The Maximum Security Prison

Zhenyun Prison is situated on the southwestern border of the Hua Xia Country. Its name might not ring bells for everyone, but its reputation is just as formidable as that of the infamous Qincheng Prison in the capital city.

At Qincheng Prison, you'll find high-profile criminals and tycoons—people who, before serving their time, held such high positions that only the elite could ever step foot inside.

Zhenyun Prison is similar in a way. The inmates here are all extreme offenders, with at least a few lives on their hands or are notorious drug lords and arms dealers who have spent years skirting international borders.

In short, anyone who ends up here is either a truly ruthless criminal facing a life sentence or the death penalty.

Today, however, a few people who shouldn't be here are arriving at this desolate, foreboding prison in the southwest.

A military jeep with military district plates screeches to a halt outside the prison gates. Two people, a man and a woman, step out.

Their combination is eye-catching, even in a bustling metropolis, let alone in this remote area.

The man is dressed in a crisp military uniform, adorned with a shining general's star on his shoulder. Despite looking only around forty, he already holds the rank of Major General.

The woman is breathtakingly beautiful and radiant. Wrapped in a professional suit, her figure is elegantly alluring, definitely the kind of woman who could cause a stir among the inmates here.

As soon as they step out of the vehicle, they are met by the prison warden, who has been waiting at the entrance. Together, they quickly move towards the prison warden's office.

They are hurried and anxious, with a palpable sense of urgency and worry on their faces. The woman, in particular, has her delicate eyebrows furrowed, clearly troubled.

"warden, where is he?" The Major General asks solemnly, his tone leaving no room for hesitation. The trio swiftly reaches the warden's office.

"I've already sent someone to fetch him. He'll be here soon," the warden replies.

"Fetch? Warden, are you sure you're just fetching him and not interrogating him?" The beautiful woman raises an eyebrow, her tone laced with sarcasm.

At the hint of mockery, the warden just smiles and sits alone by the window, smoking a cigarette. He isn't inclined to elaborate further. He knows more about the man they're about to meet than anyone else. That man's past and achievements are nothing short of legendary.

The warden never considered him a mere criminal.

"Wan Yue, when you meet this person, make sure to put away any contempt," the Major General advises, his expression serious.

"Uncle Liu, can this person really save my father?" Su Wan Yue asks, her voice tinged with doubt. She finds it hard to believe that one person could turn the tide, especially when this person is a life-sentenced inmate of Zhenyun Prison.

If not for her trust in Grandpa Zhao, the Chief of Staff of the Nandu Military District, she would have considered turning back.

"In the entire southwestern region, if Chen Liuhui can't handle it, then we should prepare for the worst," the Major General says.

Hearing this, Su Wan Yue shivers. "Uncle Liu, this concerns my father's life. We can't afford any mistakes."

The Major General ponders for a moment before looking at Su Wan Yue with an extremely solemn expression. "Wan Yue, given the position of your Green Source Group, I believe you must be aware of some confidential information. A year ago, do you remember that massive international diplomatic incident?"

"I do. The royal shrine of a certain country was drenched in blood overnight, with thirty-eight dead and injured," Su Wan Yue says, her eyes widening with disbelief.

The Major General nods. "You're right. Chen Liuhui was behind that incident. If it weren't for the impact of that event, Chen Liuhui, who was repeatedly hailed as a national asset, wouldn't have ended up in prison."

"Do you know how many people petitioned to save him and failed? Chen Liuhui is a pride of the military, a true national asset, someone who achieved great feats in peacetime. Even now, there are many legends about him in the military. His abilities are unquestionable. If he can't resolve this situation, then no one else can."

The Major General speaks with unwavering certainty.

"Then why is he serving his sentence here? I always thought he'd be in Qincheng," Su Wan Yue asks in surprise, recalling the sensational event from a year ago.

"Qincheng?" The Major General chuckles, with a hint of meaning in his voice. "How many people in the capital dare to let him go to Qincheng?"

Before Su Wan Yue can ponder this cryptic remark, the office door suddenly swings open, revealing a tall, imposing young man.

The young man is dressed in prison garb, with a short haircut. He looks to be around twenty-four or twenty-five years old. He isn't strikingly handsome but has ruggedly defined features.

"You must be Chen Liuhui?" Su Wan Yue asks, her disappointment evident. Seeing Chen Liuhui in person, she feels let down. There's none of the soldierly spirit she expected—just a dispassionate, indifferent demeanor. It's hard for her to imagine this relaxed prisoner as someone of great significance.

"Ha, a rare visitor. And a Major General at that?" Chen Liuhui glances around casually, not lingering on Su Wan Yue's striking beauty. He makes himself comfortable in the warden's office chair, lights up a cigarette, and starts smoking.

According to strict regulations, inmates here are supposed to wear handcuffs and shackles. However, Chen Liuhui is an exception. He never needs them because, for him, they are merely for show.

If he truly harbored any ill intentions, no prison could contain him!

"To cut a long story short, Chen Liuhui, we're facing a very tricky emergency and need your help," the Major General says, getting straight to the point.

Chen Liuhui exhales a puff of smoke, glances briefly at Su Wan Yue's alluring figure, and then nonchalantly says, "A Major General asking me for help? Did I hear that right? Don't you know I'm an inmate? If that's why you're here, you can leave. I'm neither interested nor have the time."

The Major General remains undeterred. "This is a critical situation. Only you can complete this nearly impossible task."

He pauses, leans forward, and says deliberately, "Foreign mercenaries have invaded our territory, carried out a terrorist act, and now they want to leave. You were once a soldier, the best soldier. Has a year in prison completely dulled your military spirit?"

"Foreign invaders?" Chen Liuhui raises an eyebrow. "That's simple. Just mobilize powerful firepower and bomb them to death."

"If it were that simple, we wouldn't have come to you," the Major General sighs and points to Su Wan Yue. "This is Su Wan Yue, the only daughter of Su Wei Ye, Chairman of Green Source Group. These mercenaries came to Hua Xia specifically to abduct Su Wei Ye. He holds some crucial business secrets and technology. We must not let him be taken out of the country and fall into foreign hands."

"Currently, Su Wei Ye is in the hands of the mercenary squad, who are at the southwestern border and may cross out of the country at any moment. If that happens, we won't just lose valuable commercial secrets but also our national dignity!" The Major General says with conviction.

Hearing this, Chen Liuhui nods in understanding. "So, it's about saving lives while also dealing with killers. That's quite a challenge. No wonder you came to me."

"So, the enemy is quite formidable, right?" Chen Liuhui asks.

The Major General nods gravely, taking out several photographs from his briefcase. Chen Liuhui glances at them and starts to smile, then looks at Su Wan Yue again before saying, "Ah, it seems you've gotten yourself into something big. The Blood Wolf Mercenary Group, ranked thirteenth in the world, is involved. You couldn't have hired them without at least ten million dollars. Impressive investment."

Su Wan Yue frowns, irritated by Chen Liuhui's smug remarks. "Can you do it or not? If not, don't waste our valuable time!"

Chen Liuhui ignores her and says, "Let's talk terms."

"Complete this mission, and we'll grant you your freedom," the Major General says solemnly.

Chen Liuhui is momentarily taken aback, then smiles at the warden. "Old Tang, return the items I handed over when I was imprisoned. Looks like I'm about to get my freedom."

"Certainly." The warden smiles, immediately arranging to return Chen Liuhui's belongings, remaining silent throughout.

Chen Liuhui's gear is minimal—a simple outfit and a crescent-shaped blade.

"Don't you worry that I might deceive you?" The Major General asks curiously.

Chen Liuhui smiles faintly. "You wouldn't dare. Unless the old men of the Nandu Military District want me to dismantle their most prized aircraft and artillery."

"We'll provide any support or weapons you need, no questions asked," the Major General offers.

Chen Liuhui waves his hand dismissively, weighing the crescent blade. "No need. The Blood Wolf mercenaries are just kids. If they're not scared out of their wits when they see me, then they must have grown some skills."

Watching the nonchalant Chen Liuhui drive

away, Su Wan Yue anxiously asks, "Can he really do it?"

"Wan Yue, a national asset is not just a title. Trust him," the Major General says, though he himself feels uncertain.

"Uncle Liu, I'm curious. Why did he attack that royal shrine and cause such a massive disaster?" Su Wan Yue asks.

The Major General sighs, seemingly aware of some details. "For a woman, a woman who abandoned him after his downfall, choosing to stay safe and ignore him."

Throughout history, beautiful women have often been the source of trouble—resented, infuriating, and yet pitiful!