proceeding."

Nero stepped back, allowing Sofia to finalize the details with SHIELD. Nigel approached Nero, his eyes filled with a calm yet unwavering rage. "Everything is in place, Capo," he said quietly.

Nero nodded. "Good. Stay close. We might need your expertise before this night is over."

Nigel's eyes twinkled with a rare hint of amusement. "As always, I am here to teach you."

Sofia's reported. "We're live. SHIELD is moving in. Erwin reports minimal resistance so far."

Activating the TV, they watched from Erwin's vestcam. Nero watched the scene unfold on the screen with a cold satisfaction. The SHIELD agents were efficient, ruthless, killing whoever they saw in the path. They weren't there to question, but save children. They moved through the compound with deadly precision, leaving no one standing in their wake. "Good," he muttered, more to himself than anyone else.

Sofia's voice was steady as she reported, "They're in. Erwin confirms no evidence directly tying this to Givens, though the warehouse is under his company."

Nero's eyes narrowed. "It's not enough," he said. "Won't be enough to prosecute him."

Anthony, his frustration palpable, slammed a fist into his open palm. "So we just let him go?"

Nero's lips curved into a grim smile. "No, Anthony. He won't walk away from this. Ever."

He didn't elaborate, but the confidence in his voice was enough to quell Anthony's anger. Maria had already set the next phase of their plan into motion. Using her powers, she had manipulated the local police into raiding Givens' hidden house, the very place where Nami had first stumbled upon the child trafficking ring.

From the beginning, it was all a big coincidence. Nami had broken into the house seeking valuables, only to find evidence of the trafficking operation instead. She had taken the documents and fled, unwittingly setting the stage for tonight's events.

Now, the local police were poised to raid the house, armed with the original documents and additional evidence that Nami had planted under Nero's instructions. It was a flawless setup. Givens would have no escape.

"Maria's already handling it," Nero said, his voice low and controlled. "The police will find everything they need at Givens' house. With the evidence we've provided, there's no way he'll slip through the cracks. Not that it will change Givens' fate."

Anthony's tension eased slightly. "And the children?"

Nero's gaze locked onto children saved by SHIELD, "They'll be safe. SHIELD will see to that."

As they watched, the first wave of SHIELD agents secured the compound, ensuring no one could escape. The local police stormed Givens' house, at the same time, seizing the incriminating documents.

Nero's phone buzzed. He glanced at it, a satisfied smile playing on his lips as he read the message. "All the big shots are in custody," he announced. "It's over."

Anthony and Diego shared a look of relief, while Sofia allowed herself a small, triumphant smile. Nigel, ever the composed mentor, simply nodded.

"Well done, everyone," Nero said, his voice carrying a rare note of approval. "Let's get the children to safety and then we can celebrate."

Anthony looked at Nero and asked, "What about Givens?"

Nero smiled and activated the system. Sorella displayed the latest ping Nero had just received, which read: [Your summon Ezio Auditore da Firenze has just assassinated the boss of the Child Trafficking Ring, Harold Givens.]

Seeing the message, the others were dumbfounded. "Since when?" Diego asked, his tone a mix of awe and confusion.

"You did a good job, Diego. Those rich customers felt threatened, so one of them put a bounty on his head in the Assassin's Guild. I had Ezio take the job," Nero explained with a satisfied smile.

"Ezio Auditore? The new summon?" Anthony's eyes widened in surprise.

Nero nodded. "Precisely. Ezio's expertise ensured that the job was done efficiently and discreetly. Givens never saw it coming."

Diego chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "You always have a plan, don't you?"

Nero's gaze turned feral. "I had no intention of letting Givens go, even if the whole operation had failed from the beginning. It's justice served." His voice was cold, unyielding.

Anthony nodded, fists still clenched. "You're right, boss. Givens had it coming."

Nigel chuckled softly, the sound a stark contrast to the tension in the room. "Indeed, Boss. With this move, we gained a lot."

Nero's lips curled into a smile. "Of course. Not only did we stop a child trafficking ring, but Erwin also gained significant recognition. And Ezio, who had just joined the guild, assassinated a high-value target others refused to accept. It seems I'll be gaining a few rewards myself."

Anthony smirked, his usual humor returning. "Looks like a win all around."

Diego stretched, his demeanor relaxed but his eyes still sharp. "So, what's next on the agenda, boss?"

Nero chuckled, throwing an arm around Diego's shoulder. "Now, Diego owes us a barbecue."

Diego sighed dramatically but couldn't hide his grin. "Alright, alright. I'll fire up the grill tomorrow. But first, we need some rest. It's early in the morning, and I don't think any of us got much sleep last night."

Anthony cheered, "Cheers to that!" His voice was full of relief and triumph.

Sofia, feeling the lightness of the moment, jumped onto Anthony's back, giggling. "Yes! A barbecue sounds perfect. Just make sure to save some steaks for me this time."

Anthony laughed, catching her easily. "No promises, Sofia. You know how I get around good food."

Nigel gave a small smile. "I'll ensure the necessary preparations are made. Rest well, everyone. We've earned it."


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