Private or Public Settlement

In the scorching summer sun, the sweltering heat in July and August feels like the sky is a blazing fireball, roasting the earth below. The temperature is so high that if one were to urinate on the ground, it might evaporate on the spot.

Yet, even in this oppressive heat, the streets are bustling with people hard at work, determined to make a living.

The afternoon sun is glaringly bright when a young man in a thin shirt and military-issue sandals is seen pedaling a rickety tricycle down the street.

The tricycle's handlebar is adorned with a bell, and its cargo bed is piled with assorted cardboard and scrap materials. A large sign on the side reads:

**"Waste Collection"**

The characters are crooked and barely legible. To Chen Liuhui, the sign is a testament to his artistic flair in calligraphy.

Below the main text, a smaller line reads, "Comprehensive Housekeeping Services, Door-to-Door Service Available, Hotline: xxxxxxx."

This sign becomes a striking feature on the bustling city streets. Most passersby cast disdainful glances, struggling to reconcile how a young man of Chen Liuhui's stature and appearance has chosen such a menial job.

On the one hand, it's commendable to endure hardship and strive diligently; on the other hand, it seems like a complete surrender to mediocrity without any dreams or ambitions.

Having spent half a month in this line of work, Chen Liuhui remains indifferent to others' judgments. After all, he is a man who lives by his own rules and views the world with a detached smile.

Today, he manages to haggle and buy some old paper from a middle-aged woman at a remarkably low price using his usual tactics.

Just as he is about to load the paper onto his tricycle, a commotion erupts on the adjacent street. A red BMW 5 Series suddenly screeches to a halt in the middle of the road. In front of the car lies a man who looks to be around thirty, with a shifty appearance.

A collision! This is the immediate assumption of everyone around. Soon, a crowd gathers, eager to witness the unfolding drama.

The car door opens, revealing a pair of white crystal-strap high-heeled sandals. Following that, a pair of slender, smooth legs emerges, wrapped in ultra-thin flesh-colored stockings, gleaming under the sun.

A woman steps out of the car and into the crowd's view.

The owner of the car is a young woman in a red dress, stunningly beautiful with a graceful figure. Her delicate features and voluptuous curves make her exceptionally attractive—exactly the type to leave both admirers and critics alike in awe.

Her wine-red, wavy long hair enhances her mature allure, making her look like a ripe peach.

In such heat, seeing such a striking woman can make one's mouth go dry and testosterone levels surge.

"Another perfect ten," Chen Liuhui thinks to himself. His standards for beauty are notoriously high, and it's rare for anyone to score a nine or ten. To encounter two such women in just a month—one from Zhenyun Prison and now this one—feels almost like fate.

"Ouch, it hurts so much! I think my leg is broken!" The man on the ground wails dramatically, and when he sees the woman get out of the car, his cries become even more intense.

Chen Liuhui leans against his tricycle, lazily lighting a cigarette, and shakes his head. "The acting is too exaggerated, not professional at all."

It's clear that this is a scam, but Chen Liuhui doesn't have the heroic spirit to intervene. He has no interest in playing the gallant savior.

His gaze returns to the woman, noting her impressive assets and shapely figure. "Big breasts, round butt. Not a mistress, then definitely a lover." Chen Liuhui thinks, pleased with his own assessment.

The beautiful car owner, despite knowing the man is deliberately scamming her, is momentarily flustered.

"Sir, are you alright? Are you hurt? Let me take you to the hospital," the woman says, her concern evident.

"Alright? My leg is broken! What kind of driving is this? How are you going to handle this? I can't even stand up!" The man continues to play up his injuries. "Are we settling this privately or going through the police?"

The woman quickly realizes the man is trying to scam her and is infuriated. "Let's go through the police. We'll report this and then go to the hospital. I'll take responsibility if it's my fault."

The man, a seasoned scammer, isn't fazed. "Fine, call the police and go to the hospital. I'll need a full-body check-up and a statement. It'll take a day to sort out."

The woman is both angry and helpless. She has urgent matters to attend to and can't afford to waste time with this con artist. Reluctantly, she pulls out a wad of cash from her handbag and throws it at the man.

However, she's not naïve and doesn't want the money to go to waste. She looks around and her eyes land on Chen Liuhui. "Sir, I'm in a hurry. Could you please help take him to the hospital? Ensure he gets a full check-up."

Chen Liuhui, caught off guard, shakes his head without hesitation. "I'm sorry, but I'm too busy. Can't you see I'm running a profitable business? Every minute counts."

The crowd's disdainful looks are directed at him. It's hard to see how collecting scrap could be considered a profitable venture.

The woman, increasingly frustrated by Chen Liuhui's lack of sympathy, glares at him and offers more money. "I'll compensate you! Please, just help me out."

Chen Liuhui's face brightens instantly. "Sure thing. Helping others is a noble duty."

He shamelessly accepts the money and approaches the scammer, crouching down with a smile. "The money's here. Why are you still lying down? Time to get up and finish your act."

The woman's anger flares up. "Do you know he's scamming me? Why didn't you speak up earlier?"

Chen Liuhui looks innocent. "I didn't know."

"You didn't know? Then what was that comment about money and finishing up?" The woman accuses, her eyes blazing. "Are you in on this scam too?"

Chen Liuhui is taken aback. "Oh, did you overhear that? Well, I didn't know he was scamming you. I just thought it was part of the act."

The scammer's cries of pain become more intense. Chen Liuhui grabs the man's seemingly intact but swollen leg and pinches it lightly between two fingers. There's a faint cracking sound, and the scammer starts rolling on the ground, screaming in agony.

Now, the leg is genuinely broken—not from the accident, but from Chen Liuhui's pinch.

Though Chen Liuhui avoids meddling in others' affairs, he has little tolerance for scammers. If they want to get something for nothing, they should be prepared to face some consequences.

"See, his leg really is broken," Chen Liuhui says to the woman.

The woman, disturbed by the scammer's genuine distress, decides to leave quickly. She shoots Chen Liuhui a final glare, muttering, "I'll remember you. Just wait."

With that, she drives off in her BMW, leaving Chen Liuhui to deal with the scammer.

"Alright, since everyone's gone, stop pretending. Take the ten thousand and get a cab to the hospital. After treating your leg, you should have enough left for some good nutrition." Chen Liuhui says casually.

The scammer, writhing in pain, glares at Chen Liuhui with venom. "Who the hell are you? Do you want to die?"

Chen Liuhui takes out a pack of cheap cigarettes, lighting one. "I see three of your accomplices among the crowd. If you want to play games, I can handle them too. Just a friendly reminder, I can break their legs just as easily as I broke yours."

He pauses, grinning. "I suggest you call it a day. It's not worth making a big scene. And get your friends to take you to the hospital before you face any long-term damage."

With that, Chen Liuhui flicks the ash off his cigarette and gets on his shabby tricycle, leaving the scene in style.

As soon as he departs, three young men from the crowd converge on the scammer. "Bro, just let it go? Say the word and we'll find a secluded spot to deal with that guy."

"Stop talking. Just take me to the hospital. We'll settle this score another day," the scammer wails as he is helped away.