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The following afternoon, the group gathered in the garden. The smell of grilling meat and the sound of laughter filled the air. Diego manned the barbecue with a skillful hand, flipping steaks and burgers with ease.

Anthony, sitting nearby with a beer in hand, watched with a content smile. "Diego, you might just have missed your true calling as a chef."

Diego laughed. "Well, I do like to cook. But I think I'll stick to my day job, or is it a night job?"

Sofia, holding a plate ready to catch the next batch of food, chimed in, "We all have our talents. Diego's just happens to include charming people and making amazing food."

Maria carried another tray of meat to Diego and smiled, "Don't praise him any more than that, Sofia. Remember the last time he got a big head? We couldn't fit him through the door!"

Diego chuckled, flipping a burger with a flourish. "Hey, I can't help it if I'm good at what I do."

Anthony took a swig of his beer. "Yeah, yeah, just don't burn anything. We all know how you like to experiment."

Sofia laughed, "Remember when he tried to make that 'gourmet' pizza? We ended up ordering takeout."

Diego feigned hurt, "That pizza was a masterpiece! You just weren't ready for its brilliance."

Nero smirked. "It's a wonder you're not running a restaurant by now, Diego. You've got the charm and the skills."

Diego winked at Nero, "Thanks, boss. But I think I prefer our little family gatherings. Less pressure, more fun."

Maria, setting down the tray, nudged Diego. "Just keep it simple, maestro. I'm starving and I don't want to wait for your next culinary experiment."

Donald joined them, carrying a bowl of salad. "Well, considering Diego's track record, maybe we should have a backup plan. How about some sandwiches just in case?"

Sofia raised her hand. "I second that. No offense, Diego, but I'd rather not gamble on my dinner tonight."

Diego laughed heartily. "Fine, fine. Simple and delicious it is. But you all are missing out on the future of cuisine."

Anthony leaned over to Sofia, whispering conspiratorially. "You know, I've been thinking. We should organize a cook-off. Let Diego go wild and then we can all judge his creations."

Sofia's eyes lit up. "Oh, that sounds like fun! Maybe we could even get Nero to cook something. What do you think, Nero?"

Nero raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his golden eyes. "You want me to compete? Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you. My cooking might just blow your minds."

Maria twisted Nero's waist, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Hey, that's cheating."

Nero let out a mock cry of pain, "Ow, ow, fine, fine." He straightened up and looked at the curious and amused group. "I integrated a cooking rat from a movie, and now my cooking isn't half bad. Okay?"

Anthony chuckled, "So, we can expect you to cook in turbo mode now?"

Nero smirked, "Maybe. Just don't expect me to be as fast as Nyx on the grill."

Sofia giggled, "Imagine a cooking race between you and Nyx. Your Aston Martin flipping burgers!"

Diego flipped a steak with a flourish, "I'd pay to see that. But I bet I'd still win. Sorry, boss."

Nero raised an eyebrow, a playful challenge in his eyes. "We'll see about that, Diego. But until then, keep those steaks coming."

Maria, laughing, added, "Just remember, simple and delicious, maestro. We're all starving."

Donald joined in, "Are we skipping the gourmet disasters tonight? I've got sandwiches on standby."

Sofia raised her glass, "To Diego's culinary prowess and Nero's newfound cooking skills. May our stomachs be ever full and our takeout bills ever low!"

Nero laughed, raising his own glass. "To family, friends, and food. And to Diego, the culinary maestro of the night."

Anthony leaned back, savoring the moment. "You know, we really should do this more often. It's nice to just relax and enjoy each other's company."

Diego nodded, "Agreed. It's not every day we get to see Nero try something new."

Nero chuckled, "Well, I aim to surprise. And speaking of surprises, who's up for dessert? I might have a trick or two left."

Maria clapped her hands, "Oh, do tell! What have you got planned?"

Nero winked, "You'll have to wait and see. Just keep your forks ready."

Sofia whispered to Anthony, "Think it'll be another gourmet experiment?"

Anthony grinned, "Probably. But hey, at least we have sandwiches, right?"

Nigel watched from the side, enjoying the group dynamics. After the operation, Nero had asked him to stay around for a little longer.

"So, what do you think, Nigel?" Anthony called out, waving a beer. "Our resident doctor here has a new backup plan—sandwiches!"

Nigel chuckled. "A wise precaution, Donald. Though I'm sure Diego's culinary skills will keep us well-fed tonight."

Diego grinned, flipping another burger. "Thank you, Nigel. Nice to know someone has faith in me."

Maria leaned in, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Alright, alright. Enough with praises. He won't see the grill if his nose grows any bigger. I believe that was the reason for the last food catastrophe as well."

"Hey, that was experimental cuisine!" Diego protested. "Visionary stuff."

Anthony snorted. "Visionary? More like visionary roadkill."

Nero stepped forward with a smile. "Don't be too harsh on him, Anthony. Creativity needs room to flourish. Besides, it wasn't all bad."

Sofia perked up, waving a spatula. "Oh, here we go, the great Nero defending the indefensible. What's next? You going to tell us you actually liked it?"

Nero shrugged, his eyes sparkling with humor. "Maybe I did. Maybe I just have a more refined palate than the rest of you."

Maria giggled, nudging Nero. "Refined palate, huh? Next you will say, you like pineapple on a pizza."

The rest of the group gasped, turning to see Nero and Nigel's reactions. Nigel's expression showed a slight twitch of irritation, but Nero's face broke into a broad smile.

"I do. I love pineapple on pizza. And while I'm at it, I hate the internet mafia who judge others for the food they love. Just because pizza is from Italy doesn't mean we're its police. And besides, we're criminals, so even if Italians were the pizza police, I'd say, fight the power!" Nero said, grinning mischievously.

Anthony snorted with laughter, nearly spilling his beer. "Nero, you're a rebel even with your food choices."

Maria giggled, giving Nero a playful shove. "Great, now we'll be ordering pineapple pizzas just to annoy Nigel."

Nigel sighed, shaking his head with a reluctant smile. "As much as it pains me, I suppose variety is the spice of life."

Diego, still manning the grill, chuckled. "Alright, alright. Pineapple pizzas for Nero, coming right up next time we have a pizza night."

Sofia leaned closer to Anthony, "I bet he does it just to see Nigel's reaction."

Anthony shook his head, "Nah, I've seen him break spaghetti a few times." Another gasp came from the group, while Nigel choked on his drink, looking at Nero as if betrayed. Nero shrugged, "Makes it easier to eat and doesn't change the taste. When I cook for myself, I don't care about aesthetics."

Nigel got up, his hands instinctively forming a bag-like shape, "Capo, it's not about aesthetics. The length of the pasta plays a critical role in how it interacts with the sauce; longer strands can better pick up and hold onto the sauce, delivering a more flavorful and cohesive bite."

Nero raised an eyebrow, "Then why do shorter varieties of pasta exist?"

Nigel sighed dramatically. "Each shape and size has its own unique purpose, Capo. They're like different tools in a chef's arsenal."

Nero clapped Nigel on the shoulder. "I agree, Nigel."

Nigel's eyes sparkled with hope. "You do?"

"Absolutely. Broken spaghetti is just another tool in the arsenal," Nero said with a mischievous grin.

The group burst into laughter, while Nigel's hopeful expression deflated. "You had me there, Capo."

Sofia couldn't contain her giggles. "Nero, you're terrible."

Nero winked at her. "Fight the power!"

Anthony leaned back, chuckling. "You know, with all this talk of food, I think we should have a cooking contest for real. Let's see who can out-cook who."

Diego chimed in, "Bring it on. I'm ready to show you all what real cooking is."

Nigel, finally recovering, gave Nero a playful glare. "You know, Capo, some traditions are worth preserving."

Nero chuckled, "Of course, Nonno, but I hate when our people force our traditions onto others." He leaned against the garden wall, his golden eyes sparkling with mischief. "Besides, breaking the spaghetti makes it fit better in the pot."

Nigel shook his head, a dramatic sigh escaping his lips. "Some traditions are sacrosanct, Capo. A good pasta should never be tampered with."

Diego laughed, flipping another steak. "Careful, Nero. You'll have Nigel challenging you to a pasta duel next."

Anthony grinned, raising his beer. "I'd pay to see that. Our own kitchen gladiator match."

Sofia joined in, "Only if I get to be the judge. And I promise to be fair, unlike some people," she said, giving Diego a pointed look.

Diego held up his hands in mock surrender. "Hey, I'm fair! I just have refined tastes."

Maria said playfully. "Refined tastes? You once put hot sauce on ice cream."

Diego shrugged. "It was an experiment."

The conversation flowed easily as the group finally settled at the table. Diego didn't burn anything, and Donald's sandwiches were set aside for now. They all looked at Nero sitting at the head of the table, who smiled and said, "We achieved something prideworthy and monumental. We not only brought down a child trafficking ring but also killed their leader. It is not much, but we can sleep tonight knowing the world is a better place. I know it is hypocritical coming from an aspiring Mafia boss, but even at our peak, Principe had always held onto honors, protecting the innocent. Anyway, let me cut to the chase. I couldn't have done it without any of you, and I thank you for being there! Salute."

Sofia raised her glass with a playful grin, "To Nero, our hypocritical hero!"

Anthony chuckled, "Yeah, boss. Just don't expect us to start calling you a saint."

Diego, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, added, "Though you did look pretty angelic in that suit today."

Maria looked at Diego, shielding Nero. "Stay away from my man, bitch."

Diego faked a saddened look, "Aww man, you got the best guy around. What will poor me do?" The group burst into laughter, easing into the warmth of the evening.

Donald took a bite of the steak and whispered, "Delicious." Nero, noticing his enjoyment, handed him another beer. "Eat more, Donald. You need to bulk up a bit."

Donald raised an eyebrow, curious. "Is this about the identity thing again, Nero?"

Nero chuckled, "Maybe. Just making sure you're ready for anything."

Anthony leaned back, grinning. "Better take his advice, Donald. Nero's got plans for all of us, whether we like it or not."

Sofia, balancing a plate on her lap, joined in. "True, he's always got some scheme up his sleeve. But at least we get to enjoy these awesome barbecues."

Nero's eyes sparkled with amusement. "Good. Let's keep it that way. We're here to relax and enjoy these nice dishes."

Donald, chewing thoughtfully, nodded. "I appreciate that. I've had enough surprises for one lifetime."

Sofia grinned, leaning into Anthony. "We should still have that cook-off, though. Just to see who really has the best skills in the kitchen."

Anthony laughed, "I'm in. But I'm betting on Diego. He's got the flair, if nothing else."

Nero raised his glass, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Alright, to Diego's flair, our victories, and many more nights like this."

The group clinked their glasses, savoring the camaraderie. Nero, taking a moment, looked around at his friends. "You know, it's moments like these that remind me why we do what we do. It's not just about power or revenge. It's about protecting what we have, the people we care about."

Maria smiled, her hand resting on Nero's arm. "And we're all here for you, Nero. Through thick and thin."

Anthony leaned into Sofia, whispering conspiratorially, "They're at it again."

Sofia, chewing her steak, rolled her eyes. "Yup. They've started talking in Cringe. Can someone translate what they're saying?"

Diego chuckled, glancing at Nigel. "You should understand them, right, Nigel?"

The old butler grinned. "No idea. In my time, I was cool and dashing. This language? Totally foreign."

Maria rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, come on, Nigel. Don't act like you weren't a hopeless romantic in your youth."

Nigel placed a hand over his heart, feigning offense. "I'll have you know, Maria, my wooing techniques were legendary and well-received."

Anthony smirked, "Yeah, right. What was it back then? Poetry under the moonlight?"

Nigel winked. "Precisely. And it worked every time."

Nero shook his head, a grin spreading across his face. "You guys are the worst. If I can't even inspire my own crew, where does my pride as a Mafia Boss go?" He mimicked Eric Cartman's voice perfectly. "Screw you guys, I'm going home."

The group erupted in laughter. As Nero headed toward the kitchen, Anthony called after him, "Don't forget the dessert, boss!"

Nero waved him off, "Yeah, yeah, you'll get your dessert. Just wait."

Diego turned to the group, shaking his head with a smile. "He's really got a knack for that Cartman impression."

In the kitchen, Nero was already hard at work, his movements precise and fluid as he prepared the ingredients for a Ratatouille apple rose tart.

As the group chatted and laughed, the smell of the grilling meat mixed with the fragrant aroma of Nero's dessert. Finally, Nero emerged from the kitchen, carrying the beautifully arranged tart. The intricate apple roses gleamed under a light glaze, the golden crust perfectly baked.

"Alright, everyone, dessert is served," Nero announced, setting the tart down with a flourish.

Sofia's eyes widened in admiration. "Wow, that looks incredible, Nero."

Diego whistled. "You've outdone yourself this time, boss."

Nero shrugged modestly. "Just wanted to make sure you all enjoy the night. Now, dig in."


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