Blind, Cripple and Grave Digger

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Returning to his study, Nero called out to Sorella, "Show me the achievements."

[Yes, Big Brother.] Sorella's voice echoed from the holographic screen. The screen lit up, displaying a list of accomplishments.

[Achievement Unlocked: Operation Stork Job,] Sorella began. [You tracked down the criminals from the initial intel provided by Nami. Donald and Maria infiltrated their ranks to locate where the children were kept. Erwin utilized his SHIELD connections to orchestrate their capture, saving the children and boosting his standing within the organization. Diego used his network to gather intelligence on Givens, leading to suspicions among the rich and contacting the Assassin's Guild. When no one else accepted the job, Ezio took it and eliminated Givens, enhancing his reputation in the guild. Overall, it was a resounding success.]

Nero leaned back in his chair, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. "Well done, everyone. Now, Sorella, show me the rewards."

[Right away, Big Brother.] Sorella responded. The screen shifted to a new display, revealing the rewards.

Anthony strolled into the study, catching sight of the screen. "Ooh, rewards time. What do we get? Another fancy car? Maybe some new gadgets?"

Nero chuckled, "Better. We've got some powerful allies and useful items."

Sofia popped her head around the doorframe, curiosity evident in her eyes. "What's on the list?"

2x D++ Class Character Card

1x D-- Tier Character Card

2x E Class Character Cards

1x D-- Class Item Card

2x E++ Class Item Cards

3x E Class Item Cards

1x D++ Class Ability Card

2x D+ Class Ability Cards

4x E++ Class Ability Cards

Sorella asked, [Do you want to condense the cards again, Big Brother?]

Nero shook his head, "Keep the character cards. Condense the Items and Abilities."

[Right away.] Sorella responded.

Anthony, still leaning against the doorway with a curious look, commented, "Condensing again, huh? What's the plan, Nero? Wanna land on a juicy ability?"

Nero glanced at him, "Simplification. We have too many scattered resources. This way, we get more powerful items and abilities without the clutter."

Sofia wandered in, settled next to Nero. "Sounds efficient. What are we hoping to get from this?"

Nero gestured to the screen. "Unique tools and abilities."

As Sorella began the condensation process, the screen flickered, displaying the new items and abilities.

[Process complete. Here are the new items and abilities.] Sorella announced.

New Items:

2x D++ Tier Item Cards

New Abilities:

1x C-- Tier Ability Card

Nero didn't wait, "Draw them, Sorella."

Sorella's voice responded from the holographic screen, [Drawing.]

The screen flickered, revealing the new characters, items, and abilities. As each card materialized, Nero's eyes scanned the details with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation.

"Let's see what we've got," Nero said, leaning forward.

First to appear was Toph Beifong from "Avatar: The Last Airbender." A fierce earthbender with unparalleled skill and determination. Next, Edward Elric from "Fullmetal Alchemist," a prodigious alchemist with the ability to transmute objects. Then came Lara Croft from the "Tomb Raider" reboot series, known for her intelligence, survival skills, and combat prowess. Marcus Holloway from "Watch Dogs 2," a tech genius and skilled hacker, and Finn the Human from "Adventure Time," a brave and adventurous hero, completed the lineup. 

Holding the cards, Nero looked thoughtful, while the others gathered around, trying to see what he held. "They seem strong," Maria commented over Nero's shoulder. Sofia, ever curious, tried to climb over Nero to get a better view, prompting Anthony to lift her up with ease.

"Draw the items and the ability, Sorella," Nero instructed.

[Items: D++ Mithril Armor (The Lord of the Rings), Green Destiny Sword (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon). Ability: C-- Shadow Travel (Percy Jackson Series)], Sorella displayed on the screen.

Anthony whistled. "Mithril armor and Green Destiny Sword? That's impressive."

Sofia, still perched in Anthony's arms, nodded eagerly. "And Shadow Travel sounds like it could be really useful."

Maria grinned. "Nero, you've hit the jackpot with these."

Nero chuckled, setting the cards down on his desk. "These are going to be valuable additions. Mithril armor is practically impenetrable, and the Green Destiny Sword is legendary for its sharpness and strength. As for Shadow Travel, it will give us an edge in stealth and mobility."

Diego leaned against the wall, a playful smirk on his face. "So, who gets what? You keeping them all for yourself, boss?"

Nero shook his head. "Not quite. The Mithril armor will go to Anthony. His role in direct combat makes it a perfect fit. The Green Destiny Sword... I think it suits Maria. She's already a skilled fighter, and this will enhance her abilities."

Maria's eyes widened. "For me? Are you sure?"

Nero nodded. "Absolutely. And the Shadow Travel ability will be Ezio's. It'll allow Ezio to move quickly and undetected, which is crucial for our operations. He earned it after assassinating Givens."

Sofia hopped down from Anthony's arms, excitement evident in her eyes. "This is amazing! We're becoming stronger every day."

Anthony clapped Nero on the back. "Great choices, Nero. This will definitely give us an edge."

Donald limped near, peering at the Character Cards laid out. "I don't recognize any of these characters," he said, his brow furrowing in confusion.

"I know Lara Croft, archaeologist," Maria remarked, glancing at the card in Nero's hand. "Nero mentioned her once, but the others...not so much."

Nero, noting their curiosity, offered a brief explanation. "I've talked about other worlds to you all, but it takes time to grasp it. You'll get used to it."

Sofia pointed to one of the cards. "That little girl looks strong," she said, eyes sparkling with interest.

Nero nodded, flipping the cards one by one to show them. "Toph Beifong, an earthbender from 'Avatar: The Last Airbender.' She's a force to be reckoned with. Edward Elric, a brilliant alchemist from 'Fullmetal Alchemist.' Lara Croft, as Maria pointed out, is an expert archaeologist and combatant. Marcus Holloway is a tech genius from 'Watch Dogs 2,' and Finn the Human is a brave adventurer from 'Adventure Time.'"

Anthony, sat Sofia on his shoulders, asked, "So, what's the plan with these characters?"

Nero frowned, "Toph is strong, and I would want to add her to the team..."

Maria sensed his hesitation. "But?"

Nero sighed, "But she is blind from birth. She can see through Earth Bending, but I am not sure if I want to bring her to this world to add to her suffering."

The others nodded, understanding the concern. This world was dangerous for a little blind girl, no matter how strong she was.

"Edward is also a good character," Nero continued. "In his world, he suffered the loss of a mother first, then in pain, he and his brother tried to bring her back. Edward lost a leg, while his brother Alphonse lost his body. Edward was forced to sacrifice his arm to bring Alphonse's soul back to Earth, sealed him into a suit of armor."

The room fell silent, the weight of the stories sinking in. They always thought these characters were just fictional, and never considered their depth, sufferings, and stories of love and loss.

Nero continued, "I am not sure if he would be happy to live without burden for once or feel conflicted without his brother. Now that I think about it, I had never considered these when I summoned before."

Sorella chimed in, [Worry not, Big Brother. All the characters appear in this world come willingly. No one is forced beyond their loyalty to you.]

Nero sighed in relief. "Well, that is reassuring."

Anthony leaned back, "So, who are we actually bringing in?"

Nero scanned the cards again. "Lara Croft and Finn the Human. Two of them have skills that can be immediately useful without adding too much risk."

Maria smiled, "Lara's intelligence and survival skills will be invaluable. How about Marcus?"

Nero leaned back, looking up at Sofia, who was perched on Anthony's shoulders. "I plan to integrate Marcus with you. What do you think?"

Sofia's eyes widened in surprise. "With me? That's a lot of tech power combined. Could be interesting."

Nero nodded, a hint of uncertainty in his eyes. "To be honest, I've never integrated anyone with cards except myself and Nyx before."

Anthony, steadying Sofia, glanced at the cards. "What makes Marcus special?"

"Marcus Holloway is a tech genius from 'Watch Dogs 2.' His hacking skills and tech expertise could enhance Sofia's abilities significantly. But integration is a delicate process," Nero explained, his tone thoughtful.

Sofia smiled, excitement mingling with a touch of apprehension. "I'm up for it, Nero. Just tell me what I need to do."

Nero handed the card to Sofia, his expression serious. "Press the card to your forehead and say as loud as you can, 'I, Sofia Mitchell, with the authority Nero Principe bestows upon me, accept your sacrifice, Marcus Holloway. Disintegrate and become my power.'"

Sofia took the card in awe, not realizing everyone was trying to stifle their laughter. "Why are you shaking so much, Anthony? I am not heavy, am I?"

Anthony took a deep breath, holding back his laugh. "No, no. Sorry."

Sofia nodded, pressed the card to her forehead, and shouted, "I, Sofia Mitchell, with the authority Nero Principe bestows upon me, accept your sacrifice, Marcus Holloway. Disintegrate and become my power."

When she was done, the card turned into particles of light and entered her forehead. Only then did she realize Maria was holding a camera, filming her. "And scene," Maria said.

Realizing she was tricked, Sofia blushed, but new memories and abilities started to flood her mind. "You guys!" She pouted but closed her eyes to remember every detail flowing in her mind. The others laughed, knowing Nero could tease in even the most serious situations, and no one could tell. Even Maria would fall victim to his poker face from time to time.

Nero chuckled, "Alright, everyone. Let's give Sofia some time to adjust. We've got more planning to do."

Anthony nodded, "Yeah, but that was worth it. Sofia, how do you feel?"

Sofia opened her eyes, the initial embarrassment giving way to excitement. "It's incredible. I can already sense new possibilities, new ways to use technology. Thanks, Nero. And I'll get you back for this, just wait."

Diego, still leaning against the wall, smirked. "I wouldn't expect anything less. Now, what's next on the agenda, boss?"

Nero pondered for a while and then said, "Next, there are two items on the agenda. This will also allow us to see if this universe matches any of the versions from other memories. Since Peter Parker looks like Tobey Maguire, I expect him to clash with Green Goblin soon. We should keep an eye on that front. On the other hand, the X-Men will make a move soon."

Anthony leaned back, raising an eyebrow. "X-Men? The mutants you mentioned? That's gonna be interesting."

Nero nodded, his expression serious. "Yes. They have been a powerful force, often misunderstood but immensely influential. We need to determine their stance and how it aligns with our goals."

Sofia, still adjusting to her newfound abilities, added, "If the X-Men are making a move, we need to figure out their objectives. They could be potential allies or rivals."

Maria tapped her chin thoughtfully. "And what about Peter Parker? If he's up against the Green Goblin, that's going to be a major event. How do we approach him?"

Nero waved his hand. "Nami already made contact with Peter Parker, and Sokka seems to have hit it off with him. For now, we don't need to intervene further."

The group nodded, knowing their presence in New York was already formidable. With Sakura on their side, whose strength could likely launch the Green Goblin to Boston, they felt secure. Nero held three cards, and soon, light particles formed into the figures of Toph, Lara Croft, and Edward Elric, who appeared kneeling in front of him.

"Rise," Nero commanded, smiling. "Welcome to the Familia."

He scrutinized their faces for any signs of confusion or reluctance but found none. Relieved, he continued, "Diego will update you. Toph, he's the one leaning against the wall."

Edward and Lara glanced at Toph, realizing she was blind.

"Don't look at me like that," Toph teased.

"Can you see us?" Lara waved her hand in front of Toph's face.

"I don't see like you do," Toph replied, smirking. "I sense people and their postures through my Earth Bending abilities."

Maria, catching the curiosity in Edward and Lara's eyes, stepped forward. "Toph's abilities are quite impressive. She can sense the vibrations in the ground, giving her a unique form of vision."

Toph nodded. "Exactly. So don't worry about me."

Nero then looked at Edward, "Now, I have an important task for you. I need you to go to Swayambhunath Temple in Kathmandu, Nepal."

The others, recognizing the significance of the location, grew serious. Nigel, standing behind Nero, asked, "Have you made up your mind?"

Nero nodded, his golden eyes reflecting determination. "If the Ancient One can still see us and hasn't interfered, there's nothing to worry about. If can't, then there's still nothing to worry about."

Edward tilted his head, curiosity piqued. "What's in Nepal?"

Nero leaned back in his chair, explaining, "Swayambhunath Temple is a place of great mystical importance. The Ancient One, a powerful sorcerer, resides there. He or she has the ability to see across dimensions and might be aware of our actions. It's crucial to know if he or she poses any threat to our plans or if he or she could become a potential ally."

Maria, sensing the gravity of the situation, asked, "What exactly do you want Edward to do there?"

Nero tapped his feet, pondering for a moment. "Edward is quite clever. He's an alchemy genius and can pick up sorcery pretty quickly. He can also be our eyes and ears in that place."

Maria nodded in agreement. "That makes sense. He's got the brains and the skills."

Edward puffed out his chest, clearly pleased with the praise. "What about me?" Toph asked, clicking her tongue at Edward's proud posture.

Nero thought for a moment. "This world is different from yours, and technology makes things a little complicated. Can you sense bullets in the air? Bullets are small metal projectiles propelled by gunpowder. They're tools for murder. I know you can bend metal, but I'm not sure if you're as sensitive to it as earth. What about plastic?"

Toph smirked. "I can sense vibrations through the ground, metal, or otherwise. As for plastic, it's trickier, but I'll manage. Just don't expect me to catch a bullet mid-air."

Nero smiled. "Oh, I forgot you come with a general understanding of this world. You should be aware of what bullets, plastics and snipers are then. We'll work on integrating your abilities with our tech. Your Earth Bending will be a great asset. We just need to make sure you're safe and effective in our operations."

Lara stepped forward, curiosity evident. "And what's my role?"

"You, Lara, are going to be our new field leader," Nero replied, his tone confident. "Your survival skills, intelligence, and combat prowess make you perfect for leading missions. Diego will assist you with his charm and infiltration skills."

Diego grinned, clearly eager for the challenge. "Sounds like fun, boss."

Nodding, Nero sent them off. "Diego, catch them up on our operations and goals."

Diego nodded, guiding the newly summoned trio away. Nero turned his attention to Sofia. "How did it go? Did you integrate everything?"

Sofia took a deep breath, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Yes, it's incredible, Nero. I feel like a part of me has awakened. Marcus' skills are merging perfectly with mine. I can already think of a dozen ways to enhance our tech."

Anthony smirked. "She's practically buzzing with energy. It's like watching a kid in a candy store."

Sofia playfully kicked his arm. "Hey, I'm just excited about the possibilities. This is a game-changer for us."

Maria, curious, asked, "What kind of new capabilities do you have now, Sofia?"

"Well," Sofia began, "I have advanced hacking skills, a deeper understanding of network systems, and the ability to manipulate digital environments almost instinctively. It's like I've got a supercharged brain for tech."

Nigel, standing by the window, nodded approvingly. "This will certainly enhance our operations."

Nero smiled, pleased with the results. "Good. We need every advantage we can get. The X-Men and Peter Parker's situations could unfold unpredictably. We need to stay ahead."

Anthony, intrigued, asked, "So, what's the next step with the X-Men? Do we reach out or wait?"

Nero pondered for a moment. "For now, we observe. They are a powerful group, and their goals often align with ours, but their methods differ. We need to understand their current stance and strategies."

Looking at the last card, Anthony asked, "Won't you summon him, Boss?"

Nero looked at Finn the Human and shook his head. "For now, I will keep him. He's young and idealistic. This world can be harsh, and I don't want to throw him into it unprepared."

Anthony nodded thoughtfully. "Makes sense. He might need some time to adjust."

Donald, who had been quietly observing, spoke up. "Last time you spoke about gods, and how they really exist. Can you talk more about it?"

Nero squinted at him, "You ask too much." Then got up to leave.


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